Sentences with phrase «like healing skills»

It's packaged as a basic real - time strategy setup as you deploy bosses, each with their unique ability like healing skills or powerful strikes, to go along with basic units.

Not exact matches

From the ancient Hippocratic Oath to modern codes like the AMA Principles of Medical Ethics, physicians have understood that the doctor — patient relationship must be founded on trust, which is the reason that physicians publicly promise to use their knowledge and skills only for purposes of healing, and never for taking life.
But what I didn't know was that I would also be given the opportunity to heal my own relationship with food, become part of a community of smart, like - minded individuals, and graduate with a tool kit of advanced skills to help others in my coaching practice.
You have the standard talent tree which lets you invest points in stealth, combat and healing across a variety of different skills, like soft landings or shooting arrows from walking tight ropes.
There are some skills to utilize outside of battle, like stealth or healing, but otherwise it's a survival challenge.
By equipping a customizable fairy, players can use Rental Skills that offers various effects, like attacking enemies with fire or healing the character's HP.
There are also different gods that you can choose from depending how you like to play and each comes with a passive skill as well as a special ability such as healing or damage.
Upgrading the larger or more point costly branches of a wing allows a skill to have modifications, like modifying your turret to become a flamethrower instead of shooting bullets, or allowing your healing skill to revive a downed ally.
In addition to having the ability to heal party members, Medics can also keep enemies at bay with attacks that stun or add status effects and have skills that deal with medicine, like herbology.
You'll get a look at the turn - based grid combat, and you'll get to see some of the neat features, like how Kintaro can use his Gather Herbs skill to harvest healing items while in battle.
The game features solid gunplay, which I had fun with as I weaved through incoming fire and returned some of my own with various weapons, but I also had fun with the skill trees, which players can use to learns skills that can turn the tide of battle (though limited in the beta once again), like team healing, using special grenades or ballistic shields, and more.
Level your Mirage's Carnage and you can unlock various Command, Session and Passive skills to use against foes, like new spells, attacks, buffs, debuffs, heals and lingering effects.
You have the standard talent tree which lets you invest points in stealth, combat and healing across a variety of different skills, like soft landings or shooting arrows from walking tight ropes.
Tifa can prove to be an invaluable asset if you encounter a tough foe (or group of foes) while your party is still injured and recovering from their last bout, but it sounds like you'll also want to bring along a party member with excellent healing skills (or at least invest in a lot of healing potions) if you plan on using her over the long term.
Skills like Ice Fortress act as a barrier to protect you, while Polar Wind will damage enemies while also healing your party.
Reward also comes in the ample payout of in - game cards, which can be used to augment your skills, improve weapons, or even summon pets that can perform feats like healing.
In order attain victory, a team of players must combine the right combination of skills as they will be able to select characters with RPG - like attributes — Attack Type, Ranged Type, Defense Type, and Heal Type.
This bonus works well with the other skills granted by the armor pieces like Peak Performance which boosts attack when your health is full and Recovery Speed which speeds up the healing of recoverable damage.
For real, demons in this game will use heal skills like they're going out of style.
The game has over 100 skills to mix and match, and even though I think there are some that are necessary (like healing) a better or more bold player might be able to change up what they have equipped.
Every character has access to tools like the HMTech class of weapons that can fire a healing dart at teammates, although they might not be as efficient depending on how their class skills are setup.
Swiping left on a portrait will allow you to access your healing items like Potions and Ethers and swiping right will allow you to access skills, spells and limit breaks.
The game is so ready for you to micromanage, the d - pad «hotkeys» take you to menus to adjust skills and equipment, or check your «stomach stock,» where you keep found items until the next level end (by the way, you can digest these items to increase your current GigaCalories as well), while leaving basic things like healing and restorative items to be hotkeyed to the touch panel.
The latter is obviously rather vacuous compared to the objective - based games, essentially consisting of close - quarters run - and - gun and demanding little in the way of class support skills like healing or vehicle repair.
This bonus works well with the other skills granted by the armor pieces like Peak Performance which boosts attack when your health is full and Recovery Speed which speeds up the healing of recoverable damage.
If you need some noise to fall asleep, for example, Echo has some popular skills like Sleep and Relaxation Sounds, Sleep Sounds, Good Night, Ambient Sounds: Thunderstorms / Ocean Sounds / Rain Sounds / Fireplace Sounds, Sleep Sounds, Spa Music, White Noise, Zen Sounds: Healing Noise, and «Beautiful Dream.»
Focus may rest on teaching family members to understand behaviors that tend to hurt relationships, and sometimes on specifically teaching skills like active listening that may help heal communications between family members.
Whether you're looking to set a new course for your life, heal a wounded heart, break unhealthy habits, or get out of a rut, I'd like to help you develop new skills so that you can become the person you want to be.»
In marriage therapy couples learn skills for talking without tensions, and in addition use the therapist's help to heal old hurts, resolve current conflicts, relieve negative emotions like depression, fears and angers, and rebuild their love for each other.
The field has known for a while that skills training isn't as long - lasting as the professionals like to claim, so she has been on a mission to find out what can be long - lasting and healing for a relationship.
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