Sentences with phrase «lighten someone»

Lighten up people... its ok... it doesn't make him fillable!
Would that these were translated into each and every language so that they might be read and understood not only by Scots and Irishmen, but also by Turks and Saracens... Would that the farmer might sing snatches of Scripture at his plough, that the weaver might hum phrases of Scripture to the tune of his shuttle, that the traveler might lighten with stories from Scripture the weariness of his journey.1
Maybe we don't have to change each other's minds to lighten one another's load by not assuming motives, by giving each other the benefit of the doubt that we arrived at our beliefs through honest searching.
Bring me your tired, weak, lazy, welfare recievers and let me relieve you of your burden, lighten your hearts and your wallets.
Among his many books are the first two volumes of a proposed trilogy, Thinking the Faith: Christian Theology in a North American Context, and Professing the Faith; Lighten Our Darkness: Toward an Indigenous Theology of the Cross; The Reality of the Gospel and the Unreality of the Churches; The Stewardship of Life in the Kingdom of Death; and God and Human Suffering.
Please lighten up a little, dear Carl Olson.
I meant to help «lighten'the mood, and apparently didn't succeed.
Lighten up and enjoy Me.
The people who have «unfriended» you need to lighten up and «get a life» as they say.
You people seriously need to lighten up and stop being so offended when someone «outs» a company as being Christian.
Then the mariners were afraid; and every man cried out to his god, and threw the cargo that was in the ship into the sea, to lighten the load.
Thou causest me to see a darkness of thy making; Lighten me that I may see thee.
Lighten up, dude.
Let me lighten your «sadness,» DK.
Then the mariners were afraid; and every man cried out to his god, and threw the cargo that was in the ship in into the sea, to lighten the load.
I feel free to resume a different journey that aims to lighten my being rather than to burden it.
If talking alone does not lighten the load, try expressing your feelings in nondestructive physical ways.
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, And lighten with celestial fire;
These include the respect in which they are held in the community, the genuine appreciation they receive for work well done, the privilege of being invited to be with persons in their brightest and darkest hours, the satisfaction of communicating ideas that are important, the security of being surrounded by people who have affection for them, and the deep sense of well - being that comes from self - investment in significant work which helps lighten the load of humanity and makes for a better world.
Let the muscles of your eyelids lighten up, become ready to open your eyes, and become aware of the room.
If you have trouble with the gesture... lighten up.
Daycare services could lighten the scheduling burden of families who wish they «had more time» to attend church on Sundays.
You just lighten them up a little bit, and maybe they are on their way.
It's comedy, just lighten up.
Uh, use your imagination and just lighten up the actor's complexion.
Lighten up and enjoy the contributios to all mankind, that each and everyone of us can share together...
Atheist that name themselves need to lighten up.
Some of them, like the ancient Babylonians, developed a carpe diem philosophy; others found nothing to lighten their melancholy.
Blending ancient tradition with modern innovation, there's a newish Jewish Web app to help you lighten the load of guilt and spill your bad deeds.
And God does not lighten the choice between the hard truth and the easy fraud.
«A light to lighten the Gentiles» is the way glory is brought to Israel, he proclaims as a lonely voice in the wilderness.
I appreciate satire and humor from any person, it can lighten things up.
And rather than write a serious post about why we should lighten up, I just decided to post a few things that I hope will make you laugh.
How can Christians proclaim the joy of heaven if they resent any efforts to lighten the burden of parole?
Eighthly, lighten up.
The real Western's got to have some lighten - ning glimmer of heroism, humor, or freedom in it.
church sucks... life sucks... I don't even want the painting... I know this is only a discussion, but there are a lot more pressing things and issues to be discussed then elder vs leader... I know... lighten up... I will once I get some more caffeine into me... later
And some things, we just can't lighten up about.
He is tired of date - setting Christians and wants us all to lighten up a bit.
Sure, there are a lot of underlying factors at play, but part of it may boil down to a simple idea: Some Christians need to lighten up a little.
People do need to lighten up.
i used to see a counselor and a psychiatrist but they did nothing bit lighten my wallet.
Twenty years after the I Kissed Dating Goodbye movement, we're finally learning to lighten up about dating.
Try and lighten up a bit, like your profile pic suggests you can.
In their minds he has the potential to do something unheard of, to lighten the fundamental burdens of life that plague their existence.
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