Sentences with phrase «lifted leg extends»

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When the babies lift their hands, extend their legs and grasp objects, they are developing their physical skills and hand - eye coordination.
A built in stage - position lever lifts easily to convert the car seat base from Stage 1 to Stage 2 with one motion, creating extended leg room and more upright, spacious seating for growing toddlers.
Lift one of the legs and make gentle strokes on the ankle and slowly extend it towards the thighs.
Slide your left toes back along the ground until leg is fully extended, then lift the leg so that it's parallel to the ground.
From child's pose, lift hips then extend legs toward straight, keeping the feet hip width or wider.
Extend right leg up toward the ceiling as you lift hips and come onto left toes (B).
Slowly lift your left leg to hip height with foot flexed and extend your left arm along your left leg.
With your whole upper body fully extended upward, lift your legs up towards the ceiling by engaging your thigh muscles.
Bring your left hand to your hip on an inhale, and exhale to shift your weight to the right leg as the left leg lifts and extends back to counterbalance, parallel to the ground.
Extend left leg straight up and lift your hips off the mat (picture A).
Keeping the knee bent to a 90 - degree angle, lift your left leg out to the left side, then extend it.
Lift one knee up in the air, extend the leg, bend again and then slowly return to the starting position.
As you extend your lifted leg while pushing the floor away from you, be careful not to lock the knee of the standing leg.
Next, lie fully on the table with both legs extended; lift right leg toward the ceiling without bending your knee.
From all fours, lift your right leg and extend it long behind you while you reach your left arm forward, lengthening the spine as you extend your arm and leg in opposite directions.
Place hands on the ground and extend right leg straight back, then lift.
From sitting, lift up to stand on your left leg, then lower back down keeping your right leg extended the whole time.
To release slowly let go of the foot and extend the right leg back, keeping it lifted, as you lower your left hand to the ground.
Lift both legs upward and extend them in a «V» position, keeping feet about six inches (15 cm) from the bench, squeezing the glutes until your lower abdomen is slightly elevated from the bench.
Inhale, raising head to look forward; as you exhale, lift chest and legs off floor, clasping hands together behind back with arms extended.
With each inhalation, slightly lift and lengthen the torso, and with each exhalation extend your torso and try to bring it a little bit closer to the legs without rounding your back.
You can also perform side planks by lying on one side and keeping your legs straight and fully extended and resting on your forearm with the elbow directly under the shoulder, then bracing your core and lifting your body up so that it forms a straight line.
If you're advanced, you can try this move with one leg extended and lifted off the ground.
The best tip I learned was to use a strap around the lifted leg and inch my hand overhead closer toward my foot slowly, while using a wall for support with the extended arm for balancing, focusing on one thing at a time instead of many.
Just before your legs reach vertical, extend your torso to lift your lower back off the floor into a candlestick position.
As you inhale, draw your belly button toward the spine and engage your lower abs, then extend your right arm and left leg and lift them off the floor until they form a straight line with the rest of your body, keeping the spine neutral.
Lift right leg up, keeping it bent, and extend right arm straight up (A).
Squeeze glutes and lift hips so they align with knees; extend right leg (B).
To perform bicycle crunches correctly, get into a regular crunch position, then lift your right shoulder toward your left knee and simultaneously extend the right leg, then repeat on the opposite side without pausing.
Extend your legs, and then draw them in, keeping your chest lifting.
Extend right leg straight out and lift it about 6 inches off the floor (A).
The back of the lifted shoulder and the triceps help to extend through the elbow to create a bow - shape with the lifted leg.
Exhale as you lean forward and extend your leg behind you, doing your best to keep your right hip parallel to your left hip while lifting your low belly.
This may take some practice, but on an inhale, see if you can bend through the left leg and start lifting your right leg out in front of you, to come to a standing position with the right leg extended.
Lift the left foot up and extend the leg outwards, toe pointed.
Curl your toes under, lift your knees and extend the legs.
Lie facedown with legs extended behind you, squeezing a soft ball between heels with feet flexed and shins lifted off floor.
Next, push with your arms and lift off the ground, extending your raised leg in an arabesque.
Lift your back foot off the ground and bring your heel toward your glutes, then drive through the heel of the standing leg and fully extend the hips and knee to stand up, using only your front leg.
While hanging, lift your legs up until they become parallel with the floor, keeping the knees extended.
Single Leg Hip Lifts: extend one leg out straight and lift and lower your hips just like you did in # 1.
Lift hips and extend right leg straight out (A).
As the heart extends forward, the rear leg will begin to lighten and lift.
Sit briefly on the chair and then contract the glutes to lift up out of the chair and begin extending the legs.
Your right leg should still be fully extended, and now lift your right foot off the floor so that your body is balanced on its side on top of the roller.
When you come to standing, use your core muscles to lift the back leg off the floor and extend it behind you, squeezing the glutes as you perform the tricep kickback.
Open the chest and extend the lifted leg to the side, being careful not to swing the supporting hip out to the side.
Straighten the leg fully when extending to lift the weight, but do not lock out the knees at the top of the lift.
Now extend one leg in front and while keeping it straight lift and hold the extended leg as high as you can for a count of twenty.
Bring your body to a «V» shape by lifting your legs and torso toward each other, keeping both your legs straight and your arms extended.
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