Sentences with phrase «like educating your children»

Lenat told us that most people think of computer programs as «procedural, [like] a flowchart,» but building Cyc is «much more like educating a child

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the belief on the existence of the devil was concieved by theologians of the past thousands of years, there was no other way of explaining the bad experiences of people in the past because we were not educated yet to the kind of what we have now, Why this happened because that was part of the learning process that God wants us to know, in pathrotheism, we are part of God, and He himself is evolving because He is the universe, We are now the conscious part of Him, our destiny in accordance to his will also be His destiny because it is His will.Although He prepared first all the material reality of the universe ahead of us, The experiences for us humans including the supernatural is just part of nirmal process for learning because its natural process, today we reach a point of not believing the practices of the past, but it does not mean its wrong, Just like a child, adults loved to tell mythical stories to them, because we knew children enjoys it as part of their learning process.
If you want to educate the citizens about Islamic culture, perhaps you could use these days as teaching tools and head down to the schools and clear up some misconceptions people have — like the Jewish parents and Islamic parents did when I was a child.
Just like how people today look at slavery in the United States as unacceptable and barbaric, centuries from now children being educated will read about the once predominant religions in our society and think the same thing.
St. Paul writes of submitting to rulers because they have authority from God, and before the Enlightenment, Christian thinkers saw the ruler as being like a father, who intends the good of his children and educates them in virtue.
Deep ecologists, like feminists, have been led to explorations of history, of individual psychology, and of how we raise and educate our children.
Dr Aviad Stollman, head of collections at the National Library of Israel told The Time of Israel: «The term «thumb Bible» refers to abbreviated Bibles like this, which were popular in early 19th - century America, where they were used to educate children
Groups like Planned Parenthood have been a godsend because they work to educate women on their bodies, provide medical care for women, and pass out free contraceptives to these married women who otherwise can't afford to prevent children.
How many people will be impacted: 150 students every year + 12 teachers, sure, that's the start but the ongoing impact of an educated child is like dropping a pebble into still water — the ripples will spread and reach to shores we can't even imagine yet.
As fair as children go, educate them that marijuana is know medicine and that the dispensaries are just like the Rite Aid pharmacy down the road.
Funds are used to raise awareness about child hunger in the U.S.; create public - private partnerships that align kids with the resources they need; support nutrition programs like school breakfast and summer meals; and educate kids and their families on how to cook healthy meals with limited resources.
Born of well - educated parents whose employers featured names like Hewlett - Packard, Stanford University, IBM and brand - new Apple Computer, these children had parents who were dedicated to the raising of their offspring.
When you visit a school like WHEELS or Polaris, it is hard not to feel hopeful, not just for the prospects of the students there, but for the possibility that a new approach to educating low - income children, rooted in the science of adversity, might be taking hold more broadly.
You might also like to see my geography page for further ideas and suggestions about introducing geography to home educated children.
What is it really like to educate children at home?
You've read magazines to educate yourself about the best foods to include, and you communicate love to your child by knowing what she likes and what you're willing to do for her.
Adoptive parents aren't generally educated on why open adoption is better for their child, or, like Addison says, adoptive parents are told it's up to them while birthparents are told «of course it will be open».
As for Diaz - Tello, who has graduated from law school since the birth of her child, she's now working in her own legal practice and with groups like the National Advocates for Pregnant Women to educate moms about what they're going into when they enter the delivery room.
If you are uncertain about the legal requirements of home educating, which are minimal in the UK, then you might like to read the pages about preparing to home educate a pre-school age child, or de-registering an older child from school.
When you are home educating, you can introduce your children to cooking and nutrition from an early age, without worrying about them feeling that they «must» have junk food to be like schoolfriends.
You can educate child regarding sex anywhere like movies, parks, or shopping malls.
Reading Rachel's book was like listening to a friend give me advice about how she respectfully navigated how and where to educate her children, as well as what it really means to educate in the first place.
Our research (with mainly college - educated, white - collar fathers) shows that today's fathers spend an average of 2.5 hours per workday with their children and more than 3 out of 4 would like to have even more time with their offspring.
