Sentences with phrase «like human longevity»

While there is no apparent reason why the recovery couldn't hit a new record, Marks said it might be one of those historical limits that could stick, like human longevity.

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Polymorphic variants of insulin - like growth factor I (IGF - I) receptor and phosphoinositide 3 - kinase genes affect IGF - I plasma levels and human longevity: cues for an evolutionarily conserved mechanism of life span control.
The project, completed at the Buck Institute for Age Research, reveals that the molecular mechanisms that control longevity in flies can be useful for understanding the human aging process as well as diseases like cancer, obesity, and diabetes.
Previous studies have also shown that decreased activity of the so - called insulin - like growth factor pathway can also increase longevity in worms, a link that held up in fruit flies, mice and even humans — for example, it's linked to increased lifespan in Ecuadorians with Laron's syndrome.
In both humans and animals, essential fatty acids like omega - 3 and omega - 6 are thought to support longevity in joint health, among other amazing health benefits.
Humans are on an endless quest for a fountain of youth — keys to longevity and health — and we'd like to know what might help our pets live longer too.
Just like humans, dogs need a well - balanced diet throughout their life to promote health and longevity.
«Again, like humans and the human diet, adding vitamins, enzymes and other healthy ingredients, in addition to a premium food, only increases the overall health and longevity of our animal companions.»
It's all because the pet population is aging, just like the human one, due to a companion animal longevity boom.
It may sound like something from the movie Underworld but the narrative goes even deeper, with human engineering being extremely advanced for its time (by our historical standards anyway) and a mysterious liquid called Black Water, harnessed by warriors to increase the longevity of humans.
WRT to the (alleged) correlation between CO2 and human longevity: correlation is not, as our denialist friends like to stress — on alternate days, anyhow — causation.
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