Sentences with phrase «like migratory»

Like a migratory fish probing upstream, he's exhibited remarkable agility and pragmatism in trying to reach a laudable goal — an energy menu for humanity that can work for the long haul.
Like some migratory birds and sea turtles, spiny lobsters possess an ability known as true navigation, the ability to determine one's position relative to a destination without reference to landmarks or cues gathered en route.
These include creatures like migratory waterfowl, small mammals, and salmon that would have been part of a more seasonally based diet.

Not exact matches

Now I'd like to post the comments of Bob Rice from the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (SMBC), the developer and guardian of Bird - Friendly certified coffee:
Or it may have navigated using Earth's magnetic field, much like some amphibians and migratory birds.
If you're like me, you're thinking, «But I went into science because I want to study quasars,» or «because I'm obsessed with migratory birds,» or «because I was too nerdy for a Ph.D. in anthropology but not nerdy enough for a Ph.D. in engineering.»
And it's like eastern Cuba is so important for migratory birds.
One of the interesting things to study, we know Central Park is important for migratory birds and we know that they depend upon the food resources that are here, but no one has ever really done a systematic survey of what actually they are feeding on, like we have never done a canopy study of all the invertebrates up in the trees to see what's coming out when and what is the predominant part of the diet of different birds and sort of quantifying; but what they have done — people have done — with shore birds and sort of gauging, weighing them, you know, catching them, weighing them, seeing how much weight they gain over time while they are rather resting and feeding before they depart on their northern trip.
Now, Ruegg and colleagues would like to expand the analysis to other migratory birds, including endangered species, if they can get funding.
Ocean scientists debate over the efficacy of MPAs when it comes to migratory species, like hammerheads, with a range too large to ever protect in full.
Flu experts worry that migratory birds infected with a new strain of the H5N1 virus, like the bar - headed goose (left), might carry it far from their breeding ground at Lake Qinghai.
More than 1,000 migratory bottlenose dolphins have died from a measles - like virus along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard in 2013 and the epidemic shows no sign of abating, a marine biologist said on Monday.
Although MPAs can work well at protecting habitats like coral reefs and nonmigratory wildlife such as the coconut crab, the authors say that more effort needs to be made to protect migratory species such as the green turtle and the hawksbill turtle from poachers, marine debris, and fishing gear entanglement.
At the same time, the change in adjacent vegetation will affect migratory mammals, like caribou.
The defrosting is likely to have a cascading effect, concentrating migratory birds that feed at the freshwater lakes into smaller areas and making some species more vulnerable to predators like foxes.
Wind turbines along migratory routes have proven deadly for raptors like the golden eagle, but turbines can't hold a candle to domestic cats or building collisions.
A structure containing interstitial fibroblast - like cells developed within the WAT in sexually immature migratory adults.
Reason # 11 to get involved Wildlife corridors allow migratory species, like the wildebeest and zebra, to roam safely.
Neural crest - like stem cells (NCLSC) share many properties with aggressive melanoma cells, such as high migratory capabilities and expression of neural crest markers.
But here at home, a much smaller organism may be circling the globe time and time again without accolades: According to a new study, the itty bitty dragonfly Pantala flavescens could take longer flights than any other known insect, putting it in the ballpark of larger migratory animals like birds and whales.
Migratory birds bring benefits to so many different places; over the course of 15 years, a small shorebird like the red knot (Calidris canutus) flies nearly 280,000 miles — or the distance to the moon and partway back!
The whales and dolphins are visible from Moonstone Beach but if you would like to get a little closer, Sea Life Studies Whale Watching Trips take you out into the migratory paths of these magnificent animals to unobtrusively observe them in their natural habitat.
Federally protected Magdalena Bay and San Ignacio Lagoon also hosts a vast array of other sea life like bottlenose dolphins, sea lions and dense mangroves which provide cover for an incredible variety of sea birds and migratory birds.
While frequent flyer miles and travel rewards can both be effective ways to pay for your much - needed getaway, unless you're in the air more than a migratory bird, it can feel like forever to collect the points you need.That said, saving in the skies can be as simple as saving in the grocery aisles if you know how to properly stack your points and miles.
Between September and March, migratory shorebirds such as the Pacific golden plover also like to flock here.
Augmented with thirteen pews repurposed from the University of Chicago's Bond Chapel, an altar, and a giant double horizontal axis cross, the installation calls attention to the already cathedral - like quality of architect Josef Paul Kleihues's entrance, while also referencing the migratory history of religious communities.
An oil spill could devastate endangered species like polar bears and bowhead whales, destroy habitat for millions of migratory birds, and jeopardize the subsistence - based Inupiat culture.
No More «Bird Massacres» Many experts believe the ban has distorted that tradition and led to reckless hunting, like a controversial incident this past spring when a man killed dozens of migratory storks in north Lebanon and posted pictures of himself with his dead prey on Facebook.
Many countries host species found nowhere else, like the Marvelous Spatuletail in Peru, as well as migratory species like Blackpoll Warbler that depend on Amazonian forests in winter.
For largely unseen and migratory animals like most whale species, it is extremely difficult to establish any definitive facts and figures.
The research, which looked exclusively at the Northern hemisphere, examined 743 estimates on the rate of springtime advance from 86 years of related studies, drawing on springtime indicators like the appearance of new leaves, blooming flowers and migratory birds.
NAR and others supported the Supreme Court decisions to reject federal agency attempts to assert jurisdiction beyond navigable waters to all waters based on theories like the presence of migratory birds.
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