Sentences with phrase «like civilian casualties»

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Since that shift, there's been a significant spike in both civilian casualties and insider attacks; on Oct. 19, the increasingly - emboldened Taliban virtually wiped out a 60 - man Afghan National Army unit like it was nothing.
Transitioning into civilian life, Ryan is making a career promoting startups that develop the powerful and specialized software he wishes he'd had as an intelligence officer in Iraq — programs that can map and visualize useful information like casualties from IEDs, the market price of flour at a local bazaar, or the tribal affiliations of local townspeople.
Like «Avengers: The Age of Ultron,» «Captain America: The Winter Soldier» and «Iron Man 3,» «Civil War» is simultaneously about the ramifications of US intervention in a post-9 / 11 world; the responsibility of private military contractors (which is basically what the Avengers are here) to defer to their government and the United Nations; the question of whether civilian casualties negate the righteousness of a noble mission; the allure and price of vengeance; and individuals» ongoing, never - finished struggles to understand how their pasts drive their present - tense actions.
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