Sentences with phrase «like hectic schedules»

Don't forget to discuss common triggers, like hectic schedules and holiday parties.

Not exact matches

Those hectic schedules — combined with the pressure to look like parent of the year on social media — cause many people to lose sight of what's really important in life.
Since Ben and I tend to have pretty hectic schedules, I like to meal prep as much as I can to get us ready for the week.
Between a hectic work schedule, planning my wedding, and traveling to see my fiancé almost every other week (due to that whole long - distance business), I've been busy in a mostly great way — though I haven't been able to spend nearly as much time here as I'd like.
But in these hectic schedule that could be like asking too much.
In contrast, today's hectic schedules rarely allow for quiet time like this in the evening — unless the power goes out in a snowstorm.
The hectic schedule of daily life can make parents feel like they do nothing but enforce routines.
Additionally, small, snack - like meals consisting of nutritious options, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, lean wrapped sandwiches or whole grain crackers, are much easier to fit into your hectic new - mom schedule.
No matter your feeding choice for baby, your schedule will be hectic so try to have healthy foods like yogurt and vegetables on hand and ready to eat when hunger strikes.
In my practice, self - care and stress management are not luxuries, and regularly releasing hormones like oxytocin is a great way to help manage a hectic schedule, as this bonding hormone buffers against stress hormones like cortisol that can make you tired, old, and overweight.
Certainly, lifestyle factors, hectic schedules or a busy job (like motherhood), can cause stress, but so can other factors like:
I use this package to supplement my regular practice, and I really like how the short videos can be crammed into a hectic schedule.
I've never heard of thredUP before, but it seems like a really great service for someone with a hectic schedule.
By day, I work in strategic marketing and understand precisely what it's like to balance a hectic schedule with a standing blowout appointment.
While I love getting dressed up, sometimes my hectic schedule doesn't allow for heels and a dress, so instead I reach for something comfortable like chambray.
I felt like the past 1 and half months were so hectic and filled with so much on my schedule, all the time that I can't even wrap my head around the fact that my birthday is in less than 2 weeks.
She also explains what her hectic work schedule is like and how she transitioned from retail store manager to founder of the site we've all grown to know and love, Glitter Guide.
Life can be hectic, with busy work schedules taking up more leisure time than we might like.
My schedule is pretty hectic as I work 7 days a week and rarely have time for my family - I understand what its like to not have time to date and find someone.
In a nation like USA, mostly people live a busy and hectic schedule all the day.
In a fun game of Would Despite his hectic schedule, it seems like Harry Styles, 23, has still had time to find love, as he is reportedly «besotted» with Victoria's Secret angel
Despite his hectic schedule, it seems like Harry Styles, 23, has still had time to find love, as he is reportedly «besotted» with Victoria's Secret angel
But alas, he's reportedly off the market, having fallen for Despite his hectic schedule, it seems like Harry Styles, 23, has still had time to find love, as he is reportedly «besotted» with Victoria's Secret angel
With an extremely hectic schedule and sleeping child in the car, I explained to Joe that I did not have the time to talk numbers but would like some time to look over the vehicle with my wife.
Especially with hectic schedules, having a full day to spend as you see fit is like taking a big deep breath for 24 hours.
Travelling solo no longer means travelling alone, with more and more singletons jetting off in search of relaxation and a break from their hectic schedules there will always be the option to socialise when you feel like it, whilst de-stressing and discovering a new destination at your own pace.
Championship mode let's you toss together a complete season of your favorite tracks, and just like Career mode you can choose whether you'll take part in a full weekend (practice, qualifying and the two races) or opt for a less hectic work schedule, although no matter what you choose you'll always have to participate in two races per event, which can get tiring.
Five years ago, my second daughter was born — adding to what felt like an already hectic and crowded schedule of working full time and raising my then -5-year-old, who was adjusting to no longer being the center of the universe.
We find that people really like the ability to move in and out of the course whenever they like, truly making it fit into their schedules, no matter how hectic they may be.
I know I'm supposed to say common causes are things like lack of communication, hectic life schedules, or changing gender roles.
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