Sentences with phrase «like education of your child»

«After teaching in Newark, N.J., for 12 years, I felt deeply that nothing mattered like the education of the children I had taught, and that the work of educating those children had to change radically, in ways I was struggling to define,» said Alonso.
For your long term financial goals like the education of the child, down payment for a house, retirement plans and marriage, ULIP can be the ideal selection.
If you have financial plans which can only be fulfilled with a continuous monthly income like education of your child, then always go for a staggered payment option under term plan.

Not exact matches

Find opportunities on a range of small business ideas from children's education franchises like Kumon, Huntington Learning Center, and i9 Sports.
Besides, for the hundreds of millions of rural peasants who have already migrated to cities — supplying factories with an endless supply of cheap labour — life in cities like Shanghai, Beijing or Shenzhen means being treated like second - class citizens, since their access to social services and education for their children is tightly limited.
«Child migration will affect certain states and localities differently, based on where costs such as education are incurred but also based on gains in terms of spending for things like shelter and transportation,» said Michelle Mittelstadt of the Migration Policy Institute.
«New attention to Nutrition: With the aim of driving meaningful reductions in micronutrient deficiency in young children we will test products like micro nutrient powders and fortified porridge, and augment education on balanced diet.
Yes, this means we (just like you) pay our taxes dollars to support public education to the tune of $ 13092 per child on average and private education to the tune of $ 7567 per student on average.
A few of the many things that jump off of the pages for me are that it doesn't seem to support working families with kids (it REPEALS the up to $ 5,000 exclusion from gross income for dependent care assistance that many working parents use to subsidize the skyrocketing costs of child care while they work) or even those who (like my fantastic law students at UNLV) are pursuing and paying for higher education.
You should only ladder when you have a specific purpose in mind, like providing a consistent stream of income or have particular investment objectives you're trying to meet, like tuition payments for a child's education.
I pray to whichever holy name (God, Allah, Jehovah, Krishna, Jesus, etc.) suits the ONE Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent being that ignorance is wiped away from our species and we become a closer, more loving, peaceful creature and that we realize how much time we waste and how much further we push our fellow neighbor and brother under God, regardless of creed, away debating over who's God is better and discover the error of our ways before we destroy each other... before it's too late, because The End is Nigh!!!!! LOL!!!!! Really though, isn't the world full of enough tragedy, and aren't their so many more important things that need our energy and attention like the innocent children in Pakistan dying from diseases from the flood or the homeless children in our own country, or the lack of education, which is exactly what leads to this kind of debate?
Like the alleged No Child Left Behind (iow, No Drop Of Oil Left Behind) was worth a $ H + in promoting education.
Instead, why don't you teach your children to study hard and get a good education at a «real» college where they can learn «real» subjects like biology and astrophysics, instead of relying on a priest or a minister to teach them that mythical being created man and the universe?
Partnering with organizations like WorldReach (who allows you to sponsor children) and Charity: Water (who lets you tell your friends to donate instead of getting you a birthday present every year) or finding a cause like ending human trafficking, supporting education or assisting the homeless can represent more than just one - time gifts or temporary passions.
Once a month the mothers meet for meals like this to continue their education and to evaluate the well - being of the children.
Like their contemporaries who had chosen to combine outside careers with the raising of children, they felt the attractions of using their minds and education in systematic, diligent ways; of possessing a sense of purpose independent from their husbands»; and of avoiding the tedium of housecleaning.
This sounds like the life of a high bourgeois family, but it wasn't: These were not luxuries but instruments for the education of their only child.
In Cornwall a document ( / cornwall schools transgender guidance) concocted by the education authority and various groups including, worryingly, the police, announces that a child who thinks that he or she would like to be a member of the opposite sex, should be urged to succumb to the fantasy and begin the process that will lead to the use of physical mutilation accompanied by hormonal drugs.
Like most children of my era who got a religious education, I grew up on Bible stories.
If you are absolutely convinced a fetus is truly the full moral equivalent of an extant human baby, then any political or ideological qualms you have about helping out with things like birth control and child care, or including se - x education in school classrooms.
For this reason I have realized this: a chimpanzee does not understand math (regardless of how many hours I spent trying to teach them this) because of it's anatomy, yet I do understand math because of my anatomy (and education of course), I as a mere mortal (unlike yourself) know that my faculties must be somehow limited and that there are concepts that no matter how much I try to use my retarded brain I will never understand them because I don't have the god lobe in the ole brain like you do, none the less I keep on thinkin» in a finite fashion hoping that my future children might have a little more range than I since they too will be a «tarded snapshot in a timeline of cognitive evolution.
What I think I'd like to do is to write about it here in a series of posts, hand - in - hand with these homeschool book posts, taking on what I think he gets right as well as assumptions about children, parenting, and education with which I take issue.
Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted - out factories, scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge; and the crime, and the gangs, and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.
I read all the time about mal - practice in hospitals, incect cases in churches or schools, not even speaking about how our education system fails in a basic thing like teaching all of our children to read (you do your research and find out the number or illiteracy in this country).
