Sentences with phrase «like fragments of»

Art historian Peter Selz, in an essay that accompanies the exhibition, writes that Harrington's images «recall John Cage's musical compositions, and have no beginning and no end, appearing like fragments of infinitude.»
Situated next to them are several casts from concrete and cardboard, which look like fragments of a building and lumps of earth.
One finds tiny landscapes, portrait heads, a stag, what looks like fragments of architecture, byzantine patterning, abstractions, and other bits of imagery painted into the glazes, creating a miniature exhibition of painting within the sculpture exhibition.
His cells may curve, like fragments of a buckyball, or bounce around in the picture plane.
Yamamoto's work looks like fragments of fantasy at first sight, yet it actually results from the reconstruction of the real world in his attempt to acquire a more authentic understanding, after having objectively analyzed himself.
It's fun to do these under pressure, but some look more like fragments of a longer story, not as compact and packed as they could be.
However with all that passion towards the project Lost River isn't as compelling as it should be, the characters are never fully realized and the performances feel more like fragments of people Gosling was unable to bring to life.
The Bionicle toys are anthropomorphic figures comprised of what look like fragments of the traditional Lego.
Some of the plot developments concerning Leia and Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo (Dern) seem more like fragments of writer indecision.
My notes seem like fragments of poems that bent my world into a new shape: Look up the hill.
More importantly, because the miRNA - like fragment of EBOV is highly conserved, it may predict and prevent Ebola outbreaks in the future if Ebola arises again.
Also as part of the exhibition there will be a video installation of a set - like fragment of a domestic interior, consisting of a patio door opening with vertical blinds, and a projection of figures walking through a birch forest.
Much of the work feels like a fragment of the real thing — a synecdoche, if you will — or like watching a movie trailer or hearing a few seconds of music and being asked to accept that as the work itself.

