Sentences with phrase «like lepers»

Second Son takes place in Seattle seven years after the events of inFamous 2, in a world where Conduits are hunted and rounded up like lepers.
When the family tries to find new shelter, however, they are shunned or ignored like lepers in biblical times.
Young Miliband's picking a ¬ needless fight if he insults loyal members and treats steadfast unions like lepers.
Just like these lepers.
With a healing ministry, just like the lepers Jesus healed, a lot of them take their healing and go home... back to business as usual.
MAYBE, Rob, just maybe atheists get tired of being called hopeless, soulless, sinners, immoral, lost, unloved, heathens, satan, mindless, aimless, doomed, unspiritual, lowlifes, despairing, unhappy, unchosen and treated like lepers.
Like the leper and others, instead of obeying Jesus» command to keep the miracle secret, these men too «spread his fame through all that district.»
Like this leper, go, seek Him out, fall on your face before Him, humble yourself, spend time in the Word, spend time praying.
And if given a glimpse of how much we have been forgiven, we will show it by our love for Christ — like the woman in chapter 7 — like the leper here in Luke 17.
But when you come to the place where you are like this leper, you know that you can not deal with it on your own any longer.
Do you feel sometimes that people treat you like a leper?
Do you ever feel like a leper?
This article provides 6 tips for praying like a leper.
Dignity is everything, and pitfalls lie everywhere: you could have a had hair day; your skin could break out in vicious red blemishes, like a leper; your outfit that was so cool yesterday could feel totally wrong today; you could be called on in class to solve a math problem or discuss the Gadsden Purchase or tell the name of Hester's boyfriend and draw a blank; you could be caught in a lie; you could flirt with someone and be brutally put down.
AW is like a leper with big teams avoiding its / his infection.
They think they're respecting my privacy, but I feel like a leper.
The left always push the point by making the «deniers» feel like a leper minority, their use of the word «consensus» making regular appearances.
Like a leper colony, you've chosen to ship them to us.»
She never left her house, and she felt like a leper.
I looked like a leper and had to frantically redo my whole face base.
I'm a regular guy who would feel like a leper if everyone knew.

Not exact matches

The DSM - IV may as well just be called «God's Book of Unclean Lepers,» and it assumes, just like the Bible, that the clinicians are the elite and perfect «normal» ones and that everyone else that looks different than them has the disorder.
(Aal - e-Imran, Chapter # 3, Verse # 45) And will make him -LSB-(«Îsa (jesus)-RSB- a Messenger to the Children of Israel (saying): «I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I design for you out of clay, a figure like that of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah's Leave; and I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I bring the dead to life by Allah's Leave.
Generally, people avoided lepers like the plague (literally).
I like to think that if Jesus was here in the flesh today, He would be breaking bread with gays, the lepers of the 21st century.
Too much drama and politics in the church for a modern day leper like me.
The first is that this fulfilment by man is set in the stream of global, political, and economic history even when we seem to have only private decisions (like that of the lepers).
In Isaiah 64:6, it says that from God's viewpoint, we are like one who has become unclean (that's the word for lepers), and all of our righteous acts are like filthy rags.
Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen» (109)[The Day] when Allah will say, «O Jesus, Son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and [remember] when I taught you writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you designed from clay [what was] like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from [killing] you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said, «This is not but obvious magic.»
The despised lepers standing at a distance and calling out to God for pity is just like the despised tax collector standing at a distance and calling out to God for mercy.
If you think about your own probable reaction, it is hard to blame the lepers for scattering to the wind and leaving the past behind them like a bad dream.
When most of us enter AA., we feel like moral lepers; we look like moral lepers; and lots of times we continue to act like moral lepers — lying, stealing, cheating, and all the rest of the things Paul enjoined in the Church epistles.
We often hear that since Jesus loved lepers, we should find the outcast and rejected in our own society, and love them like Jesus.
Followers like the woman at the well, Samaritans, lepers.
Like the prophets, Jesus took the side of the marginal, the excluded, the powerless: lepers (Luke 5:12 - 15; 7:22; 17:11 - 19); tax collectors (5:27 - 32; 15:1; 18:9 - 14; 19:1 - 9); the disabled (6:6 - 11; 7:22; 13:10 - 17; 18:35 - 42); the poor (6:20; 7:22; 14:21; 16:19 - 22; 18:22); the hungry (6:21; 9:12 - 17); the grief - stricken (6:21; 7:13); the reviled and defamed (7:22); slaves (7:1 - 10); widows (7:11 - 17; 18:1 - 8; 21:1 - 2); prostitutes (7:36 - 50); women (8:1 - 3, 43 - 48; 10:38 - 42; 13:10 - 17); children (8:49 - 56; 9:46 - 48; 17:2; 18:15 - 17).
Elsewhere we hear that shepherds lived apart from the rest of the community «almost leper like».
They are just afraid to be identified as such because being an atheist in this country in the 21st century is like being treated as a leper during Jesus» time.
The average joe 99 % has the money that pays your rent and the ability to persecute you like a sciency leper.
I've known many sick psoriasis patients who can even be considered «social lepers», they go nowhere, can't eat out, have minimal friends and can feel like an outcast.
These are the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe, the wretched refuse of our teeming shore that Lady Liberty proffered assistance and quickly forgot about and Baker, like Bobby, makes it his cause and mantra to humanize this rag - tag assemblage of social lepers.
Ugh, let's not even imagine that... Meanwhile, trying to choose between the US & Europe, particularly in terms of currency, is like trying to choose your favourite leper...
But once you've taken the choppy ferry over to the former prison and leper colony you might like to consider stepping a little further back in time to explore!
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