Sentences with phrase «like giant magnets»

They are like giant magnets that emit radiation from their magnetic poles.
As remembered in the subsequent life of Israelism - Judaism, it is so overwhelmingly and powerfully the Covenant event that it tends to draw to itself, like a giant magnet, subsequent occasions and actions by which Covenant is further defined, redefined, expanded, and modified.
Like a giant magnet was pulling my body towards it and there wasn't anything I could do about it.

Not exact matches

Did you know that the Earth acts like a giant bar magnet creating a magnetic field?
Most people love snaps claiming they last longer, (and these have great snaps) but the velcro on these bad boys is like, one of those giant magnets you see in cartoons.
Where the notion that the book will just be a giant magnet in the sky, attracting streams of book buyers like flies swarming around a table laden with uncovered food is beyond me.
For example, his limbs might become giant magnets, enabling him to walk up walls or rip away enemy shields... Or maybe extendible spring - loaded hands would allow him to activate far - away switches or work as a grappling hook... Or he could have a tank - like body, easily crossing over spikes and pushing objects around the levels... These are just a few possibilities we're considering (the game is still in the design phase), but you get the idea!
I don't like things stuck to my fridge so I created a giant magnet board for important papers and art.
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