Sentences with phrase «like neurotic»

He treated the iconic characters, loaned out to him for a couple of expensive hours, like neurotic people, trading as many barbs as blows.
It's the rare Allen comedy where he doesn't insert an Allen - like neurotic character, and the script finds inventive ways to be funny and thoughtful.
This flash - forward opening also labors hard to melodramatically inflate the importance of both the game and this individual rivalry; for as much as Borg / McEnroe makes tennis players look like neurotic, joyless psychos, it also comes close to depicting them as demigods on the court.

Not exact matches

«Neurotic individuals preferred music with negative emotions and intensity; open - minded and liberal people liked complex melodies; while those who identified as agreeable and extroverted liked songs with positive emotions,» writes Conrad.
When stress builds up to a sort of boiling point, that's the only thing that works for a hyper - neurotic control freak like me.
Christians, on the other hand, who seem to think the own everything and can tell everyone what to do, need to be treated like any other aggressive neurotic children — firmly denied each and every anti-social desire they have no matter how much they whine or throw a temper tantrum.
Their psychopathological vulnerabilities are much like everyone else's — developmental, neurotic, characterological, and (much less commonly) psychotic.
People don't like me and I don't like myself, says the neurotic.
For Shepard the sensibility we need, if we are to be saved from neurotic self - destruction as a species, is like that of our hunting and gathering ancestors.
The Year of Learning Dangerously is all about creative, obstreperous Alice and her neurotic mother, which is precisely why I liked it, even as I winced at Cummings» pseudo-anthropology.
Neurotics can not conform like most people, nor can they move ahead purposefully.
Her mother is described as «very nervous and neurotic — a cold, straight - laced person who didn't like people.»
This may sound a little on the neurotic side to some people (like my husband) but I am always trying to find ways to cut cost and make things healthier at the same time.
Now, I'm a little bit OCD / neurotic about meals with multiple components (like curry with rice, or sauce with pasta) because I like to make sure every serving has the same amount of both things.
wobs like you are neurotic and insane.
A neurotic Liverpool fan (read: me) might worry that Klopp's philosophy is destined to fizzle out in England — there's no winter break like there is in Germany — but by the end of this past season, he already had them playing like a pack of wolves.
I am not advocating being «neurotic» about choking foods like me.
Well, at least it is for alarmist, hand - wringing, nervous - stomach, neurotic mothers like me.
I hope to keep a few phrases from your writing in my head to repeat like a mantra when I'm around my incredibly neurotic mil.
My google history probably makes me look like the most neurotic parent to ever exist.
That is the biggest reason I know that my kids will know I love them, even if they turn out super neurotic like me.
We read about prodigies like Mozart, whose musical skills were at genius level, but who had little chance to develop any others, and ended up depressed and neurotic, dying young.
Like, you think there's actually a chance my kid will remember breastfeeding (a natural, peaceful, comforting experience) as some sexual act that will inevitably turn them into a neurotic or socially subversive weirdo?
Male menopause can also bring forth what seems like adolescent behavior... i.e. a neurotic fixation on matters sexual.
Like counting calories for a fitness regimen, counting minutes makes me feel neurotic and anxious.
Do caged mice really like their exercise wheels, or are they just bored and neurotic?
If you are in that kinda number phase but eventually I want every single person listening to put minimal RAM, you know, just like your computer, minimal resources of your brain — I want minimal resources to be dedicated to worrying and focusing on this stuff, because I want it to be something that just goes on the backburner and you just do it almost subconsciously it makes people neurotic.
Yes, I acknowledge that this is slightly neurotic, but like I said, when I get a new hobby, I go all in.
How would you like to be stuck in a dark room for hour upon hour listening to a neurotic middle - aged woman complain about her love life?
Meanwhile in present, Ann continues to regret her past, Nina and Constance fight over which one of them is pathetic like their mother, and Nina tells her boyfriend (Ebon Moss - Bachrach, making the daring decision to not act) she's going to be neurotic for a while.
Likewise, Isabelle Huppert plays so many neurotic women that playing another one in «Elle» doesn't seem like a tremendous departure.
We discover the complexities of Havana's life as she receives massages from self - help guru and bona fide Bengal Dr. Stafford Weiss (John Cusack), himself in a troubled marriage to the neurotic Cristina (Olivia Williams), who acts as manager to the obnoxious Benjie (Evan Bird), their 13 year - old son who's the star of a profitable franchise and already familiar with what the inside of expensive rehab facilities look like.
I don't like Owen Wilson much at all, but I'll put up with him for this (and it seems like Allen's neurotic writing is working for him pretty well).
It's more Baumbach than Allen (Ross Perry's are more baldly mean spirited and they seem less driven by their neurotic tendencies); films like
He seems like the perfect, neurotic Allen surrogate but alas it has never come to pass.
From then on, he is not Bradley Cooper, or even someone in the mold of one of the finely detailed neurotics he has portrayed so compellingly in films like Silver Linings Playbook or American Hustle,» the New York Times «theater critic wrote in his review.
Stars, especially comic ones, operate on the promise of delivering the goods via a well - honed persona, e.g., you go to a Ben Stiller comedy to witness him acting like an uptight, neurotic everyschlub.
I love that her three best friends are a neurotic girl, a gay man and a girl who swears like a sailor.
It's not the most ambitious story that Baumbach has ever told, but films like Squid And The Whale and Greenberg kind of pushed him as far as he could go in his comedic character studies of uncompromisingly neurotic and damaged adults.
Like Robert Ryan, the great, long - gone Hollywood actor who specialized in playing cheerfully troubled neurotics, Olyphant seems to understand that low - budget action flicks are just the place for an actor to cut loose and have fun.
The cast consists of a few Happy Madison film mainstays, like Adam Sandler and Kevin James, but has new additions in the form of an outlandishly neurotic Josh Gad and the epitome of American bravado in Peter Dinklage.
Henry, you understand, is a very odd man with a lot of problems, which seem less like a consistent syndrome than a collection of random neurotic tics.
If I'm going to do a film about guys trying to pick up girls, like «Swingers,» I'm going to have them be neurotic and whining and nervous and scared.
Yelchin's soulful stare sometimes brought to mind a stoned Elijah Wood, but with a neurotic edge that made him a perfect fit for everything from rom - com leads with relationship woes (Like Crazy) to victims of life - or - death circumstance (this year's superb Green Room) to combinations of the two (Joe Dante's Burying The Ex), as well as roles that allowed him to showcase his range.
And if Larraín ultimately can't resist treating his subject like an icon (albeit one complicit in her own lionization), at least he also acknowledges the intense pressure that status must have put on her — not to mention the furious, neurotic, devastated person beneath the facade.
And then there's Sedaris himself: neurotic, incisive and perpetually annoyed — just the way we like him.
In More Love, Less Panic: 7 Lessons I learned About Life, Love, and Parenting After We Adopted Our Son from Ethiopia, Knobler explains how his struggle to turn the wild, silly, loud and «too optimistic» Nati into a quiet, neurotic Jew like himself forever changed the way he approached parenting.
Alex — The only bad thing (and this may be because I'm practically neurotic about this stuff) is that I keep hearing things I'd like to have changed.
The Kindle feels like it was designed by Oleg Tarlev's only slightly less neurotic brother.
Traders, like modern financial innovators, need to be a lot like inventors than Neurotics.
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