Sentences with phrase «like core holdings»

Companies like ITW look like core holdings to me.

Not exact matches

Yahoo announced Monday that following the sale of its core business to Verizon Communications, the leftover assets would placed under a holding company termed «Altaba» — a name that sounded more like infantile babble than the remnants of a once - promising internet giant.
As corporations increasingly rely on contractors for core parts of their business, they are held responsible by ethically minded consumers for actions further back in the supply chain - even the provenance of the mineral tantalum in their electronic devices like smartphones.
Dave Nadig, CEO of and a well - known ETF expert, recently suggested as much, noting that «Duration hedging hasn't yet had its «hedge the yen» moment when investors discovered the power of currency hedging en masse, but like currency - hedged ETFs, duration - hedged ETFs may start finding a place not necessarily as core holdings, but as finely honed tools for tweaking duration exposure in a broader bond - portfolio context.»
hawaiiguest We do not know what the world would look like without the continuing influence of a core belief held by the vast majority of humans that existence is more than physical needs and desires.
And then that moment of birth being one of complete relief and release and joy, yes absolutely, but instead of popping champagne corks or bursting into laughter, I cried from the core of myself — like some ancient writer said, I lifted up my voice and I wept, because she was finally here and we were alive and we were safe and I felt held by the God - with - us; it was the most human and most sacred thing I'd ever done in my life, it felt like a glimpse of Incarnation.
But the truth is that we're different, we'll always be different, and so we seek each other out, like an elusive balance, holding each other's life steady, you pull me back to Centre and I like to think I pull you towards my own Centre, we're finding some core thing here.
Lets say the Cowboys hold off on WR this year until later in the draft, and the receiving core looks like the mess it was at the end of last year.
He's wise and he's kept the most promising (so far Walcott, Ramsey & Ox) of the British core we have to continue playing but they may all shift to bit part roles sooner or later and with great English prospects growing in our ranks like holding I see many of the underperformers being found out sooner rather than later.
While lying on the floor, hold baby above you and rhythmically lower baby to your face, kiss baby's face all over, and raise baby back up again... I used to like to say «kiss the baby» when I kissed his face so he could build vocabulary while I struggled to regain core strength.
«The only debate tentatively scheduled — no firm date is set — would be a local debate held in Buffalo that will include minor party candidates, cutting in half the time Mr. Astorino and Mr. Cuomo will have to discuss key issues, like tax reform, economic development, the Moreland Commission Scandal, and Common Core.
Moves like the deadlift, squat and overhead press place great demands on your core muscles, requiring them to hold the spine in a rigid position while the hip and shoulder joints generate the force needed to move the weight.
With shoulders back, core engaged, grab the dumbbells and hold them like a hammer, heads facing the mirror and behind you.
As you float and engage the core, hold the Steel Club so that the elbow is drawn into the side and the arm is shaped like an «L».
With time and practice of inversions, especially those like the Headstand Pose, we build our abdominal and back muscles and create the core strength needed to hold most inversions.
Believe me, having a strong core will also be helpful post pregnancy when you have to lift and hold what feels like a 50 lb baby all day long.
Just like the plank, to hold this position, your whole core has to be engaged and this helps to make it stronger, faster, and it helps you learn to use it more.
When squatting (especially at the bottom), brace your gut like you were about about to get punched in the stomach, and hold it tight, activating the transverse abdominis muscle (the internal supporting muscles of the core), giving you a natural weight belt.
There is a time and place for proper breath holding, like when you are maxing out your deadlift, but if you are suffering from back or neck tightness, hernias, abdominal separation or pelvic floor issues, you really need to take a closer look at how you manage pressure in your core and why that mis - utilization of pressure is causing issues.
Joel Surnow and David Kronish are, of course, most famous for their work on 24 and, much like The Kennedys, that series was held together by the magnetism of the core cast.
Othello is a release that can certainly grab and hold the attention of those that like the core game or want a bit of relaxed multiplayer; you can easily pass a Joy - Con or even exclusively use the touchscreen.
The movie gets at the core of the heightened emotions of high schoolers, who, like baby snakes, haven't yet learned to hold back some of their venom when they bite.
At the story's core is Brad Pitt's sly take on one of the most polarizing war figures of a generation: successful, charismatic four - star General Stanley McChrystal, who leapt in like a rock star to command NATO forces in Afghanistan, only to be taken down by a journalist's no - holds - barred exposé.
At the story's core is Brad Pitt's sly take on a successful, charismatic four - star general who leapt in like a rock star to command NATO forces in Afghanistan, only to be taken down by a journalist's no - holds - barred exposé.
Paul Toner, the president of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, said that his union has seen much more interest in forums it's held on topics like the common core than on typical delegation meetings.
It comes down to whether the federal government will require states and districts that voluntarily accept federal funds to use their own money fairly, a crucial question as students and teachers are held accountable for meeting exacting new educational standards like the Common Core.