Not exact matches

Fragments of branching coral — the type that looks like animal horns — were attached with fishing line to skeletal branches of PVC pipe, creating a small forest of life in the middle of an otherwise desolate patch of ocean floor.
The problem, of course, is that even good papers can (and often do) fail to make money under current market conditions, especially in a highly fragmented, five - newspaper town like Toronto.
Like an Aspen tree's interconnected root system, Follett has completely reorganized itself from a once functionally fragmented company separated into five different buildings into one that enjoys a pragmatic consolidation of buildings.
My notes from the section read like a jumble of mushy fragments — «equipping providers with the tools they need to do their jobs,» «augmenting the abilities providers already have,» «widening access to expertise.»
Like most of its advertising competitors, O&M has struggled to keep pace in an increasingly fragmented media market.
Like Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, or any of the other digital currencies inspired by the rise of Bitcoin, Kuo's «fragments» would be created and distributed using blockchain technology.
another gnostic gospel... not even close to the true Gospel found in matthew, mark, luke, and john gospels that line up with Paul, and the other apostles teachings of Jesus, those four gospels have hundreds of manuscrips not like these puny 1 time fragments dated way after apostles
The Psalter gave him a language for despair, metaphors to describe what it meant to feel poured out on the ground, melted down like a blob of wax, dried up like a broken clay fragment.
The presence of other divergences too (David Moss's luminous piece on friendship stands very well alone), the dispersal of the group on both sides of the Atlantic, and the fact that some members are already deep into other conversations all suggest that as a movement it will (at least in Britain) either fragment or at best fare like feminist, liberation and nonrealist theologies, and have its main influence as a point of reference and interrogation.
Like other products of evolutionary change, we only notice what is likely to matter to us: We experience only a fragment of what is happening in the world.
«Beyond such information, there is emotion in what we are offered, which, even more than the lack of logic, keeps us in a permanent state of masked shock... after so many of these pinpricks, which are like the drops of water on stone, we too shall crumble into fragments
For the Gospel, he, like Matthew, had access to «Q,» Mark, and possibly other fragments; for Acts, besides his diary and personal memories, he doubtless had some records of happenings at Jerusalem before the missionary journeys started.
My point is that we know so very little about our universe that I can say «at the moment nothing we know of is eternal» while at the same time understanding that the universe could be like that electron and wink in and out of existence in some constant renewal, from singularity to singularity and back again, but because we only see a tiny fragment of the process we can only make sloppy assumptions as to the mechanics involved.
Thus says the Holy One of Israel, «Because you despise this word, and trust (sic) in oppression and perverseness... This iniquity shall be to you like a break in a high wall... which is smashed so ruthlessly that among its fragments not a sherd is found with which to take fire from the hearth, or to dip water out of the cistern!»
The church looks more and more like a mirror of North America's fragmented consumer markets.
And so her shattered self, like so many fragments of color waiting to be made into a quilt, is restored by the loving work of the colored heart.
He need not be slapped into uncorrelated fragments of function; he need not become a weary and unstructured functionary of a vague, busy moralism; he need not see the visions and energies and focused loyalty of his calling run, shallowly like spilled water, down a multitude of slopes.
The plot begins like an epic — in the middle of things — plunges backward like Proust to recapture some fragment of the past, careens forward, and suddenly stops as though the whole project had been abandoned.
Exile describes for them their sense of being fragmented inside, of feeling like divided selves, torn between two worlds.
Thus says the Holy One of Israel, «Because you despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and rely on them; therefore this iniquity shall be to you like a break in a high wall, bulging out, and about to collapse, whose crash comes suddenly, in an instant; and its breaking is like that of a potter's vessel which is smashed so ruthlessly that among its fragments not a sherd is found with which to take fire from the hearth, or to dip up water out of the cistern.»
«Just like most of the earliest papyri of the New Testament and other literary and documentary papyri, a fragment this damaged could have come from an ancient garbage heap,» the King says building on prior research by Luijendijk.
In spite of the fragments of knowledge concerning the nature and size of the universe which science is continually gathering, we need constantly to remember that our primary concern is, whether we like it or not, with the earth on which we live.
Not only for people like me who are not into social media (it's a conscious decision I've made not to spend time on those platforms), but also for time - pressed readers in general who might want to be able to keep track all of your content easily and quickly and don't realize that it's fragmented, in different locations.
Navigating the fragmented and overlapping industry support bodies and accreditation schemes that exist at all three levels of government as well as for various industry segments is near impossible for most SMEs and is impractical for a small country like Australia.
After all, your customers will often have different requirements for the finished product, not to mention for things like the size and density of bone fragments.
Like precious family heirlooms, from time to time I reverently unpack the memories of your daddy gently swinging you on his arm during fussy periods of the day, how one of your big sisters would interact with you, the way you calmed when I held you, the seriousness with which you would watch light dancing on the wall, and other fragments of the time when you were the smallest big thing in my world.
So I spent the first 6 months of his life on fragmented sleep, ended up in some VERY unsafe sleep positions b / c of my fear of bed sharing, like falling asleep on the couch with him in my arms.
Shattered fragments of stained glass windows destroyed at the end of the English Civil War from Christ Church Cathedral in suspiciously royalist Oxford have been stuck back together like a religious history rendered via illuminated crazy paving.
I also think that in a digital age, where content will be delivered in increasingly fragmented ways, we need, as a nation and a multi-threaded society, something like the BBC to experiment on our behalf with the impact of all these new technologies, in what I am sure will be a generally benevolent way.
They are both being eroded away and also fragmenting, rather like lumps of butter dropped into a hot frying pan.
They are both being eroded away and also fragmenting, rather like lumps of butter dropped onto a hot frying pan.
They figured that Black Beauty's fragments, full of heat - retaining minerals, would stand out in the darkness like living things.
The rock fragments are full of bubbles and have very low densities, and they look a lot like popcorn,» says Steffi Burchardt, researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University.
«It must have popped up like a watermelon seed squeezed between your fingers» as the plate fragments jammed together, says seismologist James Brune of the University of Nevada, Reno.
Like one of Picasso's fragmented Cubist portraits, Homo fossils from 300,000 years ago give a vague, provocative impression that someone with a humanlike form is present but not in focus.
Researchers can blast the compounds apart with lasers and measure the mass of the molecular fragments that spew out, like smashing a geode to see what minerals are inside.
Like - colored fragments are interpreted as bits of a single object that is partially hidden by another, closer object.
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