Sentences with phrase «like fits your specific needs»

Weight Capacity: Make sure the treadmill you like fits your specific needs.

Not exact matches

Eddy Packing treats its customers more like partners, ensuring all products fit their specific needs.
Like most large pickup trucks, the Tundra is now available in a wide number of configurations which are designed to fit the specific needs of buyers.
It was also built with different options, like a lineup of nine unique trims, so you can customize it to fit your specific needs.
One thing that I think could be woven in is «practical art» — like pottery dishes with coordinating decorative pieces and that are very decorative by themselves; Specific «rite of passage» art and the meaning behind it, as Melissa's ketubah art; and I the American quilt is an art form, as is weavings and wood carving and fabric constructions across many cultures... perhaps the «niche» TAA would best fit is a person whose basic needs have been accomplished (like clean water, food, shelter) and they are ready to move into becoming self - sufficient through their artistic trade.
If you'd like a little help with designing a policy, or advice on changing your current policy, get in touch with an agent from one of our partner carriers, who can design a policy to fit your specific needs.
If you'd like a little help with designing a policy, along with advice on the possible investment or savings part of a permanent policy, get in touch with an agent from one of our partner carriers, who can design a policy to fit your specific needs.
If you'd like a little help with designing a decreasing term life policy, get in touch with an agent from one of our partner carriers, who can design a policy to fit your specific needs.
If you'd like a little help with designing a policy or if you are more interested in whole life insurance, get in touch with an agent from one of our partner carriers, who can design a policy to fit your specific needs.
Finding the right burial insurance or final expense insurance for you involves contact professionals who can scan the marketplace and align you with the best company that fits your specific needs — a company like JustBuryMe.
If you would like to host one of these workshops for your church or temple group, parents» group, an LGBT support group, divorced and remarried group, adoption group, cousins circle, or any other kind of community, my team at the EFT Resource Center is happy to customize any of our available workshops to fit the specific needs of your group or community.
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