Rather, like the Consensus Statement, the focus of the various state concussion laws is on educating and assigning responsibility to those individuals who have direct contact with the players to prevent a child suspected of having suffered a concussion from returning to play without first obtaining clearance from the child's medical provider.»
Instead of coming across as a food snob, a child may be able to educate her peers that some folks just can't eat stuff like that, they can eat other things instead, and voila, you have other kids now with an expanded diet, willing to try more new things.
In education, we like to think about educating the whole child, taking different learning styles, personalities and backgrounds into consideration.
Sometimes it's about educating others to what it's like raising Autistic children.
Furthermore, there are a number of factual errors like his claim that Harriet Harman educated her children at private schools or reversing the RAF rank of air vice marshal to «vice air marshal».
«We all like democracy, but sometimes democracy does not work for educating black and brown children in America, and so we have to look for different ways to get that done,» she said.
And yet those dreams of who we might have been live on, like the dreams of elderly paupers, in the shape of our children: better nourished and educated than we ever were; raised to be less selfish, more noble, more classy in every way, Yankees to our Mets.
I make educated decisions during my asana, and don't feel like a loser if I come into child's pose or take a restorative backbend instead of full Urdvha Danurasana.
That's funny, when my children were young they went to a Waldorf kindergarten here in Germany cause I like the way they educate the children.
So the are comprehend their wife like a very caring mother who should provide them with all, to feed them, to wash their clothes and to educate their child.
Well educated professional man (electronic engineer), very polite and good nature d, father of three grown up children would like to meet and to marry a nice, giving, not afraid of constrains woman who willing to apply herself to bettering our lives in a very nice community on the shore of...
I am calm, educated, self - employed, with good sense of humore, like children, nature, fishing, sports, arts.
To be sure, there are often good reasons to place children out of district at public expense — no district can serve all students equally well — but neither are there always clear and obvious distinctions to be made between who can be educated in a regular school, those who need alternative settings and those like Adrian who run afoul of the rules so frequently, or who are penalized so often and systematically, that they simply give up and leave.
«After teaching in Newark, N.J., for 12 years, I felt deeply that nothing mattered like the education of the children I had taught, and that the work of educating those children had to change radically, in ways I was struggling to define,» said Alonso.
No matter how much energy and money we spend working on systemic issues — school choice, funding, assessments, accountability, and the like — not one of these policies educates children.
When President George W. Bush called upon our schools to «leave no child behind,» he did so because he understands, like most people in this country, that a well - educated America is also an economically competitive America.
The return of many white, upper - middle - class, educated parents — and their young children — to city centers has caused some urban districts, like those in Philadelphia, Chicago, and Boston, to actively encourage these families to send their children to local district schools.
Megaschools that work for major cities like London present massive logistical, cultural and transitional challenges for children being educated in rural Northumberland, and
When Jill Biden convened a gathering of researchers and university faculty to mark the five - year anniversary of Operation Educate the Educators last spring, they also celebrated significant policy gains, like the enactment of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, which smooths transitions by eliminating conflicting state educational requirements, and the «military - student identifier» provision in the Every Student Succeeds Act, which requires states — for the first time — to track outcomes for these students.
In states that make it a priority to educate our youngest children, like Georgia or Oklahoma, studies show students grow up more likely to read and do math at grade level, graduate high school, hold a job, form more stable families of their own.
This remarkable transformation was the result of actions big and small of educators like you who, over the last seven decades, did what they could to help educate all children well.
Across the nation there are charter schools with the stated purpose of educating groups like pregnant teens, high school dropouts, delinquent youth, or even the broadly defined group of at - risk children.
To observers outside the city and state, our educational politics must look like an endless war between radically different views on how best to educate children.
The problem, though, is that educating children is not like solving an engineering problem, and the research rarely generates clear evidence that a particular teaching strategy or educational model works.
«We don't ever want to educate South Carolina children like they educate California children,» South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley recently told a gathering of Republican women.
Schools like The Children's Guild are teaching the so called hardest to educate and debunking the myth that some students are not able to learn — one student at a time!
It seems like common sense to require the people entrusted with educating the children at private voucher schools receiving tax dollars to be qualified, licensed professionals.
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