Sentences with phrase «like tularemia»

A disease like Tularemia usually presents with fever, enlarged lymph nodes and can affect people too.

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Bite: A. americanum larvae and nymphs feed on birds and deer, even lizards and have been known to transmit STARI, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, and other Lyme - like diseases, but the CDC does not recognize the lone star as a transmitter of true Lyme.
Due to this severity, the CDC has made tularemia a reportable disease, and like the pathogens causing anthrax and plague, it is considered a bioweapon.
Mammalian reservoirs like mice and chipmunks carry Lyme disease and tularemia; ticks transmit these diseases to humans.
These parasites not only cause discomfort, scratching, and skin infections but can also transmit several serious diseases like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Anaplasmosis, Erlichiosis, Babeseosis, Tularemia, Typhus, Plague, Hemobartonellosis, Bartonellosis, and more.
Several tick species found in our region include the American dog (wood) tick that caries Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tick paralysis, the Lone Star tick that has gradually traveled to the eastern and southern regions of the country and carries Cytauxzoon felis, a life - threatening disease affecting domestic cats, and tularemia caused by direct with infected animals like rabbits and rodents from tick or fly bites, and the brown dog tick that carries babesiosis and ehrlichiosis.
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