Sentences with phrase «like micromanaging»

Campaign missions can become very difficult if you fail to preserve forces between missions and the technicalities of combat — like micromanaging units to attack the softer top armour of frigates — becomes arduous in Homeworld's biggest scraps.

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«Those pushing for net neutrality think the world would work better if the Internet was somehow magically transformed into a public utility, like a water or electricity company, with the FCC and state regulators setting rates, overseeing investment, and micromanaging relationships between providers and customers,» Downes says, adding the result would be devastating to the smooth functioning of ISP networks.
While it offers benefits and perks like any modern creative company, Adobe's is a culture that avoids micromanaging in favor of trusting employees to do their best.
Nobody likes being micromanaged, but Millennials are particularly averse to having someone else's fingers all over their work.
I feel like I have to control everything, which leads to micromanaging every aspect of my business.
Perhaps they feel like you're micromanaging them or are too demanding.
Helpdesk employees felt like «Big Brother» was micromanaging them with a timing and scoring system.
The same sort who is sitting up in heaven feverishly micromanaging (as if God even cognitively functions like humans) the affairs of men in order to» keep up.»
I don't like to micromanage people — I like to give people the freedom to do what they want and need to do to be successful.
I've read some accounts on McDougall's forum of people still not able to eat stuff like white potatoes without spikes but micromanaging may not be necessary until one is completely WPFB.
People have a complicated — and varied — biology and it is impossible to micromanage individual nutrients — if you do finish PHD you should move on to an author who really knows his stuff and has actually done nutrition / cancer research like T. Colin Campbell, in his new book Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition, and also his first book the China Study.
Would you like to stop pushing, micromanaging, and forcing things so you can relax?
I felt so comfortable and very much like myself — maybe the first time in ages — that I didn't even bother to micromanage her or anxiously try to have a glimpse or two.
I got the sense that the Community Schools initiative, much like PROSE, is a restricted and micromanaged venture, where growth and innovation are discussed, but not allowed to breathe.
Leaving aside the issue of whether it is even desirable to have any intervention in the market, such as Fannie and Freddie buying more mortgage loans, it seems like the debate has shifted to the question of encouraging moral hazard, something foreign to Alan Greenspan, who thought he could micromanage monetary policy.
The obvious tradeoff is that a call at too l.ow a level has you feeling like you are still micromanaging.
** If you do catch the dog making a mistake in the house (and you will, because you are micromanaging his behavior so accidents won't happen), make a noise like «AAACCKKK» ** and quickly take him outside.
Those restrictions, and all the micromanaging, create an authentic role - playing experience like nothing else on the market.
Micromanaging your party feels like more of a puzzle than true combat, which is something reflected further in the combat system itself.
It's pretty complex stuff as each action is assigned to a button, and the game forces you to micromanage every single one just to do the most mundane stuff like walking around, picking up items, getting dressed and more.
Like many of Alliance Alive's other components there's a lot of flexibility, and much of the fun steam from micromanaging Formations and positional roles, to gain an upper hand against foes.
All these elements lead to you needing to restart from the last checkpoint over and over again until you micromanage things so much that playing the game just feels like work.
And in a game like StarCraft, where micromanaging your army via strenuous, heavily spammed key presses known as APM is crucial, an N64 controller can't even begin to compare.
Additionally, you have to micromanage elements like changing engine oil, tuning transmissions, and replacing tires.
While you can certainly get through the game just mixing and matching Mirages to your heart's content, folks who like to micromanage will be giddy to find out just how much customization can be done to your battle teams.
The game is so ready for you to micromanage, the d - pad «hotkeys» take you to menus to adjust skills and equipment, or check your «stomach stock,» where you keep found items until the next level end (by the way, you can digest these items to increase your current GigaCalories as well), while leaving basic things like healing and restorative items to be hotkeyed to the touch panel.
Sometimes it is hard to feel like you are doing your job if you don't micromanage.
In my view, micromanaging lawyer activities by blocking access to Facebook (a practice about which Steve Matthews is gathering more information at Stem Legal) doesn't seem like a great idea.
It's a fun idea, especially for those who like to micromanage their use.
Yes, micromanaging your base is always going to be an important part of the RTS experience, but games like StarCraft II and Age of Empires III have demonstrated how streamlining base - building can help players focus on long - term strategies instead.
If your boss likes to micromanage, the best way to turn them into an ally is to give them what they want.
Having staff like that in your business is far better for you and your company than trying to push and micromanage unenthusiastic staff who stick to doing the bare minimum they can get away with, especially when you have targets to meet.
Companies don't like to micromanage, yet often have to, when there aren't strong leaders to take charge.
Neither boomers nor Gen Xers like to be micromanaged, so give them goals and let them choose their path.
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