Sentences with phrase «like alcoholism»

Saliva was gathered to test for the presence of long or short alleles of the DRD4 gene that is associated with self - control problems like alcoholism.
Sometimes, one partner has developed a problem like alcoholism or depression.
But, mental health counseling involves intervening actively in the lives of people who may be wrestling with grave, even life - threatening issues, like alcoholism, suicidal ideation, and anorexia / bulimia.
Not big things, like alcoholism, financial...
Not big things, like alcoholism, financial irresponsibility,...
What we use to fix or fill that emptiness can begin addictive processes like alcoholism, love addiction, and codependency.
It's the problems associated with ADD like alcoholism, drug use, depression and extreme risk taking where rates become very high and even uninsurable.
Racism is like alcoholism — you can't deal with it until you admit that you have a problem with it.
Why it might win: Because it takes on a Big Issue like alcoholism in an utterly safe way, and thus the Academy may feel «edgy» for rewarding it.
Grain, one of the key ingredients in many alcoholic beverages, when eaten in quantity triggers a reaction very much like alcoholism in a large percentage of the population.
The overwhelming urges of people with bulimia or binge eating disorder look a lot like alcoholism or drug addiction, experts say.
This indicated that their behavior was compulsive, much like alcoholism in humans.
And so we found a variant in one of the GABA receptors [that] is associated with alcoholism, and this fits in with some of the brain wave pattern activity that it looks like alcoholism [and] is linked to disinhibition, so [it's] a problem with the inhibition of brain waves that people should generally have.
Progressivism, a populist reform movement in the early twentieth century, espoused by Presidents like Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, and grounded in Protestant moralism, which sought to make government both more responsive to the plight of the people, for instance using Constitutional amendments to deal with social problems like alcoholism and using government force to quash monopolies, and at the same time more representative of the will of the electorate, for instance instituting more democracy like the direct election of Senators and ending the corruption of Machine politics in the cities.
Religion, like alcoholism, are the effects of poor choices and lack of will power.
BD in Ireland for some priests it was like alcoholism.
So you, a christian, think that Christianity is like alcoholism.
In an illness like alcoholism, any degree of improvement is valuable, however short the ideal goal.
Just goes to show that pedophilia like alcoholism can be anywhere.
The definition of a destructive religious cult is like alcoholism - if booze controls you instead of the other way around you are an alcoholic.

Not exact matches

Alcoholism is like a building of several stories.
He calmly explained that alcoholism, like lung cancer caused by cigarettes or diabetes brought on by obesity, is a legitimate disease, even if it arises from an avoidable indulgence.
«And like other diseases,» he added, «alcoholism is progressive.
This view, like the first, has the limitation of oversimplifying the causation of alcoholism, ignoring or de-emphasizing the complex array of factors discussed in the early chapters of this book.
I have nothing against gay people, I just don't agree with their live style (just like I don't agree with alcoholism, adultery, etc).
They recognize that AA, for instance, is tailor - made to meet the stresses and strains of alcoholism, and they accept the fact that alcoholism, as Harry Emerson Fosdick has put it, is like a stained - glass window in that it can best be seen and understood from the inside.
You'll find people who criticize Mad Men for glorifying casual sex or alcoholism, which is a bit like criticizing the story of David and Bathsheba for glorifying adultery.
Nowhere in the Bible do we have somebody brought to Jesus for something physical, like a fever, or sickness, or blindness, alcoholism, or mental illness or whatever, and Jesus says, «Actually, despite how things appear to you, this person is demon possessed.»
Regarding the novel, Luhrmann's movie gets the basics of plot and symbol right, but then again, it frames its telling as occurring within a mental institution where Carraway (Tobey Maguire), like Fitzgerald, suffers from morose alcoholism, anxiety, and other sundry neurasthenic ailments.
First, Playfair points to authors like Professor Fingarette who consider unscientific and counterproductive the idea that alcoholism and drug addiction are «diseases» requiring medical treatment.
Clinebell begins this particular work with definitions of addiction and alcoholism: «In traditional psychiatric usage, the term addiction is limited to obsessive - compulsive abuse of substances like alcohol and drugs....
It's been shown that pictures like this are very effective triggers to those who are struggling with alcoholism.
It is also necessary to raise the spiritual content of well - being and reduce all the symptoms of anomie, like family disintegration, conflict and tensions, crime, alcoholism, drug addiction and mental illness, all indicating lack of inner happiness and contentment in the life of individuals.
Justifications, like an addict justifying their alcoholism or an abuser justifying his abuse.
But here's the thing: In this book, Nadia isn't just a pastor to the textbook down - and - outs; she is a pastor to people like me, people whose struggles may not be the easy - to - identify homelessness or alcoholism, but are instead the sneaky ones like pride, cynicism, discouragement, fear, and perfectionism.
I think we tend to view alcoholism as a «sin» (which it is), but it also has other factors which make it unique (like most addictions).
The experience can be scarring, but the likes of former Man City midfielder Jeff Whitley, whose career was curtailed by alcoholism, appear to be happy to bear those scars for the benefit of others: «I'd like to give something back, to give a little hope and strength to somebody else.
It was kind of like «Mad Men» but with mutual respect and very little alcoholism.
This is where Don got dropped like a bad habit, which in his case is likely alcoholism.
Maybe Milwaukee should focus on policing the more pressing issues like child abuse and neglect and alcoholism... before they start spying on loving parents as they sleep cuddled up in bed with their babies?!
McDonald, who serves on the Assembly's Committee on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, said that in discussions with staff there was an interest in preventing the tax from hitting pharmacies or hospice facilities, while also protecting those in recovery who are rely on opioid - based drugs like Suboxone or methadone.
In the heady postwar years, hundreds of promising studies were conducted in the United States, Canada, and Europe on the use of LSD and other psychedelics, like peyote, to treat such psychiatric maladies as schizophrenia, autism, drug addiction, alcoholism, and chronic depression.
It can also present as self - destructive behaviors like gambling, alcoholism and workaholism.
Just like someone with a genetic predisposition for alcoholism avoiding alcohol, those with certain genetic traits should avoid certain behaviors to help avoid setting themselves up for an eating disorder.
Given this social contempt for anorexics, and the fact that it isn't a chic and oft - dramatized addiction like drug use or alcoholism, which are frequently used as fodder for theatrically masculine self - pity, To the Bone is under self - imposed pressure to matter and to clear the prejudicial air in the room.
At first, Colossal seems like a rather on - the - nose metaphor for the destructive nature of alcoholism, but by the end it develops into a more nuanced statement about jealousy and male entitlement.
John Callahan was a quadriplegic, and the movie looks like it deals mostly with his recovery from alcoholism and subsequent discovery of his ability to draw cartoons by grasping a pen in both hands.
One thing I decidedly did not like was the framing device of Nick Carraway writing the story from a sanitarium, where he has gone to recuperate from the «morbid alcoholism» (I think those are the words we see on his diagnostic papers) brought on by the tragedy to which he was witness.
In this period, he tackled an Oscar - winning drama about alcoholism (The Lost Weekend), two well - regarded film noirs (Double Indemnity, Sunset Boulevard), a war drama (Stalag 17), two light - hearted rom - coms (Sabrina, Seven Year Itch) a gripping murder - mystery (Witness for the Prosecution) and perhaps the funniest American movie of all time (Some Like It Hot).
Trying to balance a humorous, honest and emotional film about alcoholism seems like an impossible task but it is what James Ponsoldt's Smashed attempts to do.
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