Sentences with phrase «like jesus»

When we conduct ourselves like Jesus, people will have an easier time respecting us.
The power of God in us gives us the ability to live and love like Jesus Christ in this world, and you can know that His power is coursing through you if your life is looking more and more like Jesus every day.
You can just love them like Jesus, and as the conversations come up, tell them about Jesus as well.
so much like your jesus, he must be proud of all the love you spread around the world.
Most people like Jesus.
While this might be true there is still no empirical evidence that like Jesus, there is no proof that this person ever existed.
Most people I know respond positively to the question «So you like Jesus, but but not the church?»
But when it comes to some of these other issues, I don't think the question is «who is right and who is wrong» but rather, «does this interpretation help us look more like Jesus
Who else in your family, neighborhood, or work place can you love like Jesus simply by listening to them?
Yeah Muslims are evil, I don't care if the women wear head scarfs like Mary did, or have long beards like Jesus and Moses did.
Some recent books have shown this too, such as «They Like Jesus, but not the Church» by Dan Kimball and «UnChristian» by Kinneman and Lyons.
If we can say that Jesus reveals Yahweh to us when Yahweh looks nothing like Jesus, I don't have too much difficulty saying that maybe Jesus reveals Allah to us as well, even though Allah looks nothing like Jesus.
Mohammed was just a self - styled stand - up prophet, child molester - pedophile who lived and died like any other human being; he did not resurrect like Jesus Christ.
-- People give you space to be human... in most clerical professions, you are forced to become «like Jesus» too soon... you are no longer allowed to be human.
Yeah, I have lots of questions too, and know that while my attempts at answers will not be satisfactory to all (they don't fully satisfy me either), I hope that what I write can help move people toward a deeper conversation about these things and a way of viewing God that looks like Jesus on the cross.
-- Individuals have a philosophy (or several, for that matter)... unspoken or spoken... An individual can be very much like Jesus.
It's not like Jesus was a Jew!
Speaking of the moment that he and his wife, Beki, felt called to move out of their affluent west London suburb, Cris says, «Every time we read the Bible it seemed like Jesus was going to the group no one else would go to.
Anyway, rather than try to make Jesus look like God, it is my attempt to try to make God look like Jesus.
2:5 - 11 which states «Let this mind be in you as was in Christ» and» Jesus thought himself to be equal to God» so, since God is in Jesus & Jesus is in me than my mind set should be like Jesus that I'm equal to God.Really WOW!
Since Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church and placed good men in charge of it, and because it was the Catholic Church which put the Books of the Bible in the Bible and coined the word «Bible», and because the Bible tells us that the Church is the pillar and foundation of Truth, and because these good men [that you refer to as misguided] are the ones ordained and «sent», [just like Jesus was «sent» by the Father], are at the «helm» of His Church and have the absolute authority to interpret the Bible, I am so inclined to be ever so thankful that Jesus Christ set it all up this way so that the burdens and crosses that I may bear will become as light as the yoke that Jesus Christ promised if we are willing to follow him, and not our will be done but His.
In this post, Sam Riviera provides three examples of people we can love like Jesus, simply by listening to them.
Like Jesus parables, not all is meant to be literally believed.
It is none of these things — it is a living and breathing body of humans trying to become more like Jesus who is our Head and love each other like he loved us.
Is it just to learn, or is to to learn to love like Jesus?
This has been very freeing as we look not for formulas to do it like Jesus did and save the world, but opportuniies to be the hands and feet of Jesus, offering His life, love and inifinite grace to individuals the Father brings our way.
But as Churchianity fades away, I am beginning to see glimmers of light as the grime from centuries of tradition is scrubbed away, and the glory of God begins to manifest itself among groups of Christians who just want to live life like Jesus in their communities.
It pointed me back to that same issue I'm passionate about... that I strongly desire we become a community that is like Jesus and has no religiosity about it.
That date was also the first day of lent and I felt like Jesus for the whole 6weeks till Easter Sunday.
In short when you are in harmony with Jesus it is like Jesus was praying not you.
For us, that looks like Jesus, whereas building multi-million dollar edifices does not.
They did lots of fake relics back then, especially along the crudade routes, it was big business to sell them to the same people that would buy commercialized religious stuff now like Jesus lava lamps.
One was traditional, but the other looked more like Jesus.
In this way, the gospel unveils a way of life for the here and now so that all who believe and follow the gospel can live, love, and look like Jesus to a dark and dying world.
In fact, it rather seems like Jesus forbids us to call anyone a «teacher» (Matt 23:10).
Mark, Have you read «UnChristian» or «They Like Jesus but Not the Church»?
If that doesn't sound like your Jesus, it's because you've been taught that αγαπη is synonymous with the English word «love» and that when the Word mentions the «heart» it's referring to our feelings, rather than our understanding.
Be kind to others, and life like Jesus!
Yeah, like Jesus, Santa AND the Easter Bunny are ALL white.
Which Christmas Eve service looks more like Jesus?
Beyond pondering how is my life like or not like Calvins, or like or not like Jesus of Nazareth, how is my life like or not like their and others» peasant followers.
Someday, somehow, our bodies will be like Jesus» resurrected body, transformed, no longer subject to death and to destruction.
There is no satan... it is a metaphor for the potential «evil» any given person has, just like the Jesus character is the metaphoric «good» potential any given person possesses.
I woke up March the 5th 2014 and I felt like Jesus and that his spirt was I my body.
The gospel is about how to live here and now so we look like Jesus and practice the principles of the Kingdom of God.
It shows that disagreement need not threaten the relationship, but love and unity can still exist for the sake of the Kingdom of God and living like Jesus in the world.
They, like Jesus, make the most of every opportunity to give the gospel message along with special acts of service.
Or, to put the same principle slightly differently, if it doesn't look like Jesus, it's not God.
The latter group (that would be those who identify as «Christianity», but are not following Jesus) are well - known for doing and saying things that do not look like Jesus.
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