Sentences with phrase «like doctors and their patients»

Additionally, the wall of separation is one of governmental policy and is nothing at all like doctors and their patients.

Not exact matches

Palmer reached out to a wide range of pediatricians to find out how they feel about these parents, and he was surprised to encounter mostly sadness rather than anger on the part of these doctors, who often feel like they've let their patients down by not convincing them to vaccinate.
Just consider the ways in which patients are clamoring for more telemedicine and virtual doctor visit options while medical schools are harnessing virtual reality systems like Microsoft's Hololens to teach anatomy to young surgeons.
LONDON, Oct 9 - Scientists have found two distinct genetic «signatures» for prostate cancer that may help doctors predict which patients have aggressive tumours, and designed experimental blood tests to read those genetic signs like barcodes.
So while they've usually proven effective (at least in other nations), there's a chance doctors and patients could be reticent about turning away from established brand names like Remicade.
Even doctors use checklists with items like «wash your hands» and «double - check that you're not leaving surgical tools inside the patient» to make sure they don't forget anything.
When Jedd Wolchok, a cancer doctor and immunologist leading a Yervoy trial at Memorial Sloan Kettering, examined a melanoma patient's scan 12 weeks after he'd received his course of treatment, the results were utterly disappointing — just like those of any other metastatic patient in the final throes of the disease: The tumors had gotten bigger, and there were more of them.
Mobile apps, like UpToDate and Isabel, are also making it possible to decrease the amount of time it takes a doctor to give a patient a sound diagnosis.
To see what the new balance of power will look like in the coming years — and what it looks like right now — Fortune interviewed more than three dozen executives at companies across the health care continuum, along with entrepreneurs, doctors, patients, and other experts.
AliveCor focuses on wearable tech that can monitor various biometrics like blood pressure, weight, heart rate, etc. and send the information to patients» doctors.
For all our supposed openness to death — hospice, death awareness, and the like — I have encountered only one doctor who ever directly told a patient her illness was unto death.
And if the state can define marriage by diktat, why not other basic human relationships, like the parent - child relationship, the doctor - patient relationship, the lawyer - client relationship, or the priest - penitent relationship?
Back in medical school, her doctor took a course in ethics and patients like Jones were discussed.
From the ancient Hippocratic Oath to modern codes like the AMA Principles of Medical Ethics, physicians have understood that the doctorpatient relationship must be founded on trust, which is the reason that physicians publicly promise to use their knowledge and skills only for purposes of healing, and never for taking life.
When the Make - A-Wish Foundation came calling and asked Lucas for his wish, he requested a food truck to feed the doctors and nurses who cared for him along with the pediatric cancer patients that had become like family.
What were the rules after you had dragged out of the doctor the fact that only a few patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma diagnosed in its late stages, like Vee's, lived more than two years, and most were gone within a year?
Doctors such as plastic surgeons and dermatologists may recommend ZO ® PHASE 1: DAILY SKINCARE PROGRAM to their patients who would like to treat or prevent fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.
At least 22 parents and children suspect that renowned Dutch fertility doctor Jan Karbaat was secretly and illegally using his own sperm to impregnate his patients, just like an Indiana doctor who did the same thing and was unmasked by DNA evidence.
As for his patients who would choose a hospital delivery, they were well - known for making things «difficult» for hospital staff: refusing to be «shaved», have enemas, (both still standard procedures in 1981) and wanting to do unthinkable things like get up and walk around during labor instead of lying (preferably) on their backs or sides strapped to a fetal monitor - all with the encouragement and blessing of their doctor.
Doctor: Gives a long explanation of why this is not necessarily true, starting with the point that the MWs are not affiliated with the hospital and so when you do transfer, they have to treat you like a patient off the street.
But to me this sounds like a patient coming in with a broken toe and the doctor saying «Let's amputate the foot.»
Mostly those two paragraphs were my point in responding, that when doctors are ready to discuss care with their patients in a respectful, thorough manner, those patients will not feel like they're being treated like a bunch of morons and told to do it this way because they were told so or get out.
But imagine you're on a tight schedule to see X amount of patients a day (where X is a higher number than you'd like) and then you get one who insists on knowing allllll the details about everything, even when the details aren't necessary to understanding the course of action the doctor is recommending.
The doctor did not treat the patient respectfully and looks like he kind of botched the procedure.
Under the doctor's direction, the patient does not eat a food suspected of causing the allergy, like eggs, and substitutes another food, in this case, another source of protein.
