Sentences with phrase «like mucus»

This discharge often looks like mucus and is transparent.
The blood is bright red and sometimes there's a jelly - like mucus.
A jelly - like mucus may be produced when the large intestines suffer from an inflammatory process or infection.
Drinking purified water frequently hydrates the respiratory system that can have accumulating substances like mucus making breathing difficult.
Mucoid plaque is like mucus that can...
If you see raspberry coloured stool that looks like mucus similar to congealed fat, you need to call your doctor immediately, it could be a sign of serious intestinal problem.
If this is the case, and you're not sure when to use the test, begin to monitor your cervical mucus and wait to take the test when you've noticed an increase in this clear, stretchy, egg white - like mucus that is secreted around the time of ovulation.
It may be a different color, slimier, or contain something that looks like mucus (snot).
«Spirit» is now only a product of human individuals «which they contain and secrete like mucus and urine.»

Not exact matches

Like a «Jonah & the Whale» thing, only with rhino mucus.
A split second later, all my husband's precious, fragile eggs were broken on the ground, the yolks and whites creating a sticky, mucus - like pool inside the bag.
While mucus is constantly being produced and degraded in a normal gut, the change in bacteria activity under the lowest - fiber conditions meant that the pace of eating was faster than the pace of production — almost like an overzealous harvesting of trees outpacing the planting of new ones.
I am looking at the exact same one right now, almost in the same spot (even with a white fabric, you can see it must have been some kind of cheese remnant)... my kid seems to think the futon - couch is her personal, huge, handkerchief or all - purpose wipe, and she will leave snail - like traces of mucus...
See below for advice on charting your basal body temperature, using an ovulation predictor kit, what cervical mucus looks like through your cycle, and getting pregnant fast.
And then I like to put it in there and then suck it back out and get that mucus out, which is the best way to open your baby's airways when they seem stuffy.
At first it seemed acidic, then it was mucus like, now it's a lime green color.
I was scared when it sounded like he couldn't breathe because of the mucus in his nose.
Most of these methods involve a combination of tracking things like cervical mucus, basal body temperature, spotting or menstrual bleeding, and the position and firmness of your cervix.
On their backs wasn't an option as they would choke on their mucus and turn blue (some c - section babies have issues like this and all of mine were c - sections).
Now they have smeared a long line of slug - like snot halfway across their face and it has dried into a crusty path of mucus.
You should be concerned, however, if your baby has blood or mucus in their poop, has recurring diarrhea, or if the baby's poop is a strange color, like black, red, or chalky white.
Your baby girl may pass some thick white mucus (like ovulatory mucus) and possibly some blood from her vagina for up to a few days.
Like liquids, steam also helps loosen mucus in the body and clear up chest congestion.
And since this is caused by a virus, it is contagious via exchange of body fluids like saliva and mucus.
Things to be especially on the lookout for are any signs of blood or mucus in the nappy (these should be reported to a health visitor or doctor as soon as possible) as well as signs your baby might be constipated (hard, rabbit dropping - like stools) or have diarrhoea (extremely watery liquid - like poo that comes our very quickly and loosely, often seeping through the nappy onto baby's clothes) as these could be a sign something is wrong and they may be unwell.
B - Thin and stretchy mucus that is clear or more of like an egg white, it is usually a sign of the onset of a fertile period.
Like defensive mucus, Li's concoctions can bond surfaces chemically, physically and electrostatically.
The researchers found that production of this mucus lining depends upon a single immune system regulator — the NLRP6 inflammasome — that controls mucus secretion by cells in the wall of the intestine, just like turning on a faucet.
Both gypsum and calcite, found in drywall and cement, irritate mucus membranes, like those in the eyes, nose and throat.
The growth wasn't cancerous, but it was secreting a «thick copious mucus - like material», which is probably why it was pressing painfully on her spine, says Brian Dlouhy at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City, the neurosurgeon who removed the growth.
The new model allows researchers to run large - scale experiments in conditions that are much more like the actual places where the bacteria colonize, without requiring researchers to collect countless specimens of actual mucus, called sputum, from humans.
«It's not like they develop a runny nose, the mucus just runs out of their tissues and protects the coral surface,» Grottoli said.
Healthy corals produce mucus just like healthy humans do.
The filamentous bacteria combine with the mucus to form a hair - like surface that apparently shields the Pompeii worm from physical and thermal bombardment by the vent.
This champion marine worm (Lineus longissimus) can stretch up to 55 meters, longer than an Olympic - sized pool, and coats itself in mucus smelling a bit like iron or sewage.
When threatened, they secrete a gelatinous slime containing mucus and tens of thousands of protein threads coiled like skeins of yarn.
This enables them to suck up their meal of the coral's mucus like someone drinking a milkshake through a straw.
In patients with this mutation, called G551D, the distorted protein obstructs the flow of salt and fluids through the surface of cells, causing mucus in the lungs to thicken like oatmeal.
They ran regular fundraisers to develop new drugs, like those that broke up the mucus or delivered aerosolized antibiotics that penetrated deep in the lungs to fight infection.
It belongs to a group of gram - negative, rod - shaped bacteria called the Pantoea, which form yellowish mucus - like colonies.
Tiny hair - like structures on cells lining your airways, called cilia, push the mucus back up to your throat.
Many people start with mucus - thinning products like Mucinex and Robitussin.
It is a good thing we use cloves in pudding and pie because, like cinnamon, cloves are an antidote to the mucus forming nature of desserts.
A cup of ginger tea or juice strengthens the immune system and acts like an expectorant (a medication that dissolves mucus).
Aside from your fitness, mindfulness, sleeping and eating habits, you have the ability to track other important data as well, from your your body fat percentage and cervical mucus quality to medical data like your blood pressure and blood glucose levels.
That's when nasal mucus secretions really ramp up, making your nose run like a faucet or causing thick congestion.
Boogers are just dried up mucus (and other particles, like dirt, dust, and pollen).
Like marshmallow, licorice is a soothing demulcent (something that encourages mucus production) making it perfect for dry, spasmodic coughs.
Other times, mucus can get thick like sludge, blocking the sinus cavities and preventing proper drainage, adds Dr. Elliott.
, brightly colored packaging, unconventional and rare ingredients like pearl, snail mucus, and gold — let's not overlook the accessibility of single - serve products and lower price points — it's no wonder Korean beauty has struck a chord with the masses.
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