Sentences with phrase «like a good fit»

Even if someone doesn't seem like a good fit for your needs at the moment, they could still present a great opportunity later on.
If the resume writers you talk with don't feel like a good fit for you, for whatever reason, they may be willing to refer you to other qualified writers.
Recruiters will probably find you and connect with you, if you look like a good fit for jobs they're trying to fill.
Take a look at the available education environments and see which one sounds like the best fit for you!
If you start with a therapist but it doesn't seem like a good fit with your family, consider looking for a new therapist who will be a better match.
If you feel like a good fit on paper, the hiring manager will be more likely to ask you for an interview.
I think he sounds like the best fit here as well.
But I agree they don't look like a good fit right now.
For fall there is nothing like a well fitted jacket that can add an extra edge to any look.
Or maybe black feels like a good fit for a group that's experiencing a lot of conflict or drama in their personal lives.
Feel free to look these over and ask me if you think any other cards look like good fits for your spending plans.
I knew that pocket diapers sounded like the best fit for us and I knew that I had the perfect way to wash my cloth.
He seems like a better fit with a team that has depth there and can come in on certain packages and move around the line.
Perhaps you're really interested in an administrative healthcare career, but the field of billing and coding just doesn't feel like a good fit for you.
It may now be that Premier League clubs have chosen this as their moment to pounce, with City looking on paper like the best fit for Isco in terms of playing style.
I don't really think it'll move (plus it feels like a good fit within the NXT universe), but I do wonder if that belt is up for grabs.
The Hughes Brothers may seem like a good fit since they just finished work on a post-apocalyptic story of their own with The Book of Eli.
(To me, Anton Yelchin always felt like a better fit physically and temperamentally too.)
You can hurt your score when multiple agencies check your credit report over a short period of time, so do your research and select only the lenders that look like the best fit before applying for a bad credit auto loan.
Unfortunately it seems as if the rescue organization did not have a lot of information about the dog you adopted, and what seemed like a good fit at first, may have proven otherwise.
Bunnies And Ferrets Although they may seem like a good fit sizewise, ferrets and rabbits can be a dangerous combination.
«Currently Spells of Genesis and a few other projects are using Counterparty tokens as game items, so it seemed like a good fit compared to other protocols such as Colored Coins.»
Dolby felt like the best fit out of all of them.
«I have been approached by 4 companies so far and I am in advanced discussions with one for what sounds like a good fit exec role.
Instead, set up pre-programmed alerts to have jobs that seems like a good fit emailed to you.
If it feels like a good fit so far, we welcome your phone call or email to answer any additional questions you may have about us or my practice so you can best decide if you would like to move forward with your first therapy session.
Babbino says Black & Decker seemed like a good fit based on data indicating almost half of Americans had bought a power tool as a present and it was the No. 1 brand purchased as a gift.
If you're missing certain experience or knowledge from the requirements, then you need to be creative and think about similar experiences or transferable skills that you can highlight in your CV to ensure you still look like a good fit on paper.
Although your description of your proposed research is very brief, to me it sounds like a good fit with HFSP's goal of supporting «basic research focused on complex mechanisms of living organisms»; anyway, you could successfully spin it that way.
Klopp seems like a good fit here, but the only way he comes here is as an assistant.
It's a list of 12 symptoms, and I just want to know whether this list of symptoms feels like a good fit with YOUR symptoms, or if it doesn't seem like a very good fit.
This dress in 2P looked like a good fit on her with some extra room in the hips.
«We work closely with our sales team to identify partners who feel like a good fit for our Instagram audience and who can convey a marketing message through beautiful photography, which makes Instagram an ideal platform for brands ranging from men's style to travel to liquor,» said Mike Hofman, GQ's Executive Digital Director.
The update to the question about «nearing retirement age» makes a well structured ladder of inflation - indexed bonds sound like a good fit for someone with a low tolerance for volatility who is willing to sacrifice the possibility of growth in exchange for stability and predictability.
You see, I had long been hanging out online with decorating forums through the years and when blogs came along, it just seemed like a good fit for someone like me, who loves this thing called decorating.
The matter - of - fact manner in which Adele acknowledged her weaknesses and why she didn't feel like a good fit for the show have only further endeared her to fans.
rather than «Does my business sound like a good fit for your firm?»
Lyft's mission of increasing upward mobility through transportation access, coupled with «a corporate culture that is consistent with my values and prioritizes inclusion and diversity seemed like a good fit,» she says.
So, Frank, I agree with you: A more passive, higher equity allocation would seem like a good fit for Sam's portfolio and for others similarly situated... Better long - run financial results, and less time spent worrying about things.
Now, who else might come into HR Solutions Galore's lead queue who looks like a good fit, but in reality, ends up being a total bust?
This is a preliminary interview, of sorts, and if you look like a good fit for a franchise business, a more in - depth interview will be arranged at the corporate level, and the wheel will be set into motion for you to buy your own franchise business.
Which one of these products sounds like the best fit for you:
After I sold ARCP, I wanted to add some REIT in my portfolio and DLR looked like a good fit, especially after its correction.
We are accepting applications for the sanitation experts like you and you seem like a good fit to clean out the garbage
After a brief search online I found a recipe that seemed like a good fit.
It seemed like a good fit,» she says.
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