Sentences with phrase «like carrot cake»

They are made with fresh ingredients like nuts, dates, and coconut, with a taste like carrot cake thanks to flavorful spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.
A smoothie that tastes just like carrot cake with carrots, walnuts, dates, almond milk and an optional drop of vanilla.
This is very strange for me because, believe it or not, I didn't like carrot cake at all until about a year ago.
You could do so just to be safe but, just like carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, I find that keeping it at room temperature for a few days is fine.
The taste was pretty good but didn't really taste that much like carrot cake and it kind of had a weird after taste although it's not too noticeable.
Then there are sweet treats like carrot cake, cookies and granola bars!
Because who doesn't want things like carrot cake smoothie bowls?
A pinch of cinnamon makes the whole thing taste a bit like carrot cake.
It isn't overly sweet like some carrot cakes that you would have for dessert.
Despite the differences, it's still an amazing sub, especially on goodies like carrot cake.
You could try using spices like cinnamon, dried ginger, or nutmeg to make them taste more like carrot cake.
With just dairy free milk, a carrot, some frozen mango and spices you've got yourself a really satisfying smoothie that tastes a lot like carrot cake!
My friend who doesn't even like carrot cake loved it!
Just like my carrot cake quinoa breakfast bars, these chickpea brownies could even be served as a dessert or breakfast food!
It actually tastes like carrot cake and it has an option to add protein powder to increase the protein content if you want.
The resulting flavor is just like carrot cake with a hint of banana and it tastes amazing with the cashew cream cheese icing.
I made them and I am not sure what I did butI somehow ended up with a muffin that tastes exactly like carrot cake but without the heavy gross feeling it leaves you with after.
It's incredibly easy to make and it basically tastes like carrot cake for breakfast, cause you know Easter is all about carrot cake everything!
Nothing says Springtime (or Easter) quite like a carrot cake, and this Carrot Bundt Cake with Cream Cheese Swirl is no exception.
Like my carrot cake oat porridge... or now, these awesome healthy carrot cake fritters.
LOL I had the same thought when I read the Budget Bytes recipe — mmm, this sounds almost like carrot cake!
Recipes: Heaps of healthy drinks and chia pudding recipes alongside more indulgent treats like carrot cake cookies and vegan nacho cheese!
This one comes together in a few quick minutes with the help of a high - speed blender and tastes very much like carrot cake in a bowl, with the added benefits of raw carrots, ginger, pea protein and spices.
But you might also like my carrot cake one, my apricot chocolate quinoa one, or my orange walnut one.
I mostly like carrot cake, but it's CAKE so who says no?!
All of the required ingredients for carrot cake are making an appearance here, so it's not as if you're eating something that is supposed to taste like carrot cake while missing some important items.
And in my house we always say the Easter Bunny likes carrot cake too;)
My mom's recipe is very similar, Mrs. U. I don't normally like carrot cake, but I love hers (and, I'm sure I would love yours since it's about the same) Yours looks lovely!
these look good, you know I'm sure that zucchini bread is a bit of a N. American thing like carrot cake, it's yummy too
Morning Glory Muffins are like carrot cake for breakfast!
Even though it's totally whole grain, made with spelt flour, and sugar free, it feels a bit like carrot cake.
A healthy, high - protein snack bar free of oil, flour, and refined sugar that tastes just like carrot cake!
For dessert, this cookbook stretches the imagination and tempts you to play with noodles in new ways to create the easiest, fanciest and healthiest treats like carrot cake, coconut sugar apple pie with blueberry jam and vanilla ice cream, butternut squash pancakes with maple syrup and raspberries, sweet potato brownies and more.
That's not too bad, because a pancake isn't a terribly sweet cake, until you go and model it after some dessert cake, like carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.
It's almost time to pack up the ice cream maker and start cranking up the oven, but I wanted to share this summer - to - fall transition ice cream that really does taste like carrot cake.
perfect size for just us girls, hubby doesn't like carrot cake (what a downer) forgot to write, love that cookie pic from the previous post!
If you like carrot cake and cream cheese frosting you have to try these Carrot Cake Cookies!
If you like carrot cakes so much you should definitely try the Brazilian version of it - it has a chocolate glaze and all.
Just how I like my carrot cakes!
I don't understand how some people don't like carrot cake... I also bought some carrot cake granola from Whole Foods this weekend that I just tried and it's amazing!
These carrot cake cookies with cream cheese glaze from Bakerita are like carrot cake but in cookie form.
It's a good recipe if you like carrot cake and want a small dessert.
Another crowd favorite from a few years ago, this cake is like carrot cake, but made with parsnips in place of carrots.
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