Companies like his can help, he said, but the state needs to take the lead in persuading more doctors to enroll in the program, which advocates say can offer patients more effective, cheaper and less addictive alternatives than opioids.
«It's more important that legislation like ours that just passed that doctors have the ability and the opportunity without risk of someone looking over their shoulder to make the best decisions possible for their patients,» says Barrett.
The movements of doctors and nurses going round to check on patients continued like before.
Watson looks at records from a patient, like doctors» notes and lab test results, and gives opinions about what treatment to pursue.
«We're like the patient that goes to the doctor and learns he's overweight, or his cholesterol is too high.
Scenarios like this one made Roberts and his colleagues at the University of California, San Francisco ponder whether seemingly healthy patients on the transplant list and their doctors may be too choosy for their own good.
But, he and others believe, the cell work is teaching the CF community something important: The drugs may interfere with each other, packing a less powerful punch than doctors and patients would like to see.
Local Zairean, Belgian and French doctors and health officials were the first to see and assess patients in Yambuku, while the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium, received the first Ebola specimens and recovered what they called «a Marburg - like virus.»
If successful, the technology will not only change the way drugs are developed and tested, but also provide doctors with a way to personalize treatment for patients with conditions like heart disease and cancer.
«Test methods for traditionally driven cars are something like having a doctor take a patient's blood pressure or heart rate, while testing for automated vehicles is more like giving someone an IQ test,» said Ding Zhao, assistant research scientist in the U-M Department of Mechanical Engineering and co-author of the new white paper, along with Peng.
Like clues to a crime, specific molecules in the body can hint at exposure to toxins, infectious agents or even trauma, and so help doctors determine whether and how to treat a patient.
Although doctors have long incorporated personal information like family history into treatment plans, personalized medicine holds the promise of revolutionizing medical care by using knowledge of molecular biology and genetics that will allow more precise diagnoses, better diagnostic tests, greater predictability of disease course, more successful therapies by targeting the right treatments to the right patients, and improved patient safety by selecting drugs and their proper dosage to reduce adverse side effects.
This grant will enable us to advance and expand our technology so that it (1) determines for each patient the ideal level of eye pressure, and (2) guides eye doctors about how frequently each patient should undergo various glaucoma tests like checking eye pressure or undergoing visual field testing.
Yet we have a medical system that, due to high costs and doctors who treat black patients differently, presents important advances in medical care — like genetic tests — as something optional for African Americans.
It was thought that by dressing in a bird - like mask, the wearer could draw the plague away from the patient and onto the garment the plague doctor wore.
Thanks to remote monitoring technologies, doctors and patients are connected like never before, leading to better care, better outcomes, and better health.
We have some biomarkers for glaucoma that tell us whether patients have the disease, like visual field tests or imaging, just letting your doctor look at the optic nerve in the back of the eye is a biomarker for whether you have glaucoma and, at least at a gross level, whether it's getting worse.
Online ratings that review physicians — just like ratings for restaurants, movies and mechanics — can influence what doctor a patient chooses, but most patients rank insurance acceptance and convenience as more important factors, according to U-M research published Feb. 18 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
A physician brought this to my attention and it was yet another wake - up call: Some holistic doctors are building their businesses around patients just like me, the person who has tried everything and is desperate for healing.
Ever since this unbalanced piece of information went online back in 2007, later supported by a few doctors on some talk show, cancer patients and overly anxious people around the globe treat sugar like it's the meanest killer known to man.
If doctor - patient communication is not as open and effective as you'd like, change that.
Doctors use these readings — along with other factors, like age and blood pressure — to assess patients» risk of heart disease.
Jen initially seemed surprised to hear that recommendation from me, but as a doctor who helps women reverse autoimmune disease and balance their hormones, I suggest orgasms a lot for stressed - out patients like Jen.
Oram adds that labs like CW Analytical empower patients and doctors to make informed decisions about their alternative medicine options.
While there is not much robust and methodologically sound research on magnesium's antispasmodic properties, there exists evidence that supplementation relieves cramps in some patient populations, like pregnant women (of course, if you're pregnant and considering a change in your supplement regimen, talk to your doctor first).
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