Sentences with phrase «like belonging»

I think it's like belonging to Weight Watchers but not following their diet plan; you're a little in but not really.
Still, the fake fur collar makes it look like belonging to the winter season!
Both groups, as the NY Times article highlighted include moms across the spectrum so joining, like belonging to any club is not for the easily affronted.
Altogether, it's an unheard - of combination, like that belonging to a guy who can move the piano and play Tchaikovsky on it, too.
It seems that being a Jedi is more like being a Mason, or maybe a Boy Scout, than it is like belonging to an actual, full - blown religion.
Often these have something in common, like belonging to the same industry, but sometimes they don't.
The hierarchy argues that we must have our basic human needs (like sustenance and safety) met before even thinking about needs like belonging, achievement or meaning.
It is about bringing people together, giving everyone a seat at the table, and making everyone feel like they belong.
Sullivan makes his way to a console on the left side of the OR, where he takes a seat in front of a viewfinder that looks like it belongs in a futuristic video game arcade.
Another employee told Sweet, «I don't feel like I belong here.
When all the most successful people in your chosen field are gathered, get yourself in the room however you can and then act like you belong.
Even the bathrooms feel more like they belong in a five - star hotel than a cross-country train ride.
No matter their position in an organization, employees need to feel like they belong.
Encourage them to go the extra mile to make your customers feel like they belong with you.
And if you want to create an environment where your customers feel like they belong with you, you must address and work to root out any barriers that exist to prevent it from happening.
When you take great care to ensure both your customers and your team feel like they belong with you, profits will be a natural byproduct.
Gaming has been very fulfilling in my life and allowed me to be myself and feel like I belong.
The Seagate Seven looks like it belongs on the inside of your computer, due to its utilitarian casing that hugs the 5 mm drive inside so tightly that the total thickness is only 7 mm.
Most of you readers probably assume that people like me belong to the scientific and the medical worlds — that we live, eat, breathe, sleep and operate in hospitals and research labs, isolated from the business world.
Drivers love it, they love coming here and they feel welcome, like they belong.
That ranged from ideating concepts to sourcing photographers we've worked with in the past so that everything looks and feels like it belongs in the GQ universe.
A tuxedo is something you probably won't wear regularly, but when the time comes, you want to look like you belong at the dinner party, not the office.
Here are four steps to follow to transform your company into a business that consistently delivers experiences that make your customers feel like they belong with you.
The industrial designers behind Glass envisioned something that looks like it belongs in the future.
Then you'll have created a culture where everyone feels like they belong.
The degree of empathy you extend to them as you do will determine whether or not they feel like they belong with you.
You can't make people feel like they belong if you don't have an appreciation for their struggles, experiences, or point of view.
«Until Starbucks, I'd never worked at a place where I felt supported and felt like I belonged,» said Alyx Hoskovec.
It's human nature to feel like we belong and are connected.
Everything belongs to God, even when it looks like it belongs to the government.
I do know that Mars Hill Church is the first church I have ever been comfortable in and felt like I belonged.
Do radicals like this belong with the mainstream, or genuine followers of Islam?
A friendship that has depth, I want someone to sit on my couch, put their feet up and drink coffee like they belong.
I dreamed that if I could go to the exciting and glamorous places or become one of the suburban folks I envied, I would feel like I belonged in this world.
Evie won't ever know my Granny but we tell her stories like we tell stories of my father's parents and we spin the yarn of their family stories so that they feel like they belong, like they know their place in the story, so they know it didn't start with them, it won't end with them, and there is a kind of love that doesn't show up in the movies.
A Presbyterian church building in Seoul might look like it belongs in Geneva, and its Presbyterian elders might be well acquainted with the Westminster Confession of Faith, but the style of prayer and the intensity of devotion are decisively Korean.
Our actions are intended to make us feel like we belong somewhere; we «fit in» among one group by virtue of the snickers and wagging tongues through which we exclude others.
Fifth, Piper highlights the controversy over Confederate memorials which «too many of us feel like they belong in a museum for education instead of on a pedestal for celebration.»
People need to feel like they belong... to groups, families, etc..
Sometimes it's like I'm on fire, and I want to start laying on hands and praying and prophesying but I pace and I preach and I read Scripture, like I belong there somehow.
When we live like we all belong to each other, we answer much of the longing in the world.
I went to church never felling like I belonged there and very uncomfortable with my surroundings.
I got married one week after my own university graduation, quite convinced of my maturity, and yet these kids looked like they belonged in junior high to me.
I guess I worry that someday, maybe not so long from now, I won't feel like I belong here either.
I feel most like I belong here, in the life I have already.
When someone feels like they belong in a community, it causes them to be much more receptive to what we believe / experience about Jesus.
I used chocolate chunks instead of chocolate chips just because they look like they belong in a rustic iron skillet (don't you agree?)
Whereas saying, «preserves» seems like they belong on a posh table that is being set for a cream tea.
I ended up having to pick an over-the-top healthy restaurant where the entrees are so small they look like they belong on a children's appetizer menu, and the options are so vegan - friendly and gluten - free - friendly that when you order the one solitary dish with meat, dairy, and gluten, the server gives you stink eye like, What.
They look perfect and like they belong in my belly, stat!
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