Sentences with phrase «like nanowrimo»

I know you have never charged for this, but if you put a little tip jar app somewhere, you could pass on that money to some worthwhile cause... like the Nanowrimo young writers program.
November is a month when creative people of all types set themselves all kinds of challenges, like NaNoWriMo (the National Novel Writing Month) and its junior equivalent PiBoIdMo (the Picture...
Our students want to be challenged, they want to be engaged in their learning, and endeavors like NaNoWriMo give them that opportunity.

Not exact matches

I'm aiming for 25 - 30,000 words, so it's like a mini NaNoWriMo.
I had to double check my calendar when I started seeing posts pop up on blogs (like from author Jackson Pearce or literary agent Nathan Bransford) about NaNoWriMo.
If you are writing a sci - fi or fantasy novel as your 2013 NaNoWriMo project, we would like to invite you to submit your finished product to StoryBundle for our first ever NaNoWriMo mini-bundle.
We call this test of literary endurance National Novel Writing Month — NaNoWriMo for short — and like most great challenges, many choose to tackle it simply because it's there.
I like CreateSpace, especially because NaNoWriMo gives you a free book coupon if you «win».
Participate in exciting initiatives like our National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) group and our «Writing Craft» Book Clubs through the North Central Regional Library
For those, like me, who are participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), you should have completed around 17,000 words of the 50,000 word target.
So, 5 days left in NaNoWriMo, and my chart looks like this: I like how the scale goes to an optimistic 60,000 words.
Like Christmas does for consumer capitalism, NaNoWriMo generates an incredible amount of enthusiasm and energy for creative writing.
Start by reading Brook McIntyre's detailed article on the possibilities of found communities, from critique groups to Meetups to NaNoWriMo to groups like Indie Pub Austin.
In fact, if people are interested, at I actually have all the posts from 2009, when I first did NaNoWriMo through to 2011 when I put out that first book, through all the editing process, through a structural edit, line edits, proofreading, launch — pain — through to when I got a New York agent and then sold like 100,000 copies of something.
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