Sentences with phrase «like empathy and understanding»

Lawyers are capable not only of legal analysis, but also experiencing human emotions like empathy and understanding.

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Experiences like these fill them with empathy and make them better at understanding different perspectives.
Just like knowing the diversity of people's beliefs today can foster understanding, communication and empathy between persons.
I do not ever think this will be «morally acceptable» to us as long as we are humans and can relate to that parent or child, understanding that we are just like they are and through empathy and a chemical in our bodies called oxytocin we can walk a mile in their shoes and decide whether that promotes human growth (moral) or stunts it (immoral).
«I'd like to have a dialogue with them so that I can ensure that we have opportunity to really understand the situation and show some compassion and empathy for the experience they went through,» Johnson said.
I would like to see a world where humans depended on empathy, and not mythology, to understand how to treat others.
Practice empathy by helping your child understand that it's normal to be a bit concerned or self - conscious, and that it's OK to feel grown - up one minute and like a kid the next.
They face issues such as zero hour contracts, extortionate rents and the skyrocketing cost of food and utilities on a daily basis and feel that their concerns are simply dismissed by the political classes who have no idea, empathy or understanding of what their lives are like.
«Randy is exactly who should be representing WI - 01 in Congress, because unlike Ryan, he knows what it's like to struggle and will approach his job from a place of deep understanding as opposed to zero empathy,» Keith said.
If the experience seems negative, and this certain person really irritates you, or you feel like you can not connect to someone, that experience presents itself in your journey to give you an opportunity to learn patience, understanding, or perhaps empathy.
I've gained valuable empathy and understanding which allows me to be the best coach possible for women like me.
Like Patty Jenkins» Wonder Woman, Coogler's comic book movie will no doubt inspire the under - represented with its powerful depiction of a person of color who is not only a superhero, but also a leader who preaches empathy, understanding, and sincerity over cynicism and hatred.
But in the end, it's Dworkin's empathy that allows one to understand Diane and Love's experience and to care about what happens to them, or at least to ask if perhaps passivity in the face of social and economic injustice makes us more like Love than we would like to think.
Understanding the lens through which we see the world and how others see the world will combine to grow a sense of empathy within our communities, so that when conversations like Ferguson do come up, everyone understands how to approach it.
Historical empathy is the ability to understand and appreciate what life was like for people who lived in a different time and place.
To measure historical empathy, we included three statements on the survey with which students could express their level of agreement or disagreement: 1) I have a good understanding of how early Americans thought and felt; 2) I can imagine what life was like for people 100 years ago; and 3) When looking at a painting that shows people, I try to imagine what those people are thinking.
It does not engender respect, understanding or empathy for a community whose Indigenous spiritual practices and beliefs do not look like religions as understood in the common law system.
Find out what it is like for them and extend that same understanding and empathy.
She assists parents in knowing what empathy looks like and helps them to understand the correct notions of proceeding onwards with children.
«You want to set the intention and say something like, «I understand that both of you are really struggling, but the one thing that we need to remember is that there was a time that you two were deeply in love, and our intention here is to get you back to that place again where you're having compassion and empathy and love for each other.
Child is pretty upset about this and our job is to have some empathy and understand that as an 18 month old, it feels like the end of the world when we don't get what we want when we want it.
Frequently, Dr. Kahn provides an innovative and extremely effective procedure for couples by recommending that either one or both partners join his own separate relationally focused group where that person can receive support and understanding, learn techniques of positive interaction, become thoughtful of the effect of his words and behaviors on others, receive feedback from others who are not their spouse (but may be like their spouse), have an opportunity to practice the couples dialogue with the group person who reminds them of their spouse and thereby develop empathy for their spouse.
Such behavior is the opposite of empathy — the ability to understand your partner's feelings and imagine what it is like to walk in their shoes — which is an important quality in healthy relationships.
I like to encourage partners to understand one another's emotional needs and to feel empathy.
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