Sentences with phrase «like condoms»

Barriers like condoms don't protect you from STDs unless you actually use them, so always having protection nearby makes sticking to your safer sex game plan easier.
You can reduce your risk by using barrier methods like condoms and dental dams consistently and correctly.
So I recommend that you always use barrier protection like condoms, when you to engage in sexual intercourse so you can protect your partner.
After taking ella if you do have sex again in the same cycle, use a reliable barrier method of birth control like condoms until your next period.
They aren't saying anything against things like condoms.
While it can not be predicted when your menstrual cycle will return after delivering your baby, you can still avoid becoming pregnant by making use of contraception like condoms.
«About «Silent hill 2 ″ Bubble Head Nurse, my originally planned for its head is a semiliquid thing covered with a thin skin like a condom, and it bursts like a water balloon, when it's shotten.»
Lola is also looking to destigmatize discussion of purchases like condoms and lube.
These are long - lasting condoms that allow both parties to enjoy the sensation without feeling like the condom is too thick or bulky.
Actually, up until now only the so called sin products like condoms and sex toys were being advertised through this type of media.
You need to use a backup method like a condom for seven days after getting your first shot.
Use another method of birth control like condoms if you have vaginal sex during the first 48 hours.
Using protection like condoms and dental dams when you have sex really helps to lower your risk of getting any STD.
It's funny that at age 46 you can still feel squirmy about buying things like condoms and birth control apparatus.
Use barriers like condoms and dental dams to help protect each other.
I highly recommend avoiding hormonal birth control completely and instead using other methods of contraception like condoms.
«About «Silent hill 2 ″ Bubble Head Nurse, my originally planned for its head is a semiliquid thing covered with a thin skin like a condom, and it bursts like a water balloon, when it's shotten.»
In all fairness to the company, which simply wishes to offer an alternative product for people who don't like condoms, their website warns against using it to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.
So they will worship him and hold big rallies why others dress up like condoms, support SSM, and push the use of the pill.
Fans also make the mistake of thinking that players lifespan at a club should be like a condom's lifespan.
If you have concerns about nursing while consuming birth control hormones, there are many other birth control options that will have absolutely no effect on your baby, like condoms, IUDs and diaphragms.
Also remember that birth control methods like condoms are not just important in preventing pregnancy.
This may include barrier methods (like condoms or diaphragms), an IUD, pills, a patch, an implantable device, or shots.
People who are allergic to latex can experience an irritating rash when exposed to products — like condoms — made with the plant - based rubber.
You'll also need to use two forms of birth control during the time you take the medication: one hormonal method, and one barrier method, like a condom, says Dr. Zeichner.
If you have missed a few pills or have been inconsistent in when and how you've been taking your pill, you will want to use a backup method of birth control, like a condom, until you get a period and are ready to start the next pack.
So people use FAMs to prevent pregnancy by avoiding sex or using another birth control method (like condoms) on those «unsafe,» fertile days.
If your goal is to prevent pregnancy, then you'll know exactly which days of the month you'll want to abstain from the baby - making kind of sex or choose a barrier method, like a condom or diaphragm.
Copyright is like a condom, you use it or lose it.
The law is like a condom.
But not a lot of people associate Planned Parenthood with men's health — despite the fact that we offer a wide range of services for men, ranging from those you expect (like condoms) to those you might not expect (like smoking cessation).
Using safer sex barriers (like condoms and dental dams) every time you have oral, anal, or vaginal sex helps protect you from STDs.
If you're serious about preventing pregnancy, use spermicide along with another method, like condoms or withdrawal (pulling out).
But, if you get your shot more than 15 weeks after your last shot, you'll need to use backup birth control, like a condom, for the first week after getting your shot.
However, when you start taking your pill could affect whether or not you need to use a backup birth control method (like condoms) for the first 7 days.
If you're 2 or more weeks late getting your shot, you may be at risk for pregnancy and should use a backup birth control, like a condom, for the first week after getting your shot.
You can get some types of birth control, like condoms, at drugstores or convenience stores.
Like condoms, dental dams are a way to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) by covering the vagina or anus during oral sex.
You might need to use a backup method of birth control (like condoms) until the IUD starts to work — whether you're protected against pregnancy right away depends on what type of IUD you get and when it's put in.
It's much better at preventing pregnancy when combined with other methods like condoms.
So people use FAMs to prevent pregnancy by avoiding sex or using another birth control method (like condoms) on those «unsafe,» fertile days.
STDs are usually spread by having vaginal sex, anal sex, or oral sex without using protection (like a condom).
But if you don't get the implant during the first 5 days of your period, you should use some other type of birth control (like condoms) for the first week after getting your implant.
«Practicing safe sex with proper protection like condoms and regular testing are important steps to living healthier lifestyles,» said Ms. Smith.
Use another method of birth control — like a condom or female condom — if you have vaginal sex during the first week on the pill.
However, when you start the patch could affect whether or not you need to use a backup birth control method (like condoms) for the first 7 days.
You can take your first birth control pill any day of the month, but you may need a backup birth control method (like condoms) for the first 7 days.
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