Sentences with phrase «like hyperventilating»

My puppy Remi has started in the last week to breathe heavy and quickly through his nose almost like hyperventilating.
It's like this combination of like spastic yoga breathing and like this almost like what do you call it, shamanic breathing pattern that's like breathing in and like hyperventilating and breathing out really fast.
I feel like hyperventilating if I'm down to only two bottles in the pantry!

Not exact matches

It cracks me up when idiots like don start hyperventilating about showering with other men who «might be gay.»
As I watch them on the screen, Provine's teenagers remind me of an old Carl Sagan riff, which begins with his describing «a species of primate» that likes to gather in packs of 50 or 60 individuals, cram together in a darkened cave, and hyperventilate in unison, to the point of almost passing out.
I've often examined the stylings of Lorne Gunter, who specializes in hyperventilating attacks on climate scientists, complemented by repackaged press releases from the likes of Marc Morano (as seen in Gunter's recent, um, discussion of the work of Mojib Latif).
I typically do a type of breath work that involves a quick and deep inhale and a normal relaxed exhale; kind of like controlled hyperventilating.
Reign of Error reads like a string of her hyperventilating blog posts.
The inaccurate headline and burst of hyperventilating coverage and commentary (with some exceptions, like this new post by Climate Central) have already provided fodder for those whose passion or job is largely aimed at spreading doubt about science pointing to consequential greenhouse - driven warming.
However, the warmest (like FOMBS) will hyperventilate over the results claiming proof of CAGW and further demand immediate and drastic action.
I've often examined the stylings of Lorne Gunter, who specializes in hyperventilating attacks on climate scientists, complemented by repackaged press releases from the likes of Marc Morano (as seen in Gunter's recent, um, discussion of the work of Mojib Latif).
Kev kept hyperventilating throughout the day that all my stuff wasn't going to fit, and I'm like, I don't want to hear it Kev, just keep shoving it in, there's nowhere else it can go.
:) I like rearranging if it makes a definite improvement in the end... but in the midst of it, I almost, well maybe really — feel like I am hyperventilating... I think the disarray and lack of feeling in control at the moment or something... well, I guess I'm just saying that this rearranging is not something to be taken lightly!
And right there with you on the heights thing — last year we went to the Grand Canyon and I probably hyperventilated like four times watching Mr. Coffee stand right on the edge.
You probably didn't even know there were so many things you could even worry about, and now your starting to hyperventilate, thinking about your credenza sitting just one room over from you, and wondering if it DOES look like a weird dresser.
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