Sentences with phrase «like a mirage»

However, professionals who have invested in what for a long time appeared like a mirage of art buying in China are beginning to get out while the going is still good.
They deplaned onto the gleaming cracked tarmac, the customs hall five hundred feet away, shimmering like a mirage in the heat.
On this gray, drizzly winter morning, the California coastal mountains in the distance look like a mirage hovering over a flat swath of fields at Russell Ranch, a 300 - acre experimental farm in the Sacramento Valley.
Apparent crossover points in the polls have risen like mirages only to fade back into the dust.
«This almost seemed like a mirage to us - how can you pursue free SHS without possible access to education.
The golden outline of Shwe Myitzu Pagoda — a pilgrimage site for local Buddhists, accessible only by boat during most of the year — shimmers on the horizon like a mirage.
At 6.8 kilometres, the Skyline - to - the - Sea Trail meets up with Berry Creek Falls Trail, and the waterfall appears like a mirage through the trees.
Through the arch lay 200 meters of no - man's land and then another white arch, glimmering in the distance like a mirage, a yellow star and one word in giant red letters — Vietnam.
In a terrific 2015 painting by Leidy Churchman called «Tallest Residential Building in the Western Hemisphere,» we're high above the fray, seeing the urban skyline rise like a mirage over the edge of a big pink bathtub framed by a floor - to - ceiling window in an apparently empty apartment.
Heaven is not like the mirage of an oasis in the desert that lures us on with the promise of cool water, only to turn into hot, dry sand every time we approach it.
The golf course was like a mirage outside his window, until one day, when he was 24, he heard of an opening at the club for a caddie master.
Brock Osweiler's team has led the division since Week 1, but their winning record looks more like a mirage than the foundation for a playoff run.
Unlike all the journeys the one deep inside is tough, filled with gains and drawbacks and yet so fulfilling.Often like a mirage the goal seems so close but then realise that the path was wrong so start again on the search for truth and draw your path once again.
In the harmattan, the Sahara winds arrived and stirred up the dust, and clouded the air, and rendered the trees and bushes wobbly like a mirage, and made the sun a blurry ball in the sky.
The luxurious Inn at Furnace Creek rises like a mirage from the red rock of the valley, offering Moorish - influenced stonework, gardens of date and fan palms, spring - fed swimming pools, and an elaborate Sunday brunch.
The Four Seasons picture looks like a mirage at the end.
Approaching the vast Thar Desert aboard the Palace on Wheels, the city of Jodhpur shines like a mirage among the arid desert landscape.
Resnick's paintings on paper, which he began making in the 1980s, began featuring single objects or figures that emerged like mirages out of his walls of paint.
The process reads as trancelike and autonomist; the effect is delicately hallucinatory, like a mirage seen through clouds or smoke, as well as an unusually simple joining of geometry and gesture.
Mrs. Prada personally and permanently installed several works by Robert Gober with two by Louise Bourgeois in the Haunted House, which looks like a mirage above the bleak, industrial landscape outside the compound walls.
A flat black square that was aloof, stand - offish, unwelcoming, and even arrogant, staring at me «eye to eye» and revealing nothing, except a subtle grid of low - light black shadows that felt like a mirage.
It feels like the wild west, and there's a shining oasis of coins on the floor like a mirage, amounting to # 20,436.
Instead of the illusion of things, we are now offered the illusion of modalities: namely, that matter is incorporeal, weightless, and exists only optically like a mirage
Though the sculptures are precise and measured and the paintings, organic and process oriented, the two bodies of work have in common that the images linger in one's mind like a mirage in the desert.
We live in a world where structures of meaning evaporate like a mirage.
Nevertheless, with large numbers of rural Chinese projected to move into cities, it remains to be seen whether these new towns will slowly become inhabited, or if they are bubble - like mirages destined to burst as they did for Dubai.
Since the shades are pretty similar it will seem like a mirage and you would be surprised how sophisticated it will look.
But those who disbelieved — their deeds are like a mirage in a lowland which a thirsty one thinks is water until, when he comes to it, he finds it is nothing but finds Allah before Him, and He will pay him in full his due; and Allah is swift in account.24: 39
I see the hotel of my (feverish) dreams in Machu Picchu, with unlimited warm showering, clean clothes and - most important - without mosquitos, disappear from the horizon like a mirage.
After the aptly assembled opening sequence juxtaposes quick shots of human ingenuity with fierce ISIS challenges, the creative team offers rhythmic marimba and guitar during it's aural foreshadowing of visceral collective human resilience by showing early - resistance Raqqa uprisings against the anaconda - like noose unleashed upon local residents as the IS fighters descend upon the region from the hallucination - like mirage of surrounding desert terrain.
«Like a mirage, they seem to have never existed — swallowed by the desert and the heat.»
In the biofuels business, the idea of converting nonfood plants to fuels is like a mirage: enticing but seemingly just out of reach.
Yet like a mirage of mountains on the horizon, I still have a long way to go.
It might seem like a mirage, but student loan forgiveness is real, although it is tough to obtain.A student loan forgiveness program could eliminate a partial or full amount of your student debt.
Maybe in a speeding water taxi — or a fast «tour» boat — driving you and the other 10 plus people to some arranged 30 minute dice — you'll see this boat of mine like a mirage — for just about 30 seconds — and then at a great distance — cause your boat can't go there!!
And like a mirage that manifests in the desert, it can be an illusion or a saving grace.
«Foulkes is a powerful, strong, and gripping image maker of Baconian horror... Foulkes» art is a personal reliquary — he reconstructs an imaginary past that haunts him like a mirage....
Like a mirage in a desert, the landscapes in Adam Ross's paintings and drawings are as unreal as a vision seen by a delirious time traveler.
I shall tame his signature style of hypnotic, transcendental, floating, vibrating rectangles of color, hovering like a mirage, through an understanding of the latest data concerning the psychological, physiological, vibrational power of color.
Painted in gold leaf, it shimmers on an end wall, like a mirage that might disappear at any moment.
The stripes and notches of the Copper and Aluminum works conspire to create relief - like mirages of projecting and receding planes, something the proponents of absolute flatness in painting — who relied on Stella as a touchstone — certainly did not have in mind.
This maze - like mirage is one entry in the 2010 Land Art Generator Initiative competition, which aims to combine clean energy generation and technology with the Land Art / Environmental Art movement, in the hopes of encouraging what they call «solution - based art practice» in creating «aesthetic power plants».
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