Sentences with phrase «like gait»

Experience in performing rehabilitation exercises like gait, muscle re-education;, ADL, transfer, functional, and prosthetic training
His thin body and light, cat - like gait makes him quite an agile hunter.
Look for things like gait changing, tail dropping and sore paws.
The Azawakh from sub-Saharan Africa challenges that notion with its oddly elegant, cat - like gait; it happily prances along with an upright double suspension gallop.
Since appearing on the Oprah Winfrey show, she has gone on to make numerous public appearances, walking around with an unusual human - like gait and encouraging the disabled with her effusive personality.
The film itself moves with a zombie - like gait, lurching forward and coming to dead halts before lumbering on.
Whether it was due to its possession of human - like gait or not, Homo erectus is the first hominin species to have been found outside of Africa.
«The foot seems structurally and functionally very human, thus implying a human - like gait,» Stringer said.
Marketers trick up pro lacrosse with two - point lines and shot clocks and stagecraft like Gait's entrance at a Mammoth game on a Harley; men who prepped at Baltimore's Gilman School and played at Johns Hopkins are appalled that NLL players admit to the existence of goons.
There is a laborious moving forward in the Good that is like the gait of one whose feet are without skin.
Methods for key show ring skills like gaiting, stacking, and standing for examination.

Not exact matches

The mechanisation of behaviour, like rigor mortis, affects first the extremities — the lowest, subordinate branches of the hierarchy, comparable to the ethnologist's fixed action patterns — one's characteristic gait, handwriting and accent of speech.
The scoring in pro football games generally features spiraling passes from quarterbacks like Tarkenton to smooth - gaited receivers like White, but Allen won the game over the Rams as surely as Bud Grant is a duck hunter.
Sprinters will work on their gait and such but in general they are not training the flying 40 like a footballer would.
That, coupled with the goggling stare of his Polaroids and his stealthy, half - crouching gait as he moves toward the feeding fish, makes him look like some kind of marine mugger.
Much like a real cheetah, the robot uses a short, hopping gait at low speeds before increasing its stride and pace by flexing and unflexing its back with each step.
[Johannes Michalak, Katharina Rohde and Nikolaus F. Troje, How we walk affects what we remember: Gait modifications through biofeedback change negative affective memory bias] Scientists showed volunteers a list of negative and positive words, like afraid and anxious, or sunny and pretty.
«It's like driving a car with 50 steering wheels,» says Michiel van de Panne, a computer animation researcher at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, who is one of many trying a new approach to giving robots and video game characters more realistic gaits.
Also, while the movements that make up terrestrial gaits like trotting can vary from one dog breed to another, the dog paddle gait showed very little variation among the different breeds.
It reacts to changing terrain and different walking speeds much like a natural human foot, facilitating a normal gait and allowing its users to push off the ground with seven times as much power as is possible with the best of its predecessors, all while expending less energy.
However, there has been much debate over when and how a human - like bipedal gait first emerged in the hominin clade, largely because of disagreements over how to indirectly infer biomechanics from skeletal morphologies.
Sure enough, when the scientists applied the changes to a fruit fly — like robot, it was 25 % faster than another robot using a tripod gait, they report today in Nature Communications.
After studying casts of the Laetoli prints for decades, scientists decided that A. afarensis, though a primitive hominin, walked with a surprisingly modern gait that was not like an ape's.
«Nobody walks like anybody else, much less with an ideal gait,» Bruckner says.
Like RoboSimian, CHIMP is designed to be statically stable, so isn't good on the move, but doesn't need to use complicated algorithms to balance a bipedal gait.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease of aging, whose most obvious symptoms — tremors, gait disorders, and a «mask - like» facial appearance — involve the loss of fine motion control.
«It's tempting to attribute alternating impressions to something like the footfalls of an early tetrapod with digits, and yet here we've got good evidence that living lungfish can leave similar sequences of similar gait,» said Coates, PhD, professor of Organismal Biology and Anatomy.
The Czech Centre for Phenogenomics and the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, v.v.i., would like to invite you to a seminar «Gait Analysis in Animal Models of Human Disorders» presented by Dr. Thomas G. Hampton (Mouse Specifics, Inc., Boston, USA).
Even though thong - like sandals provide some cushioning benefit over bare feet alone, studies show they're responsible for throwing human gait kinetics out of whack.
If we're fortunate enough to go to a great place like The Boulder Running Company or other store that provides custom - fittings, videos of your feet walking and running on a treadmill, and fits you for a specific shoe that helps your individual gait, we can avoid that mass - produced feel to a certain extent.
Add - Ons include services like sports psych consults, physical therapy consults, or gait analysis.
It is great to see people like yourself, The Gait Guys, Jay Dicharry, Steve Magness, Pete Larson, Blaise Dubois, Bryan Heiderscheit, and others are shifting the paradigm in the prevention and treatment of runners.
Normal gait patterns like walking and running are also included in some functional exercise routines.
While all humans have the same basic running patters — just like other animals — your gait is yours alone.
Pelvic floor therapy can help you make healthy adjustments as your belly grows and your gait changes — like keeping your weight in your heels or pulling in your lower ribs while untucking your pelvis.
Why Every Runner is Different, and How You Can Go Faster, Be More Efficient, and Lessen the Risk of Injury The term gait has been thrown around like an old...
They greater number of Ukraine women have model - like beauty - tall, slim, straight legs, elegant gait, well - treated hair, gorgeously nurtured skin, etc..
Day - Lewis inhabits the character fully, in his distinctive gait and posture (his back sometimes bending into a question - mark), his reedy voice (given the painstaking amount of historical research that went into the rest of the movie, it must be based in fact) and the more honest - feeling portrayal of his moral righteousness, which wasn't as arrow - straight as most like to think it was.
Whilst Murnau's «the man» has been given lead boots which result in an awkward Frankenstein's monster - like, slow and heavy gait, Bill Murray's barfly character hides behind stasis and irony, initially he is reluctant to step outside the hotel's bar and into the cityscape.
There's little plot of which to speak, save for the mysterious appearance of a woman who looks a lot like Ruth — dressed in her clothes, walking with the same labored gait, cashing the dead woman's checks.
From hotel room to casino to restaurant booth to his car, he makes his Nevada rounds like a Flying Dutchman without an opera; just to watch him walk among the gaming tables, his gait even, impertubable, is one of the privileged moments of the cinema.
His film isn't mocking itself like a comedy; it's trying something unique, adjusting its rhythms to a wobbling gait and letting the momentum hang.
«Afterward, I tried to maintain 55 mph,» he says, «but the Q5's natural gait is more like 65 or 70.»
Like the slow and sensuous gait of a cow, this was a tale that took its own time to come to life.
Pay close attention to other changes, like loss of appetite, lethargy, changes in gait, avoiding daily activities and more.
His light, supple gait, like that of a large feline, has been described as «quicksilver,» permitting him to make the springing starts, abrupt turns, and sudden stops required of a shepherd dog.
Before every physical examination begins I like to look at a patient from a distance and observe any changes in gait, weight loss, and temperament.
Characteristic of this breed is its elegant gait boasting a hackney - like action where the front legs are lifted very high.
They have short, straight, strong legs that provide the breed with a distinctive gait that looks a lot like a waddle.
While walking the dog around the ring, the handler watches closely for gait, posture, and stance and immediately corrects the dog with very subtle, expert leash handling and tricks like appropriately timed treats or finger snaps.
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