Sentences with phrase «like irregular»

The Apple Watch will pass an imperceptible current across your chest to track electrical signals in the heart, detecting any abnormalities like irregular heart rates.
Untitled, c. 1954 - 59, contains all the requisite elements of what had become by 1948 a set form: isolated sections delineated like irregular puzzle pieces, in this instance offset by an abstracted totemic figure.
Each change in Stella's style appears to react logically and seamlessly to preceding formal structures (parallel lines becoming parallel arcs, for example), yet in each shift there is also a kind of built - in irrationality, like the irregular, alternating weave of the arc of the protractor.
Here, the color blocks are more like irregular stones and covered with bright, contrasting scribbles that evoke graffiti and children's drawings.
Thomas's late works, with reduced palettes of one, two or three colors, echo mosaics, as in the vibrant red «Scarlet Sage Dancing in a Whirling Dervish,» or loose patterns, like the irregular blue - black shapes on the white background of «Hydrangeas Spring Song.»
If you are someone who wants versatility, while also providing some nice perks and benefits in situations like irregular operations, this is a card to have.
Does it regulate period like irregular period?
PCOS is a condition characterized by excess androgens (male sex hormones like testosterone) that causes symptoms like irregular menstrual cycles, head hair loss, body hair growth (especially on the face), mild to severe acne and even depression.
PCOS is a condition where a woman's hormones are out of balance causing symptoms like irregular menstrual cycles, head hair loss, body hair growth (especially on the face), mild to severe acne, and depression.
Awareness helps the public understand that symptoms like irregular periods and pelvic pain are not something to be ignored and getting it checked is necessary.
If you have one or more symptoms like an irregular or missing cycle, infertility, fatigue, elevated blood sugar, mood swings, acne, and / or excess facial hair, you may want to consider whether PCOS is at the bottom of it.
Kind of like an irregular heartbeat?
Are you in your 40s and experiencing all sorts of symptoms that are new and annoying, like irregular periods with more PMS, more interest in sleep than sex, difficulty falling asleep or sleeping through the night, and you feel exhausted all the time?
The most striking structures on the slide were the thousands upon thousands of rod - shaped bacteria forming a lengthy rank along the surface of the mucosa, palisaded like an irregular picket line of soldiers standing at attention.
Do you have any menstrual issues that might improve with taking hormonal contraception, like irregular or heavy periods?

Not exact matches

In a world where our lives are now confined behind a screen and interaction with our neighbors seems to have become more irregular, we need to look at how companies like Amazon and other online services have impacted our communities.
Like funding a move to start a new job or filling in gaps irregular paychecks.
My posting schedule is a little irregular this spring due to travel, and this week I crammed a bunch of posts into a few days, so I'm linking back to them here, in case you missed one — like our interview with Shane Claiborne!
Land was scarce even for the squatters and the huts were packed like dense honeycombs or irregular warrens at different levels, with little ventilation and no regular access.
«Old - fashioned» rolled oats usually consist of whole oat groats that have been steamed and rolled to produce their somewhat irregular but recognizably flat and disc - like shape.
Also maybe it seems like a lot to make your dog a cake, but when I compare it to the money we spend on special dog food for her allergies or that one time we took her to the vet at 1 in the morning because she wasn't eating to find out she just had irregular gas patterns (bitch just literally had gas) making a cake and frosting it in way under an hour seems like a walk in the park.
The logo, presented as an icon on top of the stopper depicts Bacchus posed like Leonardo da Vinci's Virtuvian man harvesting local bergamot, encompassed by the irregular shape of the fruit — referencing Rosolio's renaissance credentials.
It might be open and irregular (think ciabatta) or tight and dense (more like health bread).
You start with highly irregular material — like a disc harrow — and work it into something highly regular.
These drinks should be avoided not just because of the acid content, but of how much they contribute to problems like heart disease, irregular heartbeat, vitamin and mineral depletion and more.
The day before that appointment, I went a head and took a pregnancy test just so I didn't look like an idiot for saying my cycle is still irregular and then he says «duh, you're pregnant.»
Respiration (breathing) 0 Not breathing 1 Weak cry; may sound like whimpering, slow or irregular breathing 2 Good, strong cry; normal rate and effort of breathing
This is a very obvious sign for those on a regular period cycle but not in the case of irregular period cycle like my wife.
Consider the irregular verbs, like eat, whose past tense is ate.
The OB / GYN is ready to care for you from birth control, to STI prevention, to irregular periods, to pregnancy, to peri menopause, to bone health, to surgery and hysterectomy and even offer hysterectomy alternatives like Mirena, ablation, and Lysteda, to post menopause and cancer issues.
Celebs like Scarlett Johansson probably have irregular working hours and to be able to breastfeed (even with a truckload of help) is still no small feat so kudos to this multiple Golden Globe nominee actress.
Feels the top (fundus) of the uterus to determine if it's hard and round, like the head, or irregular and soft, like hands, feet and elbows.
In cases where snoring is persistent, severe, or associated with irregular gasps, it may be a sign of allergies or an even more serious condition like sleep apnea.
«Allegedly stealing such huge public funds from a developing country like Nigeria has not only drained Nigerians of their valuable commonwealth but also contributed to poverty, irregular electricity supply, bad roads, poor and inadequate health facilities, underdevelopment, conflicts, and insecurity.»
Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and wave just compound this unpredictability: changes in local cloud cover, wind speed and the like produce irregular peaks and troughs that do not necessarily correspond with spikes in demand.
Flower petals make their blue halo illusion with somewhat irregular versions of what are called diffraction gratings, rows of ridges like the recording surface on a CD.
Lupus 3 has an irregular form, appearing like a misshapen snake across the sky.
Potassium channels are important in irregular heartbeats and diseases such as adult onset diabetes, he notes, and understanding exactly what they look like improves the ability to design drugs for treatment.
The domains of its RNAs all have irregular shapes and fit together in the ribosome like the pieces of a three - dimensional jigsaw puzzle to form a large, monolithic structure.
Some are spirals like the Milky Way; others are elliptical or irregular in shape.
Linguists have known for decades that children are skilled at absorbing certain tricky elements of language, such as irregular past participles (examples of which, in English, include «gone» and «been») or complicated verb tenses like the subjunctive.
«This paper suggests it's not just the extreme cases of irregular bed times, but even a more modest difference between weekends and weekdays of an hour or two seems to be associated with health outcomes like obesity.»
But if some aspects needed modelling in greater detail — an «irregular» calculation — a system like Blue Gene could be better.
As a consequence, the newborns may not process touch as well as they should, which could lead to a number of other developmental problems, like metabolism issues or irregular hormone production.
The potential is relatively easy to draw for materials like conductors that have an orderly atomic structure, but it's very difficult to calculate in materials with highly irregular atomic structures.
But Anderson realized that when waves move through highly complex or disordered spaces, like a room with very irregular walls, the waves can trap themselves in place.
The split happens when sunlight heats the irregular surface of an asteroid unevenly, causing it to begin spinning, like a pinwheel in the wind.
Hu's experiments, for example, show everything from the thickness of ice as it flows over a wing, the heat transfer of individual water droplets as they freeze, the irregular speed of freezing droplets on a wing or blade and the finger - like patterns of ice formation.
Irregular dwarf galaxies like Barnard's get their bloblike forms from close encounters with other galaxies.
There are three main types of galaxies: oval - shaped ellipticals, disk - like spirals and irregulars that don't quite fit in with either of the former classes.
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