Sentences with phrase «like deep belly»

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FAST — those suckers are gone like lightening — In goes the shovel, drop to your knees, arm elbow deep in the wet hole, occasionally you end up armpit deep and on your belly.
Your school or hospital cafeteria is going to need commercial ovens and ranges, while the nightclub or sports bar next door is going to belly up to bar supplies like commercial ice makers and deep fryers.
It was «like looking at a hole in your belly [that is] seven inches wide and six - and - a-half inches deep,» she recalled in an interview with
I felt like I had to go back to square one and learn how to reinforce my transverse abdominals, deepest corset layer of abs, and relearn how to breathe properly without inflating my belly.
Researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found that for every 10 - gram increase in daily soluble fiber consumed (from foods like fruits, veggies, and beans), visceral fat (the kind that's found deep in the belly) went down by 3.7 % over five years.
The aforementioned belly dancing was a hilarious way to inject some movement into my day, while other activities like pool Pilates, bushwalking and deep water running are all outside the realm of the standard one - hour gym routine.
Although your breathing should be deep, it shouldn't feel like a struggle or a «gulp» to inhale... Just a deep, 360 degree expansion of your lower ribs, your back body, your belly, and your pelvic floor.
It can also be helpful to use tools like sleep meditation, aromatherapy, earplugs, and deep belly breathing techniques to ease into sleep.
Feeling like your stomach is in knots when you're stressed goes much deeper than just a little belly pain.
It compresses our lungs so that instead of taking deep long breaths into our belly like we were born to do, we take short, stressful breaths into our shrunken chests.
If you palpate your belly just inside the left and right hip bones, this deep contraction should feel like a light, deep tension under your fingertips, not a contraction that pushes your fingers out.
The first was photographer - induced and made the car sink to its belly on what looked like packed snow but was more like deep powder.
My nieghbours koooli has a severely swollen back leg, so tight I thought the skin would burst, its been like this for 4 days now but does nt seem to be causing any pain, she's walking okay and can just squat to pee, eating and drinking normally, but now there is really deep purple bruising starting to come out under her leg / belly area, the swelling has gone down very slightly on the outside of her leg but the inside is still very fat, no heat in the leg either.Will this resolve itself he's relunctant to take her to the vet because it does nt seem to cause any pain.Have given her a 3 day course of meloxicam.
use a breathing strategy called «balloon breathing,» to teach students how their belly is like a balloon that expands and deflates as they take deep breaths.
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