Sentences with phrase «like eugenol»

The compounds like eugenol, limeonene, alphs - thujone and myristicin contribute to deodorize the body and in addition, the antibacterial effects check the bad odor causing bacteria in the body.

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It contains main minerals like iron, potassium, calcium and manganese, as well as folic acid, beta - carotene, essential oils (including eugenol and apiole), flavonoids (apigenin, quercetin, rutin), chlorophyll, and healthy doses of B - vitamins, A, C, E and K vitamins.
This enzyme - inhibiting effect of the eugenol in basil qualifies basil as an «anti-inflammatory» food that can provide important healing benefits along with symptomatic relief for individuals with inflammatory health problems like rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel conditions.
Clove contains significant amounts of an active component called eugenol, which has made it the subject of numerous health studies, including studies on the prevention of toxicity from environmental pollutants like carbon tetrachloride, digestive tract cancers, and joint inflammation.
Made in the USA, this natural product contains herbal ingredients like geraniol, eugenol and peppermint.
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