Sentences with phrase «like lymphocyte»

In an effort to reveal a role of CD169 in sinus retention of the total innate - like lymphocyte population, we blocked αL prior to blocking CD169.
Thank you for submitting your article «Mechanism of innate - like lymphocyte surveillance of the subcapsular sinus to provide lymph node barrier immunity» for consideration by eLife.
However, given the heterogeneity of the innate - like lymphocyte population, we can not exclude the possibility that LFA1 blockade also decreases retention of some cells within the LN parenchyma, thereby increasing their movement into the SCS.
Our conclusion that LFA1 and ICAM1 function during innate - like lymphocyte movement from the SCS into the LN parenchyma is based on four sets of observations in mice treated with αL blocking antibody: (1) innate - like lymphocytes transiently accumulate in the SCS; (2) the accumulated cells exhibit an unusual elongated morphology (suggesting a less adhesive state); (3) tracking analysis shows reduced numbers of cells migrating from the SCS into the parenchyma; (4) the cells are more sensitive to dislodgement by CD169 blocking antibody.
Innate - like lymphocytes were responsive to CCL20 by in vitro migration assays (Figure 4C).
In this study, we found IL7RαhiCcr6 + innate - like lymphocytes were mostly LN resident and they produced IL17 within hours of bacterial or fungal challenge.
Visual inspection of the imaging data for FTY720 - treated versus control LNs suggested that there were fewer Cxcr6GFP / + innate - like lymphocytes in the SCS after FTY720 treatment and less examples of cells migrating into the sinus (Video 3).
A similar increase in the frequency of Thy1 - PE labeled innate - like lymphocytes was observed in Icam1 - / - mice compared to littermate controls (Figure 6E).
(A) CD169 - Fc binding of innate - like lymphocytes.
Importantly, the blebs only become bound to cells that are associated with the macrophages at the time of isolation since co-preparation of LN cells from congenically distinct animals did not lead to cross acquisition of macrophage - derived blebs by innate - like lymphocytes from the different LNs (Gray et al., 2012).
The greater CD169 coating of Vγ4 + γδT cells and their stronger dependence on CD169 for retention in the SCS than the other innate - like lymphocytes suggests these cells interact more strongly or in a more selective way with CD169 + macrophages.
These cells, referred to as innate - like lymphocytes, position themselves at the exposed surfaces of the lymph node — the locations where microbes are most likely to enter the organ.
These data support the conclusion that S1pr1 acts intrinsically in innate - like lymphocytes to promote close associations with SCS macrophages.
We show that CD169 supports adhesion of innate - like lymphocytes in the sinus and helps restrain them against lymph flow.
These data indicate that, unlike short - term integrin blockade, long - term deficiency of ICAM1 or sustained blockade of LFA1 causes a loss of innate - like lymphocytes from the LN.
The most common site for lymphoma is the lymph nodes, but lymphoma cells, like lymphocytes, can grow anywhere in the body.
In cats, lymphoma cells (like lymphocytes) can grow anywhere in the body, but there are certain sites that are more commonly affected by lymphoma than others (such as the GI tract, mediastinum, and lymph nodes).

