Sentences with phrase «like food contamination»

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While the produce industry and the federal government have made great strides in protecting the nation's food supply with steps like the Produce Traceability Initiative and the Food Safety Modernization Act, a new study from the University of California - Davis suggests reusable plastic containers may represent a backdoor for contaminatfood supply with steps like the Produce Traceability Initiative and the Food Safety Modernization Act, a new study from the University of California - Davis suggests reusable plastic containers may represent a backdoor for contaminatFood Safety Modernization Act, a new study from the University of California - Davis suggests reusable plastic containers may represent a backdoor for contamination.
The public health implications of arsenic contamination in food and water, particularly foods like infant rice cereals and other commonly consumed rice products early in life, raise serious concerns.»
It seems like almost every week another food product is being recalled because of contamination.
This collection of stories investigates low - dose arsenic contamination in rice and other risks to food safety like toxic algal blooms, E. coli in raw meat, BPA in plastics and poisonous honey.
And simple screening — with Geiger counters and the like — of soil, food and seafood can pick up radiation at low levels (so low, in fact, that the lower - end readings indicate contamination that not likely to be harmful).
«Human - like nose can sniff out contamination in drinking water: New technology could be used to detect drugs at airports, test food quality and develop perfumes.»
The clear way around the problem is to kill bacteria through means other than heat prior to preparation, so you can then cook food or not, to your liking, without having to worry about contamination.
Still, he adds, «raw food items like eggs may have contamination and need to be handled properly.»
Conceptually this seems like it may be ideal for many health issues, if one is careful to source fish low in the food chain (minimal heavy metal contamination), rich in n3, B12, D, etc..
Coffee beans, like many other agricultural crops and foods (oats, corn, peanuts, rice, wheat, cocoa, grapes etc.) are susceptible to contamination with mold.
But because many of the zinc - rich foods (meats, shellfish, and seeds, for instance) have such a limited shelf life for other reasons (like risk of bacterial contamination), you'll want to be careful in the way you store them.
Artisan cheeses, preserved meats like salami and traditional pickled foods like sauerkraut require salt to prevent contamination by pathogens.
Specific foods that have been shown to be associated with esophageal cancer include cured meats — like bologna, bacon, ham, and hot dogs — and eggs, because of frequent dioxin contamination.
While this may seem like a small sample to draw any definitive results from, the fact that zoonotic bacteria and parasites were found in all samples of the raw food diet shows that there is definitely a pattern of contamination that needs to be researched further.
I don't like fish based foods because of the potential for heavy metal contamination (mercury) and other pollutants.
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