Sentences with phrase «light attack»

The combat is your typical hack and slash affair, mixing heavy attacks with light attacks in order to unleash devastating combos.
One button for light attacks, another for heavy, and another for specials.
Following up a successful block with a flurry of light attacks is a great way to handle a close - encounter melee threat.
You can also combo your attacks, so like two light attacks followed by a heavy attack produce a certain bonus attack at the end.
It makes for smooth and fluid combat mapped to the face buttons, with light attacks and heavy attacks both open to you.
The system is simple, with square for light attacks and triangle for heavy attacks.
The dodge move is a bit iffy and takes some getting used to since you have to press the jump and light attack buttons at the same time for Raiden to do a small backwards jump.
If you push buttons during the normal throw delayed tech window you are unable to escape throws for 2 frames: Prevents using light attacks to option select with throw escapes.
God of War defaults to Dark Souls - style controls, with light attack on R1 and heavy attack on R2.
Funny thing about the marine in close combat is, that you can defeat predators and xenomorphs easily as you can block light attacks and shoot the enemy before he can hit with his heavy attack.
BRAINDEAD blood vials system for easy mode healing, BRAINDEAD retaliation system to regain lost HP by spamming light attack over and over again, no strategy, no fun, just braindead
Transitions from Deflect into Light Attack to inflict bleeding on opponent.
BRAINDEAD blood vials system for easy mode healing, BRAINDEAD retaliation system to regain lost HP by spamming light attack over and over again, no strategy, no fun, just braindead spam.
The battle system in Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 is largely the same as it's predecessors and features a heavy / light attack system with special chakra attacks you can power - up after a certain number of hits.
I also began to use the guard break technique which with the press of the «x» button will break your enemies guard allowing you to execute a quick light attack which will slowly but surely chip away at their health levels.
A former adviser recalls heated conference calls in which campaign brass urged him to green - light an attack ad on his Democratic opponent, John Gregg.
«The Department of Defense will soon notify Congress it plans to sell 12 A-29 Super Tucano light attack aircraft to Nigeria.
The Critical Counter and «Clashing» mechanics seem well enough at first, thought the clashing seems subverted by the ubiquitous roll, and the critical counters can not be comboed into; rather, you must be in relatively close range, and your hard punch / kick must somehow have priority over whatever they are being countered with — not likely if light attacks are being used.
You may need to shoot them with your Slinger or only deal standard / light attacks so that their bodies remain on the ground.
Upgrades include simple things like increasing the amount of hits a simple light attack chain can deliver to upgrading how quickly your ring energy fills up.
The system is largely unchanged; you'll still rely on the handy combos like two light attacks rounded off by bringing a heavy attack crashing down to get by, but the refinements and tweaks make it more fun.
Swinging my Joy - Con with varying degrees of fervour produces different attacks, with light attacks needing a swift swipe, and heavy attacks requiring an almighty slash that almost propels me off my sofa.
+ Score multiplier system based on an auto - targeting Lighting Attack!
Using the square button to deliver light attacks, the triangle button to deliver heavy attacks, the circle button to grab your opponent, and the left and right d - pad directions to swap between teammates, you'll take on each level as a chance to beat the pulp out of a bunch of enemies.
The combat system can't truly be appreciated unless one is playing on the harder difficulties, in which proper tactics and strategies must be utilized; on easier difficulties, one could usually get away with constant light attacks and a witcher sign or two.
At its most basic King's Tale is a Streets of Rage style beat»em up, the player has one main abilities light attack, heavy attack, block and roll, all fairly basic but it's how the player needs to use each different for each enemy.
Special Move Cancels work best if you plug them in immediately following any attack button such as Light Attack or Heavy Attack.
You've got your basic light attacks, heavy attacks, blocking, and the ability to dodge in any direction.
Dagger Cancel: Allows you to cancel Heavy Attacks with Light Attacks during the startup.
Not only does each weapon have a heavy and light attack option, but if you press one of the shoulder buttons your character will transform your weapon into one that vastly increases either the damage or attack speed depending on the weapon.
Her speedier, lighter attacks come courtesy of her «Lunar» powers, while her more heavier and harder hitting abilities comes from her «Jupiter» form.
However, players on the defensive can execute combo breakers if they identify what type of attack is being used against them (light, medium or strong) and then press both light attack buttons together.
I believe if the game had more smoothness with the combos, such as being able to use light attacks and ranged to make a combo etc..., would improve the game tenfold because the actual quality of the animations are actually satisfactory.
Combat is done via a mix of light attacks, heavy attacks, shooting, transforming, and the all - important dodge.
The game's control scheme features two buttons for light attacks and two for heavy, but by repeatedly pressing just the light punch button you can execute a full combo, starting on the ground, launching into the air, and finishing by knocking the target back to the ground.
You've got your heavy attack on triangle and your faster, light attack on square, both of which can be augmented depending on which weapons you assign to those buttons.
The heavy attack / light attack system, complimented by magic and weapons at your fingertips, crucially make it feel like an action game in the heat of battle.
Retaliation mechanism makes the game so easy, you get free health by spamming light attacks.
God of War defaults to Dark Souls - style controls, with light attack on R1 and heavy attack on R2.
«There's two parallel paths that we're looking at on light attack.
«How can the light attack actually contribute to that?»
Even though the Lakers recently acquired Steve Nash and look to be making a push for a trade to get Dwight Howard, Bell would fit in well as a defensive component for the defense - light attack that Nash brings to the table.
No, it does not attack you with a light attack it did before.
You try to analyze, look through the strategy the opponent is using, you restart the fight, and try to attack with light attack.
It includes parrying, kicking, light attacks, heavy attacks, pouncing on enemies, etc..
You still have strong and light attacks, Musou attacks, but there's also your partner attacks and rush mode.
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