Sentences with phrase «like flexible dieting»

If you've been training and eating smart for a while, and you're familiar with concepts like flexible dieting, barbell training, etc, you probably don't need these books.
I incorporate scientific concepts like flexible dieting, nutrient partitioning, macro counting, active recovery, reverse dieting, and metabolic training to ensure you're success!
You should then consider a program like flexible dieting.
Some were downright terrible — like the 3 month long escapade with a zero carb, very low fat, extremely high protein diet — , a few that were, uh, a little misguided, let's say — like my year long «dirty bulk», — and others that were a lot more effectual, like flexible dieting and more recently, my experiments with a ketogenic diet.

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From cardio bunny, to strength training, to overcoming an eating disorder, to flexible dieting, to intuitive eating, to sharing struggles, and other small glimpses of my life... I now feel like my own journey has come full circle.
He builds on the shoulders of giants like Lyle McDonald's Guide to Flexible Dieting and takes the process a step further to truly provide a workable guide to what can be a very nebulous topic.»
Flexible dieting gives you the ability to eat nutritious foods while still enjoying the foods that you like.
Flexible dieting can fit into your lifestyle seamlessly and will allow you to make the progress with your body while not feeling like you're on a traditional «diet.»
The biggest thing I like about flexible dieting is that it doesn't make you feel trapped into eating a certain way.
You need to take a time - tested approach like the Starting Strength program or flexible dieting.
Flexible dieting is one of the keys to sustainable fat loss, picking the foods you and your family like to eat, picking the number of meals and the time you wish to eat instead of a crazy fad diet!
The premise is simple: Think of flexible dieting like a daily budget, and your metabolism and your activity level dictate how big your budget is.
tl; dr: practice flexible dieting so you can choose foods you like and avoid those you dislike.
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