Sentences with phrase «like alternate reality»

Not sure what that will be but it will involve «challenges, tough decisions and sacrifices» and feel like an alternate reality game come to life.
Here my four - door steed takes on an even more strangely futuristic appearance; it's like an alternate reality where Stuttgart, Munich, Modena, and Detroit fell off the planet and Seoul just kept churning out aspirational luxury cars.
It is like an alternate reality.

Not exact matches

Given the state of the country, «Far Cry 5» feels like something made for an alternate reality where mass shootings aren't common, where there isn't a raging culture war between so - called Red and Blue states, where there isn't yet another misinformed scapegoating of violent video games unfolding.
Yes that is right — because you live in an alternate reality where you view changes like the weather
It's like stepping out of the matrix, or stepping into an alternate reality — one of freedom from the status quo, of freedom from anger and fear and the surge of emotion that comes around right before you spank your child.
If this album feels like an alternate - reality Beach House, it's because Legrand and Scally have altered their reality.
It's more like this is an alternate reality of contemporary Joburg.
In that regard, it is reminiscent of Willmott's own C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America, a brilliant, alternate - reality comedy which speculated about what the country would be like today if the South had won the Civil War.
Yesterday you mentioned you could see an alternate reality where you could see yourself turning out like your character.
Movies like Total Recall, a remake that's poised to give you déjà vu this August, face the predicament of promoting themes like memory and alternate reality, which aren't exactly the easiest things to visualize.
I believe the final act only works because the movie finally embraces the concept of alternate realities and begins treating Meg like the adult she's maturing into.
John Ford's weirdest film plays like a flip - side of — or an alternate reality to — The Grapes of Wrath.
In an alternate reality a lot like our world, every person's physical size is directly proportional to their wealth.
«The only time we sell over five copies of Archie books is when they do stunts like Obama / Palin milkshake dates or alternate reality futures.
Fans of projects like «1602» or the Noir books may have more alternate universes coming their way as Alonso said some ideas in that vein are being discussed, and Brevoort added that an alternate reality tale was a part of the «Point One» issue.
We give a rasping cheer, grabbing a breather before we hit the next run of hills, riding through a landscape peppered with psychedelic geometric mountains.The road is like glass, reflecting the alternate reality... Read more
«While Ludlow & Co. do live in an alternate reality, there are many details about life in the late 1800s that readers of historical fiction will enjoy — especially those who like reading about the more gruesome, less well - known details, like stealing and selling teeth, grave robbers, body snatchers and Sweeney Todd.»
Volume is kind of an alternate reality where the stuff I liked from old style stealth games became the games core so we'll see how it goes.
If you, like me, are fascinated by the concept of alternate reality games (ARG) but always feel they're not intellectually equipped to engage with them, there's hope.
Last but not least, we have The Hostage Trials, an unusual mix between a traditional cellphone game and an alternate reality game starring popular voice actors like David Hayter & Jennifer Hale.
While looking like another XCOM derivative, Phantom Doctrine trades aliens with spies and operatives in a slickly, designed 1980s Cold War alternate reality.
The guest list of previous GAMEHOTEL events and spin offs reads like a who's who of video games: Japanese music - action game master Masaya Matsuura; Sony Worldwide Studios» president, Phil Harrison; Sims creator Will Wright; French and Swedish alternate reality gaming pioneers Tom Söderlund and Mathieu Castelli; British game developer legend Peter Molyneux; French visionary David Cage; author and columnist Steven Poole, and many more have shared their thoughts and visions while demoing their latest titles.
These mantels likewise double as animated portals to an alternate space or reality (think Beetlejuice), setting the stage for a spiritual - like sense of transformation inherent in his practice.
The media of the show is diverse, ranging from classical modes like painting and sculpture, to experimental video and animation, and using the tropes of science fiction including dystopia, cosmology, and fantasy to restructure narratives and create alternate realities.
If you've never heard of live action role playing (or larping), you can think of it like a semi-impromptu, unscripted play where participants dress as characters and pretend to be in alternate worlds, realities, or time periods.
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