Sentences with phrase «like building»

The Short Version: Honing your dating skills is like building a muscular physique.
It's kind of like building your own à la carte menu for online dating.»
The first thing that caught my eye was Kuchlbauer Tower, a Dr. Seuss - like building located nearby in Abensberg.
It's like building a still - life in art class.
And yes... its like building an outfit around a pair of earings... I do it all the time!!
There are also great instructional videos on topics like Building Traffic, Food Photography, Generating Income, and much more.
Just like building a capsule wardrobe, you'll want to choose art to suit your style & personality.
To go back to our «dam» analogy, excessive exogenous insulin for someone who already has hyperinsulinemia is like building our dam wall higher than it needs to be.
These are necessary for energy and structure like building muscles.
However you say it, potatoes are a great source of vitamin B6, which does all kinds of important things, like building new cells in your body.
It's mainly used for energy production, but also a little for construction (like the building of muscles, etc.).
So, if we see pregnenolone as the building block for all other hormones, then this is like building your home out of solid gold bricks!
Although it will take a longer amount of time to burn the same amount of calories as an interval session, lower - intensity cardio still offers important benefits like building the aerobic system and promoting recovery.
That's like building a house without building a solid foundation.
It is like building your manifestation muscle.
30 - 40 years ago people working heavy duty jobs like building constructions, agricultural works, livestock operations for 7/365 days, 12 or 14 hours per day carrying heavy weight loads or working in the sun, and finally during the brake they ate little bread, onions, tomatoes and a few olives, or a cup of soup and that's it for the day.
That's like building an amazing pool and spa, and then arbitrarily deciding that you can't get wet after all.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right, energy model, and they're not using it as like a building block type of model.
Right, energy model, and they're not using it as like a building block type of model.
I can also run longer and with ease, I even added more excersises to target some muscles that weren't sore and I'm gonna mix it up and go longer, it's like building a character in Fallout and picking perks.
Pose blocks are short sequences of poses - like a sun salutation - that can be used like building blocks to make classes.
These «raw materials» so to speak must all be present to build the body properly; if they are not, the body, like a building made with shoddy materials, will not stand up over time.
Protein does a lot of things for your body like building and repairing tissues.
It consists of inserting new hardware, like building new bone tissue, muscle tissue, and connective tissues.
Like a building, the body is made up of interlocking support structures.
It will absorb it, and use it for lots of purposes, like building hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and lots of other things.
It doesn't like to do things that require a lot of energy (like building and supporting new muscle tissue) when it can get strong in other ways that aren't as metabolically costly (like refining the way the nervous system operates).
Stocking your kitchen is like building a wardrobe; buy mostly neutral items like whole grains, long - life vegetables, and high - quality proteins.
It feels a little like building with pieces of Lego as I did as a kid.
A strategy for assembly of electronic systems — especially the flexible structures needed for high - performance devices of the future — uses integrated circuits as Lego - like building blocks.
We still think of robots as doing macho and heroic things, like building cars or searching for earthquake survivors.
Every year, the government gives scientists money that they use for amazingly cool things, like building robots that dive to extreme underwater depth and record video like this.
«One reason why we organized this session in the first place was to encourage the sharing of such perspectives within the context of how geophysicists can build local capacity, not only for dealing with acute issues such as disasters, but also longer term challenges like building capacity for economic growth.»
«At this point maybe the solution is not works of engineering, like building dykes, but conservation of forests and eco-hydrology,» she added.
«Making a bra is like building a bridge,» says Manette Scheininger, a senior vice president of design, merchandising, and research and development at Maidenform.
Simple changes to the sequence of construction, like building the walls before the columns, can make a big difference to the building's strength.
CK: It's like building a ship where you could replace all the parts and keep it going forever.
«The same is true for nano - and microscale manufacturing, which can't be scaled up to things like a building façade.»
«It's like building with bricks rather than building with clay,» Senghas explains.
The historical land connections can reveal how much a structural change, whether that is the shifting of continents or even on a much smaller scale, like building a dam or paving a road, can influence ecosystems.
«The way I think of radiation is it's like building a brick wall,» said study co-lead author Dr. Nicholas G. Zaorsky, a radiation oncologist and assistant professor of radiation oncology at Penn State College of Medicine.
It is like building a fence at the top of a cliff, instead of stationing a tow - truck and an ambulance beside the rocks below.
«It's like building a city,» says Nick Gonis, curator of the collection, «and the city, at the moment, can function.
The scientists built the ovaries by printing various patterns of overlapping gelatin filaments on glass slides — like building with Lincoln Logs, but on a miniature scale: Each scaffold measured just 15 by 15 millimeters.
But to accomplish really complicated physical tasks — like building an insect — Erik Winfree says you have to grow them from DNA.
Some of those are innovative engineering solutions, some involve standards and regulations, like building culverts to withstand more drainage.
With these homes making their own electricity, utilities lose their most lucrative customers and confront a dwindling base over which to spread big infrastructure costs, like building new power plants or maintaining the grid.
Building a new kind of chip without one, he argues, is «a bit like building a car engine without first figuring out how to make an explosion and harness the energy to make the wheels go round.»
The disadvantage is that it's like building the entire interstate highway system before the first car could travel on it.
«It's like building a Thermos.»
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