Sentences with phrase «like fundamentalists»

So like fundamentalists of all faiths do when their prophecies fail, Betts and the true believers in the climate apocalypse just pretend their failed prophecies and prophets do not obviate their underlying faith.
You say you don't like fundamentalists.
Perhaps this helps explain why environmentalists often sound exactly like fundamentalists, eh?
Seems like fundamentalists would be all over this Mormon thing.
1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a fundamentalists, I talked like a fundamentalists, I thought like a fundamentalists, I reasoned like a fundamentalists.
Like all fundamentalists, you are conflating your personal subjective interpretation with some hypothetical single correct interpretation.
Sounds like a fundamentalist move to me.
Just like the fundamentalist Christian, you list reference after reference.
You sound like a fundamentalist self rightous pharisee whose only concern is rules; never understanding grace, love, and forgiveness.
If a person walks, talks, and acts like a fundamentalist, they are a fundamentalist.
This sounds like a fundamentalist saw horse, but I think I mean something different by it than the classic fundamentalist would.
This lawsuit is simply petty and spiteful — like the fundamentalist wretches that it represents.
Seems like every fundamentalist Christian I have ever met is more interested in proving «who» is right than «what» is right.
He does jot act like a fundamentalist so I am not concerned.
(They must be your gods... because you are incapable of thinking beyond their teaching... just like any fundamentalist)
Like the fundamentalist strategy «It's not me who said it.

Not exact matches

I like that Cramer and his team are fundamentalists and only recommend financially sound stocks.
The sheiks, a group as fundamentalist in their orientation as Harper's Tories, don't like science either.
You are exactly like religious fundamentalist except you latched onto Bitcoin.
Mainline Protestants (Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and the like) and evangelical / fundamentalist Protestants (an umbrella group of conservative churches including the Pentecostal, Baptist, Anabaptist, and Reformed traditions) not only belong to distinctly different kinds of churches, but they generally hold distinctly different views on such matters as theological orthodoxy and the inerrancy of the Bible, upon which conservative Christians are predictably conservative.
He was over there with the Pat Robertson's and John Hagee's... even though he would have hated to have been associated with them (kinda like how Steve calls himself a centrist to avoid that fundamentalist label... center of who?
I find it interesting that people who adhere to orthodox / fundamentalist streams of Christianity feel the need to make everyone live as they do (regardless of their beliefs)-- it's as though the only way these people can come close to living in accordance with their views is to make sure everyone else pretends to be like them in order to remove the temptation for them.
I don't like it when atheists want to secularize our culture and shut out any public mention of religion... But I also don't like it when modern evangelical fundamentalists are so ignorant of the Christian Church's teachings and traditions of two thousand years.
Islamic Fundamentalists and even moderate Islam supports Shariah Law which allows Honor Killing, beating their wives as a possesion like Chattel during the American Error of Slavery, and calls for a Holy Jihad against America.
The ventriloquists of our humane verbal fundamentalisms are but like lunacies of mental arborists who become jealous regarding differing sensualists whose only ills are to recreations of sensualistic pleasing outrightly set apart from the emotionally disturbed religious fundamentalists who seem to be fixated in their arbitrary mindset issues of straight lined sensualistic commonalities complacencies.
«lionlylamb2013 High 5 «imagination», The ventriloquists of our humane verbal fundamentalisms are but like lunacies of mental arborists who become jealous regarding differing sensualists whose only ills are to recreations of sensualistic pleasing outrightly set apart from the emotionally disturbed religious fundamentalists who seem to be fixated in their arbitrary mindset issues of straight lined sensualistic commonalities complacencies.
ps - if anyone would like to read my short journal, perhaps to get an idea of what the thought process is of a fundamentalist believer turning into an atheist, feel free to read mine here:
It is typically fundamentalist sects that do not accept things like evolution, modern medicine, etc..
The fundamentalist views are couched in strong terms implying they are completely factual, but the Mormon side is peppered with words like «claimed.»
I went to a small town in the midwest to work for a non-profit thinking it'd be like chicken - soup - for the soul... INSTEAD it was a fundamentalist nightmare... it was NOT just small town mindedness... I could hardly find a church with out people wondering — why is this attractive woman in her early 30's unwed (or at least divorced with 3 kids) people were cold and unfathomable judgmental and sometimes downright hostile eager to quote scriptures seemingly un-lead by the Holy Spirit.
As a practicing Mormon, I would just like to clarify something for the non-Mormon reader: there is no such thing as a «fundamentalist» Mormon, or any other shade of mormonism.
There will always be the fundamentalist element who think they're doing God's work, like how Leelah Alcorn's mother STILL thinks her «son» wasn't murdered by the mother's beliefs.
I welcome anyone to add their observations what a fundamentalist theocracy would be like.
America has gone insane, and Biblical literalism, fundamentalist Christianity, call it whatever you like, IMO, has a lot to do with it.
As a result the Wesleyan tradition, like most other classical traditions, has had both its fundamentalist and its more liberal wings of interpretation.
It would be like going into a super fundamentalist church today and telling them that if Jesus were here today, He would choose gay, transvestite, Muslim jihadists to be His disciples.
This perfectly sums up the problem of attempting to reason with closed minded fundamentalists like BC here.
You fundamentalist born - again Christians claiming to be offended by these «false prophets» really ought to regard them more closely, because they're exactly what you look like to the rest of the world.
Mormons, Amish, Catholics, fundamentalists who speak in tongues and handles snakes, Baptists, Episcopalians, they all have people who sound exactly like you, yet they believe very different things.
@ man... typical fundamentalist «christian» response... hurl insults and behave like a spoilt child when you hear facts you're not emotionally prepared to hear.
You, like most fundiots (fundamentalist îdiots) falsely assume that Pascal's Wager is a one - off condition.
The Chinese fundamentalist churches are taking off like wildfire in the West.
In many countries you can be jailed for hate speech, and a lot of the fundamentalist preachers in this country would be jailed for what they say — why do you think they go to places like Africa with their hate and not to Canada or Europe?
And as in all things there exist extremes, and in society like these they are called fundamentalists.
Anthea Butler, a columnist with Religion Dispatches magazine, says Miller is invoking an old theme in fundamentalist and conservative churches: that any new media - like movies, television and radio - is sinful.
Tom is a right wing fundamentalist, in Jesus's time they were called Pharisees, his responses are the only kind of fruit a tree like him can bear.
They have seen the power of fundamentalist minorities, like the Gush Emunim and the tiny orthodox parties in Israel.
In the old, established fundamentalist / evangelical world, we knew what the product of our parenting was supposed to look like, and my husband and I were everything the establishment dreamed we would be (for awhile anyway).
This move was very like that of the first Christian fundamentalists with their slogan of «Back to the Bible».
Fundamentalists, of course, reject the critical historical approach to the Bible altogether, pointing out that it is based on the assumption that the Bible is a human document like others to which the same methods of scholarship can be applied.
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