Sentences with phrase «like cognitive capacities»

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In short, it is the prescription for medical oppression in which people deemed to be without sufficient cognitive capacities become almost the equivalent of the dead and the value of their lives is stripped from them like the medals from a Foreign Legion soldier being kicked out of the corps.
Animal brains don't have the cognitive capacity for «imagination» and abstract thinking like a human being.
They argue that they are complementing traditional computers with cognitive - computing - like abilities that offer vast savings in energy, enabling capacity to grow by leaps and bounds.
You can include capacities like content mastery, critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovation, civic literacy, and other cognitive capacities necessary for success in the 21st century.
Like sharks, it was thought, stingrays were «reflex machines having very acute senses but limited cognitive capacities
4 «Cognitive impairment» generally means a loss or deterioration in a person's intellectual capacity and includes diseases like Alzheimer's and various forms of irreversible dementia.
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