Not exact matches

A cloning in the biological sense, therefore, is a molecule, single cell (like bacteria, lymphocytes etc.) or multi-cellular organism that has been directly copied from and is therefore genetically identical to another living organism.
Still, there was the problem of Sharp's T cells — the white blood cells, or lymphocytes, that unleash a powerful immune response against pathogens like HIV.
Although myeloma is, like leukemias and lymphomas, a cancer involving white blood cells known as lymphocytes, myeloma cells don't traditionally express CD19 on their surface because they arise from the most mature type of lymphocytes — plasma cells.
The researchers found higher levels of NCL - like lipofuscin in lymphoblasts, cells that mature into lymphocytes in patients with NCL, and also in asymptomatic patients carrying mutations in the progranulin gene.
Recent studies indicated that autoimmune diseases like Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) are induced by genetic or environment - induced alterations of immune regulatory pathways whose function is to avoid or limit the activation / expansion of self - reactive T lymphocytes.
We thaw them out onsite, we administer chemotherapy to eliminate the patient's normal lymphocytes, and then we infuse the thawed out reprogrammed CAR T cells into the patient, just like a blood transfusion.
When IL - 15 is present in excess or for long periods of time however, like if the body is chronically inflamed, it can cause certain immune cells (the large granular lymphocytes) to become cancerous.
I'm also doing a follow - up podcast with the gentlemen who you just listened to, the two physicians, because we made some other discoveries such as Cyrex food allergy testing that gave, or is going to be giving you some insight, as well as testing of things like cortisol precursors, lymphocytes, some of things that we discussed in today's podcast.
Now guys, it sounds like, right now, the recommendations that you're making would be to follow up this series of tests with yet another test, a lymphocyte subset panel, and then also look into something like enhancing my body's intake of glutathione or glutathione precursors along with, perhaps for this aldosterone side issue, adding in some sea salts and some trace minerals.
I'm liking the ELISA / ACT test as well coz it's not just antibodies, it's looking at various lymphocytes, too.
A test - tube experiment found that a relatively low dose of about 4 grams of borax can damage lymphocytes, just like an earlier test - tube study showed that vitamin C supplements are toxic.
Some vets recommend using immune system - boosting medications like interferon and Lymphocyte T - Cell Immunomodulator, but the jury is still out on how effective these treatments are.
ACT - activated clotting time (bleeding disorders) ACTH - adrenocorticotropic hormone (adrenal gland function) Ag - antigen test for proteins specific to a disease causing organism or virus Alb - albumin (liver, kidney and intestinal disorders) Alk - Phos, ALP alkaline phosphatase (liver and adrenal disorders) Allergy Testing intradermal or blood antibody test for allergen hypersensitivity ALT - alanine aminotransferase (liver disorder) Amyl - amylase enzyme — non specific (pancreatitis) ANA - antinuclear antibody (systemic lupus erythematosus) Anaplasmosis Anaplasma spp. (tick - borne rickettsial disease) APTT - activated partial thromboplastin time (blood clotting ability) AST - aspartate aminotransferase (muscle and liver disorders) Band band cell — type of white blood cell Baso basophil — type of white blood cell Bile Acids digestive acids produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder (liver function) Bili bilirubin (bile pigment responsible for jaundice from liver disease or RBC destruction) BP - blood pressure measurement BUN - blood urea nitrogen (kidney and liver function) Bx biopsy C & S aerobic / anaerobic bacterial culture and antibiotic sensitivity test (infection, drug selection) Ca +2 calcium ion — unbound calcium (parathyroid gland function) CBC - complete blood count (all circulating cells) Chol cholesterol (liver, thyroid disorders) CK, CPK creatine [phospho] kinase (muscle disease, heart disease) Cl - chloride ion — unbound chloride (hydration, blood pH) CO2 - carbon dioxide (blood pH) Contrast Radiograph x-ray image using injected radiopaque contrast media Cortisol hormone produced by the adrenal glands (adrenal gland function) Coomb's anti- red blood cell antibody test (immune - mediated hemolytic anemia) Crea creatinine (kidney function) CRT - capillary refill time (blood pressure, tissue perfusion) DTM - dermatophyte test medium (ringworm — dermatophytosis) EEG - electroencephalogram (brain function, epilepsy) Ehrlichia Ehrlichia spp. (tick - borne rickettsial disease) EKG, ECG - electrok [c] ardiogram (electrical heart activity, heart arryhthmia) Eos eosinophil — type of white blood cell Fecal, flotation, direct intestinal parasite exam FeLV Feline Leukemia Virus test FIA Feline Infectious Anemia: aka Feline Hemotrophic Mycoplasma, Haemobartonella felis test FIV Feline Immunodeficiency Virus test Fluorescein Stain fluorescein stain uptake of cornea (corneal ulceration) fT4, fT4ed, freeT4ed thyroxine hormone unbound by protein measured by equilibrium dialysis (thyroid function) GGT gamma - glutamyltranferase (liver disorders) Glob globulin (liver, immune system) Glu blood or urine glucose (diabetes mellitus) Gran granulocytes — subgroup of white blood cells Hb, Hgb hemoglobin — iron rich protein bound to red blood cells that carries oxygen (anemia, red cell mass) HCO3 - bicarbonate ion (blood pH) HCT, PCV, MHCT hematocrit, packed - cell volume, microhematocrit (hemoconcentration, dehydration, anemia) K + potassium ion — unbound potassium (kidney disorders, adrenal gland disorders) Lipa lipase enzyme — non specific (pancreatitis) LYME Borrelia spp. (tick - borne rickettsial disease) Lymph lymphocyte — type of white blood cell MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (anemia, iron deficiency) MCV mean corpuscular volume — average red cell size (anemia, iron deficiency) Mg +2 magnesium ion — unbound magnesium (diabetes, parathyroid function, malnutrition) MHCT, HCT, PCV microhematocrit, hematocrit, packed - cell volume (hemoconcentration, dehydration, anemia) MIC minimum inhibitory concentration — part of the C&S that determines antimicrobial selection Mono monocyte — type of white blood cell MRI magnetic resonance imaging (advanced tissue imaging) Na + sodium ion — unbound sodium (dehydration, adrenal gland disease) nRBC nucleated red blood cell — immature red blood cell (bone marrow damage, lead toxicity) PCV, HCT, MHCT packed - cell volume, hematocrit, microhematocrit (hemoconcentration, dehydration, anemia) PE physical examination pH urine pH (urinary tract infection, urolithiasis) Phos phosphorus (kidney disorders, ketoacidosis, parathyroid function) PLI pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (pancreatitis) PLT platelet — cells involved in clotting (bleeding disorders) PT prothrombin time (bleeding disorders) PTH parathyroid hormone, parathormone (parathyroid function) Radiograph x-ray image RBC red blood cell count (anemia) REL Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever / Ehrlichia / Lyme combination test Retic reticulocyte — immature red blood cell (regenerative vs. non-regenerative anemia) RMSF Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever SAP serum alkaline phosphatase (liver disorders) Schirmer Tear Test tear production test (keratoconjunctivitis sicca — dry eye,) Seg segmented neutrophil — type of white blood cell USG Urine specific gravity (urine concentration, kidney function) spec cPL specific canine pancreatic lipase (pancreatitis)-- replaces the PLI test spec fPL specific feline pancreatic lipase (pancreatitis)-- replaces the PLI test T4 thyroxine hormone — total (thyroid gland function) TLI trypsin - like immunoreactivity (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency) TP total protein (hydration, liver disorders) TPR temperature / pulse / respirations (physical exam vital signs) Trig triglycerides (fat metabolism, liver disorders) TSH thyroid stimulating hormone (thyroid gland function) UA urinalysis (kidney function, urinary tract infection, diabetes) Urine Cortisol - Crea Ratio urine cortisol - creatine ratio (screening test for adrenal gland disease) Urine Protein - Crea Ratio urine protein - creatinine ratio (kidney disorders) VWF VonWillebrands factor (bleeding disorder) WBC white blood cell count (infection, inflammation, bone marrow suppression)
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