With Common Core, required standards are held in front of all students like a carrot, to master any way they can.
Like many I've accumulated substantial core holdings that I don't like to market - time, but have a more speculative «trading» accoLike many I've accumulated substantial core holdings that I don't like to market - time, but have a more speculative «trading» accolike to market - time, but have a more speculative «trading» account.
Hurry up and wait «Especially in New York, where restaurants tend to be run like hard - core businesses, they'll often show you to the holding bar while you wait, even though your table may actually be ready,» says McElhiney.
This is why I like selling total return covered calls over partial returns because I do not want my core portfolio holdings to be called away.
Sure, you can buy something like the Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND), but you shouldn't make it your core bond holding if your expenses and liabilities are in Canadian dollars.
I believe that you have said it could be a core holding that is like the S&P 500 but will most likely slightly outperform.
In fact, last week the Fund sold the last one of those legacy core holdings *, AIG, to make room for a more Forager - like idea which we will disclose in our upcoming July 2016 Monthly report.
If you are happy holding onto stocks, knowing that the best scenario from past history would be slightly over 3400 on the S&P 500 in 2028, then why not buy a bond index fund like iShares Core Total U.S. Bond Market ETF (NYSEARCA: AGG) or the iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF (NYSEARCA: LQD) that could virtually guarantee something near that outcome?
Start with a laddered - bond ETF like the iShares DEX Short Term Bond Index Fund (TSX: XSB) as part of your core holdings, suggests Chris Rawles, a certified financial planner with RT Mosaic.
A story in which small things turn out to hold great power and small people prove to have enormous courage, the core ideas of inverted scale that have made TT Games» series so popular are woven through Tolkien's tale like strands in elven rope.
Before FromSoftware became an international house hold name with the likes of Demon Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne, the Japanese developers where plying their trade on Japanese cult classics like Tenchu, Armoured Core and of, course, Otogi: Myth of Demons.
I will hold my hands up now and say I'm using a 8700k @ 4.9 ghz, a gtx1080ti and 16gb of dominator platinum ram, its about as high end a gaming machine as you can get and a game like this should not actually require this hardware but as I say 4 is not a fair and reflective score of the game, come on dude a i5 6400 is a 3 year old 4 core no hyperthreading cpu now, I bet big budget open world games like AC Origins and watch dogs 2 bring it to its knees also, the recommended specs id say have been very conservative aswell, an i5 3570 is not a weak cpu and id say its actually very close to a 6400 but both are on the weak side for games like this especially at 1080p.
This thoughtful grouping of paintings by renowned artists such as Robert Motherwell, Helen Frankenthaler, Larry Poons, and Gene Davis, and abstract sculptural ceramics by the likes of Peter Voulkos, Jim Leedy, Jun Kaneko, and Ken Ferguson still constitute the museum's core holdings.
The film's allure lies both in the obsessive, yet humorous nature of its core character (in a way, Sarno somehow captures qualities of Groucho Marx and Kurtz, Marlon Brando's character in «Apocalypse Now») and the magnetic appeal of the Bayaka pygmy people, whose musicality drew him to the Congo River basin and held him there for much of his life, like some siren's call.
I wish that with all posts like this either a good ice core temperature proxy graph be linked to or included in the article as a constant reminder to the casual readers that are not up on the science as well as the well informed to never lose sight of the actual context that all these discussions should be held in.
The samples they collect from the ice, called ice cores, hold a record of what our planet was like hundreds of thousands of years ago.
, [1987] 1 S.C.R. 313 [the Alberta Reference], McIntyre J. held that «while freedom of association like most other fundamental rights has no single purpose or value, at its core rests a rather simple proposition: the attainment of individual goals, through the exercise of individual rights, is generally impossible without the aid and cooperation of others».
From there it's grown into a massive industry, but at the core, personal finance advice is a part of the self - help genre, and like all self - help genres it's prone to being invaded by self - appointed experts whose advice doesn't hold up to scrutiny, or who sometimes offer an unhelpful moralistic view of your problems — like the suggestion that if you're poor, you deserve it.
The Dash can be held in the official Dash Core wallet, or a hardware wallet like the TREZOR.
For that remarkably low entry point you get a Full HD streamer powered by Roku tech (so the stick can deal with anything up to 1080p) with a redesigned Now TV remote with Voice Search, live TV pause functionality with up to 30 minutes of content held remotely in the cloud, access to all the UK's catch - up services like BBC iPlayer, in - built app access to popular online content sites like YouTube, and the ability to select from four core content passes to augment its base Freeview offerings.
When I was a teenager my grandmother got sick and because I live close to her I was able to help her on her recovery and take care of her and it was really rewarding experience for me and I didn't know that I like taking care of people so much until I was able to take care of her... it was a little different because she was a family member and I loved her but... I find it in nursing in general that same core interest in taking care of people and making sure people are feeling good and feeling better and... feeling next time I'm watching out for them that has held through for me in my entire career and I just really enjoy that aspect of the job.
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