Sentences with phrase «like hydrogen bonds»

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Previously, researchers assumed that positively charged hydrogen could only create hydrogen bonds with negatively charged elements like oxygen, fluorine and nitrogen.
The diamond - like structural unit consists of six - sided rings of carbon atoms bonded together in chains surrounded by a halo of hydrogen atoms.
Another major advantage the catalysts have is that, while they are general in what substrate they can oxidize, they are very specific about which carbon - hydrogen bonds they cut — so much so that they target a certain spot on amino acids like proline, leucine or valine even when they are part of a much larger peptide chain.
Like water, it is held together by the powerful bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms, so ethanol can not travel through most petroleum pipelines.
Complex organic molecules, consisting of carbon bonded with other elements like oxygen and hydrogen, are common in the Milky Way, but it was uncertain whether they would be produced in certain dwarf galaxies like the neighboring Large Magellanic Cloud.
First, they occurred quickly and the resulting nucleotides spontaneously paired with each other in water, forming hydrogen bonds like the Watson - Crick base pairs that create the «ladder - rung» pattern inside RNA and DNA helixes.
The gas molecules seemed drawn to the tip of the crack; to get there, they flipped along the surface like zombie gymnasts, leaving broken hydrogen bonds in their wake.
If the target has a lot of polarity, like water does, you'd develop polymers that could hydrogen - bond with water.
H. Bond (STSci), R. Ciardullo (PSU), WFPC2, HST, NASA HD 147513 B is a young white dwarf (a remnant stellar core which enriched its binary companion, Star A) with elements heavier than hydrogen when it cast off its outer gas layers) like planetary nebula NGC 2440.
Why it matters: At high pressures and low temperatures, like those found in permafrost or on the ocean's floor, water molecules organize into complex hydrate lattices that are held together by hydrogen bonds.
Saturated fats like coconut oil and tallow, are extremely stable because they pack together tightly courtesy of very straight carbon bonds that are all occupied by hydrogen atoms.
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