Sentences with phrase «lights coming»

This can range from LED lights coming off baby monitors, sunlight coming through curtains, or hall light coming under the door
This will help your child sleep longer and avoid any lights coming in the room.
Month Seven: Lights Coming On The little guy is starting to fatten up, and his brain is enlarging rapidly, with its lifelong functions coming online.
When God looks at his / her children all God see is two lights coming together, not a man or a woman, a man or a man or a woman and a woman.
If it were not for the vacuity of the room between the windows and doors for lights coming in and going out, there would be no place to live.
It manages to turn a less - than - scintillating - sounding subject — our aging electricity grid — into compelling reading, he claims, writing that even those who have never spent a minute pondering how the lights come on will leave this one understanding «that the electrical grid is one of the greatest engineering wonders of the modern world» and «why modernizing the grid is so complex and so critical for building our clean - energy future.»
It's just like the classic behavioral conditioning «Skinner Box» experiments that train lab mice to press a lever to get a food pellet whenever a light comes on.
The soiled carpet is a sort of puke - green color, and the only natural light comes from a few skylights far overhead.
A few other brands got in on the action but before the lights came back on, Oreo's new ad had the strongest showing, retweeted more than 10,000 times and thousands of «favourites» on Twitter.
In addition to offering basic information about the car, the app can give instant troubleshooting feedback when a service light comes on.
«Then the light came on,» Stack says.
Same thing in China — a lot of our lighting comes from China, and there we have a team as well that goes and does engineering and quality control in those factories.
The green light comes as a 30 - day due diligence process that began in mid-August draws to a close.
The authors of the Bible didn't understand where light comes from and they didn't understand the role of the sun in our solar system.
Whereupon lighting came down out of the clouds and killed... Sister Josephine!
The world is looking for answers, but the light comes only from Jesus Christ.
Zacharias says that light comes with Jesus Christ, the Dayspring from on high.
The light came and we have been devising clever ways to extinguish it ever since.
For many hours I talked to God, in the darkness of my room, and then a great big light came to me.
Inside, the church pews are quietly filled with people praying; light comes only from the sanctuary where, lit by candles, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.
You know all of that, but you're still able to hear these as true stories, as metaphorical narratives using ancient archetypal language to make, among other affirmations, that Jesus is the light coming into the darkness, to make the affirmation that the Herods of this world constantly seek to destroy that which is born of God.
there is no spiffy, can't be much plainer than that, i don't care how many spiffy disciples crawl out of the woodwork, when the light comes on they will all scurry like the roaches they are.
Ann B, for me doubt is like a light coming on --- and if I find a solution or answer it is then like stepping out into the sunlight and fresh air.
«The light came into tile world and men preferred darkness to light.»
I couldn't look directly at him because there was so much light coming from him.
The days are longer when the light comes breaking through.
The Word resounded and light came into existence as a permanent witness of the Word spoken in the past.
How can we, as Christians, celebrate light coming into the world when there is still so much darkness?
It was that Wesleyan moment of «my chains fell off» and the light came in and all of a sudden I knew that that was for me.
When light comes, the sighted can see, but the blind can not.
According to the word of Christ Jesus not MYSELF, satan and all who belong to him will inherit hades for all of eternity (on going time with no end) May GOD Almighty be with you and may all who are of the light come to the light.
Some new light came to me amid the group's acting out the Pentecost event.
It wasn't until a Dallas Seminary grad explained the new covenant to me that all of a sudden the lights came on as to how the New Testament is deeply connected to the Old.
Pray too short and the lights come up with the mysterious black - clad helpers stuck on stage like evil oompa loompas.
They know that when they flip a switch, the light comes on.
Only as he takes his trouble to God in prayer, and resolves faithfully to follow whatever light comes to him from God in Christ, can he expect to hear the word of assurance to stricken, shaken souls through all ages: «These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye may have peace.
Just trailed off, really, because I was distracted by the light coming through the front window blinds.
Nevertheless, it is clear from the whole Johannine context that the evangelist is not emphasizing that the light came into the world to demonstrate the world's blindness.
If, however, we are gazing at the night sky, presentational immediacy locates the star in terms of the place from which the light came, which may be far indeed from where the star now is.
Then suddenly, the rope itself breaks, you fall only 6 inches, land securely, and the lights come on.
Those in the far north benefit from having less light come in to their retina's, especially during times of snow... another example is the inuit people who naturally create a type of antifreeze in their blood... developed over centuries of a populous that is far more resistant to cold.
It had never known that its light came from the power station and that it had been connected to the dynamo by little wires and flexes that lay hidden and unseen and totally unsung.
The Light came, but not without a fight.
Or alternatively, shining your light and facing your own fears, taking confidence in that, releasing yourself from your fears and giving other people release from rhier fears and seeing light come out of them too.
According to physics and physiology, we know that a train of light coming from the molecules in the tie strikes our eye and activates certain cells there which in turn relay this impact to the occipital lobe.
Memories of a dark hospital room and slowly blinking lights come back in fevered fits.
What actually happens is that the eye reads the light as standard and sees how the object affects that light: it reads the relation between the light coming in and coming off, and reads the other colours in relation to a chosen colour and in relation to its own adaptive state.
Oh, but oops, he had not created the sun yet so... where did this light come from??
Bring the light in, strike a match, and light comes in a moment.
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