Sentences with phrase «light in the world»

Every once in a while there's a bright light in the world of endangered species and animal conservation and this is one of those times.
Wish you for a safe and secure pregnancy journey and a healthy smiling infant that can bring light in this world.
She is a guiding light in the world, dedicated to bringing the powerful and simple teachings of yoga to the forefront of life today.
We recently had a great chat with Arie Ball, who is VP of Sourcing and Talent Acquisition at Sodexo - a company which is the shining light in the world of social recruiting.
Paul exhorts the Philippians to be «children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world» (Philippians 2:15).
And like Gough and Greene before her, the Gaiety graduate is a leading light in the world of theatre: she wrote and performed the play Charolais, which bagged her the Stewart Parker Trust Award and is due to hit theatres in the US and Australia.
We were just trying to find a place where we could focus and not be distracted, and I remember the clarity of saying, «OK, we want to be salt and light in the world at large.»
When our allegiances get inverted, bad things happen and we fail to live into our call to be salt and light in a world desperately in need.
And that receding moment, once so vividly present and still so apparently alive (in part because of radio), is just like this moment, this Saturday afternoon, with its new show, coming to us live from Minnesota, where people right now are watching the red light in the World Theater in downtown St. Paul, waiting for the moment when it all begins again.
The book is called Dying to Religion and Empire and is about how Christianity can regain some of our ability to be salt and light in this world by re-imagining how we practice our rites and how we stand up for our rights.
Fonterra is held up as a shining light in world dairy markets.
«At this wavelength, this is the most intense laser light in the world.
They are called to this work to awaken that which is extraordinary within them so they can be inspirational lights in the world today.
Dr. Brogan's program is a soundly welcomed bright light in a world otherwise focused solely on pharmaceuticals.»
Born from the hopes and dreams of two entrepreneurial spirits in 1986, Trans Globe Lighting offers one of the most comprehensive and stylish collections of residential lighting in the world.
fun loving and hard workin man just tryna shine a lil light in this world.
Melissa... Raunch really creates a convincing cynical character shedding light in the world of optimism and big dreams that is gymnastics.
St. Paul exhorts the Christians in Philippi «to be blameless and innocent in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as light in the world».
The location shooting on the streets of Los Angeles gives the movie that docu - texture of a certain strain of noir, with night shoots letting the minimal lighting and the headlights of cars create pools of light in a world of darkness.
It's important for our kids to see us engaging fully in the complex struggle of what it means to pursue being God's light in the world, which includes our home.
The more serious we become about being salt and light in the world, the more devoted we will become to mission and justice, the more concerned for the least and the lost, the more stubborn about forgiving those who don't want our forgiveness, the more determined about exposing the works of darkness — and the more we will suffer.
But if we are failing to be salt and light in the world, then we are supposed to be held to higher standards, and sometimes this means people will point out to us our failures.
I imagine you already know, being a light in a world, where things are so muddled and where it is difficult to find focus, is no easy task.
Although Jesus never asked us to change the world, He does call us to live a life that is worthy of being called salt and light in the world.
We seek to be lights in the world and to help others, but we can not change the world.
Did not Jesus say that we are lights in this world?
To be salt and light in the world may, at times, be as difficult as taking a sailing ship to China or preaching to headhunters or living in a rain forest.
Pope Francis, through his teaching on priestly witness, challenges a certain kind of conservative Christian to realize his duty to be a light in the world.
All I could see was darkness — as if all the light in the world had been extinguished.
Two things usually happen to people in this wake up moment: they shrink in fear, unable to accept the great light that is wanting to shine through them (suddenly the Quo life seems easier than being a light in the world) or you surrender and give permission to your soul to lead YOU instead of thinking (literally thinking) your way through life.
You are a light in the world.
We even had glowsticks to remind us to be the LIGHT in the world.
Losing your light in this world tears my heart into pieces.
to restore the light in the world in a fantasy RPG boasting animated turn - based battles, plenty of sub-quests and many more intriguing challenges.
This reader was actually the lightest in the world.
I closed the final chapter of this book shaking my head in disbelief at how selfishly I have been living my own life, consumed with minor details of discomfort and inconvenience, when there are people like Mary Ann who despite her ailment was able to live outside of herself and be a light in the world!
4) jetbook IS lightest in the world.
Then, of a sudden, there was a light in the world, and a man from Galilee saying, Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's.
«We worked a lot on all of the lighting in the world and we have a full day and night cycle, a full weather system, it's based on the server, and we wanted to make sure that as soon as you are driving and piloting, the experience you have when you are free driving is changing all the time, it's living, it's the feeling you want to have when exploring the world.
to restore the light in the world in a fantasy RPG boasting animated turn - based battles, plenty of sub-quests and many more intriguing challenges.
Danny Lyon wrote: «A powerful metaphor of America, Margaret Morton's The Tunnel shows the beauty of people we shun, and the light in a world we can not see.»
I don't start out with an image in mind, nor a set of objects, nor a narrative line... but I do begin early on to imagine a time of day which determines the length or absence of shadows and the light in this world.
The paintings refer to our experience and memory of colour and light in the world, creating a chroma - chord experience.
LM Wind Power's wind turbine blades made from a unique blend of carbon and glass fiber and other materials are the lightest in the world.
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