Sentences with phrase «lift right hip»

Extend your left arm and lift your right hip, keeping balanced and centered.

Not exact matches

Step 2: Lift your hips and slip the binder under your back while you are lying down, flat side of binder is in your right hand, printed directions against skin.
Keep your chest, shoulders, and hips facing forward and your left leg straight and strong as you push your right foot into your right hand and lift your right leg up.
Extend right leg up toward the ceiling as you lift hips and come onto left toes (B).
While keeping your core engaged, hips and shoulders square to the ground, right leg bent and foot flexed, lift your leg until your thigh is parallel with the ground.
Lower bottom hip to the floor (B), lift hip back up, and rotate torso while weaving right arm under torso (C).
Bring your left hand to your hip on an inhale, and exhale to shift your weight to the right leg as the left leg lifts and extends back to counterbalance, parallel to the ground.
«Lay on the ground on your back, put your legs up on a stability ball, lift your hips up and down; do three sets of 15 reps.. If you want to make it harder, lift from your hips and lift your right leg up, and put your leg back down.
Lift the right leg back up, straight out of your hip, as you engage the core and lengthen the neck.
Whilst keeping the feet together and your hips lifted, raise the right knee as high as you can without parting the heels away.
Position One: Keeping hips stacked and right foot flexed, lift leg up.
Push your right foot down and feel your heart lift up and you allow your outer hips to lower toward the earth.
Raise your right arm to the sky and keep hips lifted (b).
With your eyes on the dumbbell, lift your torso and hips as you press up with your right arm, your right hand slightly behind you (B, below).
Stack your right foot on top of your left and engage the obliques to lift the hips in line with the shoulders.
Lift right leg up above the hips.
Lift hips and cross right ankle over left thigh.
Keeping hips square and core engaged, lift your right hand off the ground.
Lift right leg up to hip height, then swing it through bringing right ankle behind left wrist.
Lift both knees up, bringing your feet right behind your hips.
Turn your right toes up to the ceiling then lift and lower your right leg 8 times without letting your hips rock backward.
Slightly bend your right knee, hinge at your hips and bring torso close to parallel with the floor (left leg should be lifted and parallel with the floor).
Come back into plank position, this time lifting your right leg straight back to hip height.
Brace your core and engage your abs to lift your hips and knees off the floor, extending the right arm, until your body forms a straight line and the arm is perpendicular to the floor.
Starting off with the right knee bent back in half of Virasana, lift the leg by pulling the head of the thigh bone into the hip socket and activating the pelvic floor.
Use your lower abs to lift your hips and jump both feet forward and to the right side of your body.
Lift right knee to hip level.
Squeeze glutes and lift hips so they align with knees; extend right leg (B).
Keeping your torso still, lift your hips and move them a bit to the right; lower and straighten your legs again.
Engage your abs and the right side of your waist, lifting your hips so your body forms a straight line from head to feet.
Lift hips and cross right ankle over left; lift heels Lift hips and cross right ankle over left; lift heels lift heels (A).
Keeping that same form, raise your legs up and slightly over to the right, allowing your hips to lift just a tiny bit.
Exhale and rotate from the ribs toward your lifted knee, scooping the back of the right knee with your left hand and placing your right hand on your right hip, right elbow and gaze directed behind you.
Take five breaths here, sensing the movement that lives within the steadiness of the pose while wrapping your right hip back and down and lifting in and up through the low belly.
Exhale as you lean forward and extend your leg behind you, doing your best to keep your right hip parallel to your left hip while lifting your low belly.
Turn your left toes toward the floor so hips are even; drop your left hand to the floor and twist your torso to the right, lifting your right hand to the ceiling.
Use your lower abs to draw your hips up and back into the starting position of Downward dog (7), lifting your right leg high.
Practice your power stance in the bathroom, in front of a mirror - stand with your hands on your hips, your chest lifting, your head up - or find what feels and looks right for you!
Lift hips and extend right leg straight out (A).
Reach your arms out or forward and slowly hinge forward at the hips, allowing your right leg to lift behind you.
On an inhalation lift your hips higher until you curl more into a backbend with your right foot solid on the ground.
Lift the right leg up into the air and externally rotate it open from the hip socket — the toes spin out, heel in.
Holding that position and keeping the hips square to the floor, lift the right arm, bringing the elbow to torso level in a rowing motion.
Focusing on your waist, inhale as you lift your ribs off your hips, and exhale as you twist your waist to the right.
You are paying attention to your right hip, feeling the psoas muscle lifting your right thigh initiating the movement of taking a step forward.
Instead, press your right femur back and lift your sternum away from your navel to re-create a Tadasana leg and torso in concert with opening your left hip.
Breathe in and lift your legs until they are almost at a right angle with the hips, and that point, raise your hips up as well.
Keeping chest upright and hips square, slowly lift right leg.
Then jump up in place, lifting right knee to hip height and come up on ball of left foot; simultaneously swing left arm overhead.
Then, lift up your right arm as you push your hips up.
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