Sentences with phrase «like carbon dioxide»

Asking politely for industry to stop pumping out greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide just does not work.
The glass in a green house acts like carbon dioxide in that it allows the free passage of visible radiation but blocks (some) of the heat or thermal radiation.
That's important because water vapor is a greenhouse gas just like carbon dioxide and methane.
They are quick but mighty, with a lifespan less than 15 years (not like carbon dioxide which is about 100 years).
Otherwise nasty molecules like carbon dioxide can build up in the atmosphere.
In particular, it turned out that «greenhouse» gases like carbon dioxide played a surprisingly powerful role in governing global climate.
Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide could also reduce the amount of harmful air pollutants circulating, which could prevent millions of premature deaths annually by the year 2100.
It's not like carbon dioxide is a poison at current atmospheric concentrations.
Other benefits, says the EPA, include: providing amenity space for tenants (in effect replacing a yard or patio); reducing building heating and cooling costs due to the buffering effect of the plant matter and soil; filtering pollutants like carbon dioxide out of the air and heavy metals out of rainwater; and increasing bird habitat in otherwise built - up areas.
The lungs oxygenate the veins to bring new oxygen to the heart for distribution while removing toxic waste like carbon dioxide from the arteries to be expelled from the body.
Murphy and her colleagues tested several sensors last August that measure things like carbon dioxide and body heat.
As humans emit more greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the Earth continues to warm.
From ridiculous and patently false claims that global warming has slowed, that the world can't be warming because winter still exists, that (seriously) plants like carbon dioxide so we're just feeding them; these people's only purpose is to slow any real progress on fixing the planetary mess we're in.
«On the global scale, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide cause the most concern related to climate change,» said Yun Qian, the paper's lead author and an atmospheric scientist at PNNL.
Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide trap heat at the Earth's surface, preventing that heat from escaping back out into space too quickly.
The lianas monopolize resources like carbon dioxide — which is rising by 0.5 percent per year globally — eventually covering some trees and pulling them down.
However, if you force helium inside of a solid material, it bubbles out, much like carbon dioxide bubbles in carbonated water.
Four - pronged impact Like carbon dioxide, black carbon absorbs sunlight and infrared radiation, trapping heat in the atmosphere — including the boundary layer closest to Earth's surface.
Two potential scenarios: gas seeping from the liquid solution, like carbon dioxide escaping from an open soda can, and a pressure difference caused by the slow freezing of liquids.
«It's almost like the carbon dioxide gas turned on the visual stimulus for the mosquitoes to go to this black dot.»
Sari's research focuses on microbes that control the carbon cycle in habitats where organisms can not fix enough carbon from inorganic sources like carbon dioxide to sustain their food webs.
Jakosky said, «A better understanding of the upper atmosphere and the loss of volatile compounds like carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and water to space is required to plug a major hole in our understanding of Mars.
In order to truly understand the fat - soluble vitamins, however, we must understand that vitamins A, D, and K cooperate synergistically not only with each other, but also with essential minerals like magnesium and zinc, with dietary fat, and with key metabolic factors like carbon dioxide and thyroid hormone.
that gases like carbon dioxide accumulate in the atmosphere and trap heat from the sun, creating a greenhouse effectâ??
Gases like carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere absorb outgoing infrared radiation from the earth's surface causing some heat to be retained.
The 98 - page report, co-authored by EPA analyst Alan Carlin, pushed back on the prospect of regulating gases like carbon dioxide as a way to reduce global warming.
These are the infrared - absorbing «greenhouse gases,» of course, substances like carbon dioxide and water vapor, and n...
Emissions like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and other greenhouses gases will remain in the atmosphere for many years making impossible to eliminate global warming and
This is especially true for projections that stretch tens or a hundred years into the future, when those tracers and other gases that behave similarly like carbon dioxide, as well as excess heat energy, reach the upward turn of the conveyor belt and return to the surface.
«As the ocean slows down, it will keep uptaking gases like carbon dioxide more efficiently, much more than it will keep uptaking heat.
Of course, the plant that was closed in Tongliang lacked basic pollution control equipment to limit the emission of pollutants like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter.
To grow, your baby needs nutrients, water, oxygen, antibodies against diseases, and a way to get rid of unneeded waste like carbon dioxide.
Charlson says scientists understand to within 10 percent the impact of human activity on the production of greenhouse gases, things like carbon dioxide and methane that act like blanket to trap heat and, in theory, contribute to global warming.
Steel can also be recycled time and time again without loss of quality; by simply recycling our steel cans we can conserve non-renewable fossil fuels, reduce the consumption of energy and the emission of gasses like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
«On the global scale, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide cause the most concern related to climate change,» said Yun Qian, study co-author and atmospheric scientist at Pacific Northwest National Lab in the US.
Gases which are lighter than air, such as water vapour and methane, will always rise in air unless work is done to change that, just as, gases which are heavier than air, like carbon dioxide which is one and half times heavier, will always sink in air and will not spontaneously rise in air, unless work is done to change that.
But here's the thing — without greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, the Earth would be a lot colder because most of the sun's heat would quickly disappear into space.
Coal mining and power production release toxic heavy metals like mercury, respiratory irritants like sulfur dioxide and particulates, and large volumes of heat - trapping gases like carbon dioxide and methane.
Total global HFC emissions — most commonly from air conditioners and refrigerators — are far less significant contributors to climate change than the aggregate emission of other greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane.
The system processes 500,000,000 data points each day on indoor environmental quality, including comfort measures of temperature, humidity, noise, and light, and air pollutants like carbon dioxide and particulate matter.
Compared to conventional plastics, PEF is characterized by improved barrier properties for gases like carbon dioxide and oxygen.
Trees capture greenhouse gases (GHGs) like carbon dioxide, preventing them from accumulating in the atmosphere and warming our planet.
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