Sentences with phrase «like budding flowers»

If winter smelled like the cuddle of warm amber, spring smells like budding flowers in sunshine.

Not exact matches

No, we are not like the cut flowers that make up a bouquet: we are like the leaves and buds of a great tree on which everything appears at its proper time and place as required and determined by the good of the whole.
The grandeurs of life are like the flowers in color and in fate; the beauty of these remains so long as their chaste buds gather and store the rich pearls of the dawn and, saving it, drop it in liquid dew; but scarcely has the Cause of All directed upon them the full rays of the sun, when their beauty and glory fail, and the brilliant gay colors which decked forth their pride wither and fade.
yet still a part so intimately linked with the essence of Christian dogma that, like a living bud, it needed only a sign, a ray of light, to cause it to break into flower.
The buds are harvested before their hour, Then must be steamed or boiled before they yield The tongue - like sepals with their toothsome bracts Attached to the receptacle, or heart, That stores the petals of the future flower.
Wild Thyme Flowers, $ 11 Spark life into any spice rack with these Greek thyme buds (that taste like a flowery oregano).
A relative of parsley, it looks like moss but actually consists of thousands of flowering buds on long stems which are so densely packed together they can withstand the...
The fresh leaves, stems, roots, and flower buds can be consumed after being boiled, like artichokes.
The diet itself, constructed by Vincent Pedre, M.D., looked pretty doable — save for a few hard - to - find ingredients like lavender buds and passion flower extract — but I was a little bit intimidated by the fact that I had to swap coffee for tea.
Now visualize the flower closing up tightly and back into the shape it had as a bud, like time - lapse photography going backward from summer to spring.
With the buds on the trees and the flowers peeking up through the soil it seems like the whole world is starting to wake up.
Sea Holly — Sea holly are thistle - like flowers consisting of a central blue - colored bud surrounded by silver prickly shaped petals.
When I discover the first buds and little flowers I get excited like a little kid.
Of course its hard not to associate flowers with spring, since this is the time with buds are opening and allergies abound (if you're anything like me!).
And the natural look captures the best part of a season that's all about the outdoors and its transformation — the first buds on trees, flowers beginning to bloom — in a way that manufactured materials like metal or plastic never could.
A woman develops a tattoo - like mark on her arm, then begins to grow tiny twigs and buds along one arm and she walks away into a meadow, where we see she has become a woody human - shaped plant covered with small flowers and another person develops a figure - 8 mark on one forearm, but she changes no further.
Each fountain is home to one of the four Great Fairies, and looks like a giant flower bud when first encountered.
At some point toward the middle of the show oil paint settles in to stay, along with subjects like flowers and buds.
His works appear to be crawling or dancing on spider - or - anemone - like legs or call to mind natural shapes such as shells, leaves or flower buds.
In June, the unopened flower buds look and taste a bit like broccoli and can be eaten hot, or cold with a vinaigrette sauce.
Like Richard Shilling's use of twigs and leaves to remind us of the simple beauty of nature or the guns Sonia Rentsch forms with flower buds, nuts and sticks to raise the issue of environmental degradation and violence, Yulia Brodskaya utilizes paper — perhaps the most basic art material available — and a technique called «quilling» that involves twisting and folding strips of paper in such a way that she forces the viewer to not only appreciate her finished work, but also reconsider how we look at the raw materials she's using.
Lastly, find the right accessories to really set the spring tone — go for objects that share an accent colour to keep the look effortlessly chic and work in specific spring themes like birds and new buds, and display plenty of happy flowers to finish off the refreshing look.
I like the life around me that becomes obvious: flowers blooming, trees budding, and neighbors that come out of hibernation.
My camelias are also out and absolutely blooming everywhere... I don't quite know how there could be so many more flowers and buds this year... but last year after they had bloomed I spent some time pulling all the dead stuff out... it felt like they were sighing in gratitude at the time... I am fairly certain that no - one in this cottage who lived here before paid them any attention whatsoever and so I think this might be my pay - back for camelia - lovin»
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