The stark fact that complicates incentive studies like Fryer's is that for children who grow up in difficult circumstances, there already exists a powerful set of material incentives to get a good education.
Today's parents were not raised with the experience of caring for young children, Gopnik says, and so they come to parenthood after extensive education and work, and approach parenting like another subject to be mastered: «Get a book, take a course, and things will come out well.»
In fact the authors point out that there are no studies of meditationamong children in a general school population that are designed well enough to meet the standards of the gatekeeping organizations — like CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), the Department of Education, or the Society for Prevention Research — that would endorse program changes in schools.
Programs like No Child Left Behind and Common Core — with their focus on «hard skills» and the mastery of content, both very «carpenter» - like approaches to education — have failed children, and teaching has regressed to an emphasis on test preparation.
Sounds like there is a lot of planning and education going on and to be honest that is what I've found to be the best possible protection for my anaphylactic child too.
But the modern, and dominant, view of developmental scientists like Steinberg is that the degree to which parents can successfully parent their children is highly dependent on how well their social environment — education, policy, media, culture, the economy — align to support children's development.
I am not sure how it is in the rest of the USA, but where I live, in California, early childhood childcare and education is private and atrociously expensive, like $ 40k / year for 2 kids for FT care, which makes keeping your job vs. taking care of your children sometimes not even economically feasible, or even vaguely attractive, depending on your income level.
Visit helpful sites like one set up by the Military Child Education Coalition, a nonprofit that advocates for military kids in the school system, and the American Academy of Pediatrics Military Child Support site.
I always felt like I'm an idiot because there are no gentle parents in my environment, I'm from Serbia and the education of children here is in a very poor level, not to mention family relationships....
The pilot, called Oklahoma Summer Food and Education Program, represents Feed the Children's new vision and commitment to unite like - minded organizations to defeat the status quo of hunger.
First, Charlotte's own writings like A Philosophy of Education, Formation of Character, Ourselves: Our Souls and Bodies, Parents and Children, School Education, and The Original Home Schooling Series are still available and still read.
Every homeschooling parent wants to give his child the best possible education, but I think that schedules and curricula like the ones I see online are at once time - intensive and complicated for the parent, and at the same time don't really help young kids reach all of their potential.
You would be amazed at what service projects and groups are out there doing things that you never knew about — dolls and bears made up to be the the weight of your baby (Molly Bears), stuffed animals made out of your baby's clothing and blankets, peer support and parent advocates waiting to help the newly bereaved, personalized jewelry makers (like My Forever Child), stone painters, heart sewers, pillow - making people (Heaven Born for miscarriage), memory - box makers, authors (there are books for almost every subject on this topic waiting to be discovered), research and education groups, story - sharing sites, support groups, chat groups, blogs, Facebook groups, foot / hand print kits, music and funeral planning resources... Consider starting here before starting something new.
Many special education teachers will attest to the fact that there is no satisfaction quite like that of knowing that you helped a special needs child to learn and grow.
According to their framework, high - level «non-cognitive» skills like resilience, curiosity, and academic tenacity that are essential to success in middle and high school are impossible for a child to obtain without first developing, in the early years of formal education, executive function, a capacity for self - awareness, and relationship skills.
It may seem like a lot of effort to put into a week or two of a child's summer, but camp directors insist that parents look at it as an investment in education.
Through the company's website,, or local events, buyers purchase high - quality backpacks; accessories like lunch boxes, nap blankets, and bag tags emblazoned with inspiring messages, such as Give Back, Respect and Creativity; and children's books that Brockmeyer has written to illustrate the importance of education.
We went through many years of formal education and training and have likely submerged ourselves in an unimaginable amount of debt in order to help people just like yourself and your child.
StudyWomb ™, the Online Natural Child Birth Education Classroom Stages of Labor and Delivery — what they feel like Birth Plan Template Labor Stages — what your body is doing Early Stage of Labor Active Labor Transition Delivery of the Placenta
While some LEAs are fine, perhaps even helpful, you may have to deal with those who don't like your style of education and do all they can to get your children into school.
They didn't cut out a necessary aspect of education like music, history, science, or art (as some schools do) that children need to grow and learn as citizens of society.
All children deserve high quality preschool education, but Proposition 1B will deliver nothing like «high quality» because it is not about children, it is about profiting off the sweat of our youngest citizens.
Education, like every other aspect of our children's lives, is our responsibility as parents.
webcast of the markup of the House Education and the Workforce Committee «s school food bill yesterday (my dedication to TLT readers only goes so far, people) but I've seen summaries of the outcome and it looks like the final bill is about as bad as expected, at least from the perspective of children's health.
«Assemble the basic things you use everyday, like lotion and facial cleanser, and also make room for items like maxi pads, sitz bath, and a peri-bottle, which you'll need to use while you're healing,» says Bonnie Henson, R.N., B.S., who is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and a man - ager of prenatal education and lactation support services at MemorialCare Center for Women at Miller Children's Hospital in Long Beach, CA.
It deals with a host of things, like real food and play, childcare and education, protecting children from aggressive marketing and stuff like that.
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