Sentences with phrase «like anatomy»

In your curriculum, you may find courses like Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology, Introduction to Pharmacy and the Health Care System, Pharmacy Law and Ethics, Pharmaceutical Calculations, Pharmaceutical Preparations and Techniques, and Pharmacy Operations & Prescription Processing.
As you begin your education, you may start with classes like Anatomy & Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Medical Terminology.
By taking courses like Anatomy & Physiology and Human Biology, you begin to understand how medications affect the body and which mechanisms they use to work.
You may also take courses like Anatomy & Physiology, Medical Terminology, and Pathophysiology, which give you a thorough background in health care.
For example, you may take classes like Anatomy and Physiology, Systems of the Body, and Nutrition.
Throughout your education, plan on taking classes like Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacology, Computer Prescriptions, Pharmacy Laws and Ethics, Dosage Calculations, Parenteral Compounding, Pharmacy Technology, Visceral Structures, and Mechanical Structures.
Consider using flashcards for topics like anatomy and physiology and pharmacology.
Your education will consist of classes that teach you about subjects like anatomy, physiology, medical administration, diagnostic procedures, and many more areas of your chosen career.
You will take a mix of classes including subjects like anatomy and medical terminology.
Tinybop's «Explorer's Library» app series teaches kids about subjects like anatomy and geology, even experimentation.
And so there were certain requirements like anatomy, art history, and all that.
The Blind Wolves, also known as the Morolaath by the Forerunners, are bipedal predators with a theropod - like anatomy, appearing almost like T - Rexes with no arms nor eyes, but with unnervingly large fangs extend from their jaws.
While there is no nudity to speak of (any accidental glimpses behind censored filters reveals Barbie doll - like anatomy), it's bawdy sense of humor more than justifies a Mature rating.
Choose over 30 skills and attributes like anatomy, swordsmanship, fire dominance, dodge, parrying, etc...
This can be due a conformation issue; indeed, it seems like their anatomy makes sitting for them uncomfortable.
For two years, you have intensive study of basic sciences, like anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and microbiology.
Similarly, certain sciences like anatomy or topology emphasize spatial intelligence.»
The opening credits evoke the Saul Bass titles from films like Anatomy of a Murder.
I have tackled subjects like The Anatomy Of...
Many YTTs focus on the physical aspects of yoga like anatomy, form and asana, with little time dedicated to topics like diversity training, inclusion and what yoga instructors can do to make their spaces more welcoming to all.
See I used the word nasal cavity, I feel like my anatomy class is paying off already.
Take away even the court drama they had series like Anatomy of Crime, Forensic Files, Power, Privilege and Justice, Masterminds, JAIL (formerly known as Inside American Jail), and other shows that were pretty enticing.
Here's a more in - depth description of the external obliques (ext. obliques) for someone who really likes anatomy.

Not exact matches

Streicher agrees, noting that the IUD's entire anatomy has been revised (they used to look like this), and that modern IUDs do not increase the chance of contracting a pelvic inflammatory disease.
Oh's performance is truly extraordinary, and proves, like she did with her work on «Grey's Anatomy,» that she's one of the best TV actors ever.
Students were asked which characters on Grey's Anatomy and House (the two major medical dramas at the time) they would most and least want to be like in their professional careers.
Just consider the ways in which patients are clamoring for more telemedicine and virtual doctor visit options while medical schools are harnessing virtual reality systems like Microsoft's Hololens to teach anatomy to young surgeons.
It's hard to say exactly what Google views as a «good» or a «natural» link, but we do have some pretty good indicators — feel free to skip ahead to the «anatomy of a perfect backlink» section if you'd like.
Sounds pretty much like what someone would write to make sure offerings of money (had to edit that out, tried to submit it earlier with the proper word, but it contained a series of three letters that commonly refer to a part of female anatomy... go go gadget super modern CNN moderation algorithms!)
By far the most important book a position like mine will have to face is Edward Farley, Ecclesial Reflection: An Anatomy of Theological Method (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, I982).
Allosaurus Fed More Like a Falcon Than a Crocodile: Engineering, Anatomy Work Reveals Differences in Dinosaur Feeding Styles
For this reason I have realized this: a chimpanzee does not understand math (regardless of how many hours I spent trying to teach them this) because of it's anatomy, yet I do understand math because of my anatomy (and education of course), I as a mere mortal (unlike yourself) know that my faculties must be somehow limited and that there are concepts that no matter how much I try to use my retarded brain I will never understand them because I don't have the god lobe in the ole brain like you do, none the less I keep on thinkin» in a finite fashion hoping that my future children might have a little more range than I since they too will be a «tarded snapshot in a timeline of cognitive evolution.
As for Grey's Anatomy, six is a lot at a time, but that's the way I like to watch TV, too.
A friendship like ours blossomed over Grey's Anatomy and long walks back to our apartment and fresh baked snickerdoodles (oh and cinnamon rolls, but we shared that recipe here).
Rosenberg schooled us on the machine's anatomy; it's set up just like commercial gear.
In 1930 Riggs» tennis career commenced when Dr. Esther Bartosh, now a retired anatomy instructor from the University of Southern California, noticed him hitting the ball around a public park and inquired if he would like to learn the game.
But, just like every time, injuries have a map to Wilshere's anatomy.
That can be related to the oral anatomy of the baby like tongue tie and lip tie.
Best moment of the week: Like I mentioned earlier, we had our first anatomy scan this week.
Unfortunately I hear sad stories of family portraiture photographers, siblings, husbands, grandparents missing the shot, pictures being blown out (too bright) because they didn't know how to deal with the last minute and unexpected changes in light, blurry pictures, or pictures not being special enough because they were too anatomy - textbook - like.
Canadian RNs have four years of clinicals and do their other course work in between (so the actual nursing school is four years long), where as US RNs do their course work like biology and anatomy FIRST, then do two years of nursing school with clinicals.
it was like an episode of Grey's anatomy...).
Sort of like Cliffs Notes from the «Gray's Anatomy» reproductive section, each slide in the app shows the next stage in fetus» development with three to four buttons per slide that pop up with interesting facts.
Then, after that pregnancy week; we like to do what's called a detail anatomy ultrasound which is usually at about 20 weeks of pregnancy.
It wasn't nipple confusion, exactly, but more like he'd figured out that there was an easier option out there, so we struggled on and off with nursing strikes and low supply (from both my boob anatomy and his poor suck) until I called it quits between five and six months.
Shonda Rhimes (creator of Scandal and other successful television shows like Grey's Anatomy) and her team have decided not to integrate Kerry's real - life pregnancy into her character Olivia's storyline.
The reason why I wouldn't wanted to breastfeed would be issues with my anatomy (latching, supply lack of support from my husband, feeling judged by other mothers, lack of societal support like no being able to BF anywhere the baby wanted to eat and so on.
Keeping up with a rigid workout plan was like second nature to Bill Brewer, a human anatomy and exercise physiology professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
When someone does something statistically impressive, like winning eight gold medals like Phelps, we try to come up with some far - fetched reason for it, like he or she has to have some bizarre physiological adaptation or freaky anatomy.
The charming kangaroo rat is not actually related to a kangaroo but is so named because of its bipedal anatomy and kangaroo - like hopping tendencies.
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