Sentences with phrase «like ct»

I believe MA is like CT where a typical eviction is 2 - 3 months if there are no games being played.
At first glance, I honestly didn't like CT at all.
Other procedures may be recommended to rule out other conditions, like CT (computed tomography), electromyography, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), or myelography (a nerve conduction study).
Some states (Like CT) exempt purchases under a certain amount.
I have been waiting for a good looking, luxury hybrid, hatchback... exactly like the CT 200h Lexus.
One obvious shortcoming of this approach is very apparent with a smaller vehicle like the CT 200h.
Like the CT 200h, the flagship sedan will see chassis and body improvements, with minimal engine changes.
In adopting alpha - numerical naming systems like CT and XT, Cadillac is able to plan for future segments into which it will enter.
Other Tests Other than Graves» disease TSH levels test and other 5 test mentioned above, the doctor may order tests like CT scan, ultrasound, echography or MRI scans of the eye and the eye sockets to see if the Graves» disease is affecting your eyes and the surrounding muscles of the eyes.
Your doctor will also want to do blood work and order other tests, like a CT scan or abdominal ultrasound.
(TOM STEWART / CORBIS) There's no lab test or imaging study like a CT scan or an MRI to measure how much progress you've made in therapy.
Much like a CT scanner, it produces images as micro-thin slices of a material whose structure can be meticulously scrutinized.
«Our three - dimensional reconstruction algorithm might be useful for imaging like CT scans,» Miao said.
Fusion imaging, combining traditional nuclear medicine with other imaging technologies like CT and MRI and their related contrast agents, as well as new and exciting areas like fluorescence imaging are examples of this.
MRI is ideal for medical imaging because it's milder than techniques like CT scans or X-rays since it's not as invasive and does not rely on ionizing radiation.
A sensor lags behind to pick up the waves and translate them into a display of the floor's depths, much like a CT scan.
Currently there is no tool seen as a gold standard for diagnosing concussions, and imaging tests like CT - scans and MRIs are ineffective in the absence of structural damage to the brain.

Not exact matches

Shorn of human weaknesses like the need to eat or sleep, computers are now speed - reading through not only the vast academic literature but also CT scans, electronic medical records, and mountains of data from clinical trials and genomic studies.
For a more affordable and effective system, Tyson says medical institutions have to focus on patient outcomes, not healthcare inputs (like how many CT scans and blood tests a physician orders).
@Mike in CT, «There have been differences between their moralities, but these have never amounted to anything like a total difference.»
Isaacs spoke to CT in 2003 and 2004 about conducting relief work in Muslim - majority places like Iraq and Iran.
[CT has reported on how African Americans in multiethnic churches appear to «start to think more like whites about the origins of inequality.»]
With titles like Let Me Be a Woman and Passion and Purity (one of CT's Top 5 books on singleness), Elliot built a particular following among Christian women.
As evangelical sociologist (and CT board member) Michael Lindsay once wrote in 2008, «Political movements like the Religious Right don't need a «god» to succeed, but they do need a devil.
Actually it's the only way I buy bananas now that I found the «Re-Wraps»... I buy trees of freckled wonders (the clerk always asks if I am making banana bread and I tell her I own a monkey, «It's my own ritual of getting these treasures home»)... You see we are BIG FANS of hot cereals, Oatmeal, etc... AND there is NOTHING so delicious as a ripe banana in it... We even eat baked or broiled oatmeal as desserts, with those ripe bananas hidden within like buried treasures... Thank you so much for this wonderful recipe... My banana basket mountain of bananas is a BIT TOO HIGH today and begging to be pruned... It's nice a cool here in CT today SO let the baking begin!!!
CT's comment was «it tastes like it's probably good for you».
They were the only mince pies CT has eaten and liked!
True to my assertion that these cakes were manly fare, CT was quite enamoured and he doesn't even like whisky that much.
The cakes tasted like a Jamaica ginger cake, according to CT, only not nearly as sweet and considerably more substantial.
CT's comment was «the banana inveigles its way in and reminds me that although I don't like bananas very much, I'm not sure why».
Beba — I have a story like yours and flew to CT to personally be seen by Dr D'Adamo.
How many MMA fighters have died from an issue like this boxer did that could have been prevented with a CT scan?
He has so many connections and is so well liked by the high school coaches in NY, NJ and CT assuming he was willing to step down into a non-HC position.
I'd like to become CT... before I turn 70.
In addition to her work in the corporate world, Kris - Ann has done editorial work for websites like Boston Mamas and Parent Hacks and chronicled her parenting journey at both The Family Room blog and CT Working Moms.
If the doctor suspects craniosynostosis or another condition, the child will be referred to a pediatric neurosurgeon or a craniofacial plastic surgeon who may order other tests, like X-rays or a CT scan.
She lives in Bexley because it feels most like the northeast to her and her husband, who grew up in NY and CT, respectively.
To get an in - depth understanding of your child's hydrocephalus, we will conduct a thorough physical and may order scans like X-rays, an MRI, a CT or an ultrasound.
CT: The kids like having options.
They don't like the idea of a 6 - 12 month wait to get a MRI, CT scan or the delayed surgeries due to the Government running out of $.
WHITE PLAINS — Former New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton told some 300 people at a School Safety Symposium at Purchase College Wednesday parents, teachers, police, fire and other first responders need to work together to help stave off incidents of violence like the Newtown, CT tragedy.
WHAT THEY DO BEST: «For the easy stuff, like looking for broken bones or pneumonia, plain X-rays are very good,» says Elliot Fishman, director of diagnostic imaging and body CT at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.
«If you're going to use an MRI scan or a CT scan or... do something like radiosurgery, you need a team of people, because nobody has the expertise to span neurosurgery, the medical portion of radiation oncology, and medical physics,» says Frank Bova, professor of neurosurgery at the University of Florida medical school in Gainesville.
Pancreatic cysts are common, and today's high - definition scanning technologies like MRI and CT imaging are detecting them with increasing frequency.
Seismic tomography is similar to commonly used medical imaging techniques like computed tomography, or CT, scans.
In a separate study, CT analysis of the inner ear of Archaeopteryx — a 145 - million - year - old creature considered to be a link between reptiles and birds — indicated that it «had hearing ability much like a modern emu,» says Paul Barrett, another paleontologist at the museum.
The CT restoration revealed a combination of otter - like and badger - like cranial and dental feature, hence its species name, «melilutra,» which refers to meles, Latin for badger, and lutra, Latin for otter.
As part of a forensic exam, a CT scan like this one could reveal the path of an object like a knife.
Now the FDA will treat tanning beds and sunlamps like other devices that expose users to radiation, such as CT scanners.
Lead author, Dr. Stephan Lautenschlager of Bristol's School of Earth Sciences said: «With modern computer technology, such as CT scanning and digital visualisation, we now have powerful tools at our disposal, with which we can get a step closer to restore fossil animals to their life - like condition.»
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