Sentences with phrase «like insulin resistance»

Although sugar is not directly responsible for diabetes, having a high sugar diet does increase the likelihood of developing conditions like insulin resistance syndrome and Type 2 diabetes.
If a term like insulin resistance doesn't mean much to you, you're likely to tune out the message surrounding it.
Emerging evidence links chronic intestinal inflammation with obesity and metabolic disorders like insulin resistance.
Just like insulin resistance, you will develop leptin resistance where in you need more leptin to be released to get the message across.
Thus, PCOS symptoms like insulin resistance, fatigue, mood swings and cravings become aggravated.
It is a metabolic disease very prevalent in developed countries and a significant risk factor for developing certain pathologies and alterations like insulin resistance, diabetes, fatty liver, alterations in plasma lipids and hypertension, among others.
More research is required to establish the clinical significance of low vitamin D levels in obese children, the duration and amount of treatment needed to replenish vitamin D levels in these children and if treatment with vitamin D can improve primary clinical endpoints like insulin resistance.
* Of course, this doesn't consider complicating factors like insulin resistance, which can lead to metabolic syndrome — obesity can be a symptom of this.
Obesity can also increase your canine companion's chances of developing diseases like insulin resistance, type two diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, kidney and liver disease, and even some types of cancer.
Obese people tend to have less diversity of bacteria in their guts than thinner people; they also have an increased risk of inflammatory disorders such as heart disease, and abnormalities in metabolism like insulin resistance and diabetes.
Erratic blood sugar levels are often the culprit behind that afternoon energy crash, «hanger», and crazy cravings, as well as more serious health conditions like insulin resistance and type two diabetes.
Powdered starches like rice starch (commonly found in gluten - free processed foods) actually spike blood sugar higher than whole wheat products do, which in turn can open the door for other health issues, like insulin resistance and weight gain.
I don't want to contribute to that or worsen it into a condition like insulin resistance, so I choose alternative sweeteners that don't raise my blood sugar or require my pancreas to release any extra insulin.
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